Chapter 5
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Serious thumbs up to writers who can pump out word counts on a regular schedule. I am painfully inferior.


Who? So noisy.


Shudup...lemme sleeeeeep…

Ahhh...blissful silence. It’s actually quite nice being a cloud. Sleep whenever and for however long. Nobody can hurt me, and I can travel the world. But for now...sleep.

{Host recharged. Destination arrived.}

Can nobody let a girl sleep around here?! Oh well, might as well get up now. Or open the eyes in my case. Hmm, do I even have eyes?

Before she could derail even further, the new surrounding came into view.

Wow...beautiful. It took her a moment to take in the sea of green that she traded the sea of blue for. Although grateful for the much needed scenery change, she doesn't know if she should laugh or cry at her current situation. Trading one type of isolation for another.

[Author: Yay social distancing...]

Looking on the bright side, she’s one step closer to civilization, and she can treat it as a vacation filled with nature! There’s sure to be life among the dense pack of trees which she can easily stalk with the zoom and maneuver function of her new vision.

She forgot if she mentioned that aspect of her vision. Wait, why would she need to mention that to herself…?

{Hello guest! Hope you enjoyed your trip on the Hurricane express. An efficient and natural way of travel. Was the soothing music of intense wind speeds whipping up the ocean to your taste?}

Who are you and what have you done to IV(Inner Voice)?!

{Apologies, I was reading the short survey you received at the end of your flight. It’s not required if you rather not share your opinions.}

Ok, that sounds like normal everyday stuff. Sigh. She really should learn to expect things out of the ordinary. She’s a cloud for goodness sake!

So how does the whole transportation thing work? Is it an AI system or like actual people or what?

{I’m not equipped to answer questions regarding such issues. Please keep in mind I’m technically ‘you’ with some bare minimum knowledge to help you transition better into your new life. I’m not all-knowing.}

Maybe she should have kept around the system then…

{Excuse me. What was th-}

Ahem. Sorry, I was just wondering if there’s a magic system in this world and the time period compared to Earth?

{Obviously, it shouldn’t be that difficult for the average person to realize there is ‘magic’ in this world. There seem to be some ‘issues’ with the knowledge packet that requires my attention. Do try not to get killed.}

Oof. Am I really that petty? She is still as annoyingly insensitive as usuals it seems. A bad habit. Oh well, there’s no time for regret. Time to see how well she can use her two brain cells to gather some clues on this world.

Trees. Trees. And more trees. Oh wait-a slight motion caught her attention. A rustle in one of the trees.

Awww. So adorable. A cute monkey with chubby cheeks and big eyes came into her view. He was sitting peacefully on the tree limb minding his own business, not knowing he was being peeped on by a cloud.

It didn’t take Amy too long to notice the huge deer with an impressive set of antlers munching down on some glowing grass not far from the monkey. Looks quite yummy actually. Wonder if she can grab a bite. What do clouds eat anyways? First thing she needs to ask IV when she’s back.

After staring at the cute monkey some more, Amy decided to explore further. Not soon after she left, the ‘monkey’ slashed the air at the deer. A sliver of blue light flew through the deer, slicing it in half. Hmmp, a stupid deer trying to eat his mana plants. Consider it a warning to all the idiots thinking about his food.

Achoo! Wow, she didn’t know a cloud could sneeze. Maybe somebody’s talking about her. Har har har ridiculous. Moving on the more pressing matters, If she had a stomach it would be thundering right now. So hungry.

The group of bunnies she’s been investigating for almost half an hour are looking more delicious than cute right about now.

Weird, she expected the animal to be more physically unique since this is a magic world and all. What she’s seen so far is quite disappointing. Where’s all the dragons, phoenixes, bunnies with horns, and random animals with wings?

At least the vegetation did not disappoint. Although, she wouldn’t know if these plants also grew in the more wild parts of Earth. One thing for sure, the ones on Earth definitely didn’t glow like this. She took note of the few such unique patches she noticed on her journey.

It’s really too bad how far she actually is from the ground even though her eyesight is good.

Bump. Bump.

Nani? She glances around again. Nothing. Oh wait. Her body’s not actually here.  We literally just went over this. Stupid Amy.

Zoom out. 

Ahh, a cloud. No not herself, but another one. It’s weird how solid it feels bumping into her.

Hey-omg I can speak...Ahem, I meant watch where you’re going cloud.”

Ignored. Ouch, fellow cloud ignored her too. She would take a mean word over this silence. *crying face*

Whatever *sniffle, sniffle* it’s not worth it.

“Yo cloud, ignore me if you want, but stay out of my personal bubble or I’ll bite you.”

“Oh? Do you think that’s an empty threat? I’m not only bark no bite you hear me? You better be gone on the count of three or else…”

“1...2...3…”chomp. Chomp. Chomp…*choke*..gulp.

Yup, she somehow bit into the cloud with no visible mouth. The fact that she actually went through with the cannibalism is besides the point.

Amy is shook at how good it is. Cotton candy texture but softer...sweetness just right...and the flavors taste more real than artificial. Wow, mindblown. Chomp, chomp…empty chomp.

Holy crap she ate the entire cloud already. At least she’s not as hungry anymore, but she definitely still has room for s’more.

She can see more cloud floating around, but they’re out of reach...hmmmp, hmmmp. Nope, she’s still going at the same speed as all the other clouds, cruising the winds. This can’t do, she’ll never catch up this way. It’s like running after someone else who’s also running in PUBG.

How to move around more freely is first thing she needs to ask IV. It’s unbelievable she still hasn't figured it out yet. Hmm, maybe she should try to see if she can work it out...I mean, she did blunder upon a food source for herself without help. Luck is also a skill.

Feel it...feel it… f-

She felt something. Oh, is this it? It's a nice bubbling. Omg so exciting. I think this is it! It’s coming…


She’s suddenly propelled forwards face first into a cloud.