Volume 0002-Revelation & Growth, Chapter – 038 – Evolution – Degenerates
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The first half-hour in space resounded awful cries of curses, moans, and terrifying howls. Just like someone who has all the bones in his limbs crushed and is incapacitated. It is a horrible sight to see when it happens in front of you, even if it is just the bones in your tiny finger.

A half-hour passes by and Theodore feels the pain-reducing little by little, gnashing his teeth with tears falling from his cheeks. The shrieks reduce to soft moans, not those of pleasure but disgruntlement as his vocal cords became strained.

Gradually he felt that he overcame the hardest part of his bones being reformed. Slowly but steadily it begins to feel more comfortable. Theodore tries to sit, but Spacey warned him to remain laying down and that’s what he did until the whole process was over.


Spacey voice resounds in space, saying: “I didn’t expect the blood essence of those animals had such a tremendous effect on your body.” Theodore complains and says: “Yeah right! You had your suspicion but didn’t share it with me! Damn you, Spacey, what would’ve happened if the others were here!”

Spacey teasing voice is heard, saying: “I would’ve to transport you into space and expel everyone else to have you undergo this mutation. You’ll need to understand that this is a very beneficial change for you. This is the next evolution of humankind. Well, actually re-evolve the body you possess.”


Spacey's voice turns serious and says: “Since you’ve read the introduction of Spatial Server, you should be aware that my kind has a preferred choice in which we like to form a symbiotic relationship with simple-minded living beings.” [Volume 1, Chapter 3]

“In general as early as my genes can remember is the attraction towards animals and plants. They were the first thinking existence in the Universe though they start off dumb once they evolve they can be as smart as intellectual humanoid beings.”

“Intellectual humanoid beings came with time and soon dominated over the animals and the plants. Some races had an amicable relationship with animals and plants, and others view them as a source to enhance their strength and to fulfill their hunger.”

“By now you should have guessed. All these animals and plants currently have innate abilities through trillions of years of breeding, cross-breeding, and devouring other species. It’s what you, humans, assumed it to be ‘nature-instinct’. But to put it plainly it’s the same as talents, though it’s derived and passed through the marrow for animals and through the roots for plants instead for humans through their genes.”

Spacey voice turns soft as in whispering tone, saying: “My speculation is that all humanoid beings come from these supreme magical animals and supreme magical plants with crossbreeding, the evolution of intellectual creatures came to be Elven, Dwarven, Humans, Beastmen, and other kinds trillion years ago.”


Theodore is quietly listening to Spacey and different expressions were shown on his face. Finally, he says in disbelief: “So you mean that we are basically evolved animals and plants? Animals I can understand this theory, but plants?” He looks over the fields with a distraught expression.

Spacey says: “Why can’t plants be a sentient being? You should have a better understanding of plants now since your body contains Nature QI. How else are they able to communicate through feelings with you?”

“You have to understand that Universe existed for a very long time and with trillions of years of breeding, crossbreeding there should be evolved plants all over the Universe and they were the first organisms that came to be. Think about fungi…”


Theodore interrupts Spacey by saying: “Are there still living sentient plants? And can you explain what just happened to me?” Spacey has some doubts in his voice, and says: “There should still be sentient plants somewhere in the Universe, not sure here though.”

Soon after Spacey's voice turns serious again: “As for what happened to you, your marrow has accepted the blood essence of the animals. The production of your red cells will change your whole inner body system, though you will remain human outward if my guess is correct you will turn back to your original state.”


Theodore looks puzzled and asks: “Original state? What do you mean by that?” Spacey answers: “This might be harsh to hear but you will need to listen carefully.”

“Through the years I have watched you when we were on Earth. I can conclude that the human race is in decline if they don’t have the ability to evolve. Though the reproduction has maintained the huge population of the human race recently the human fertility isn’t as it used to on Earth without scientific and medical countermeasures.”

“There were even instances that the human race on Earth was in peril of extinction by 2 known pandemic diseases, Black plague, and Spanish flu. I am sure there were, and still are more, but the ingenuity of the human race manages to overcome these disastrous events by swiftly quarantine the infected and isolate them from the healthy.”

“But how long will it take when governments become lax and ‘accidently’ release a terrifying disease which knows no cure? It is something that is waiting to happen as many countries are still fooling around with these harmful bacteria in their underground facilities.”  


Letting Theodore take some time to digest the words, Spacey continues: “What I meant by the original state has a connection with its origin in the evolution of animals and plants as I earlier told you.”

“In some period of time, the existence of other races came to be. I don’t know the exact true history but I can guess that the humans were the first to distance themselves from their origin and roam the Universe first. But this was the biggest mistake they made because their race started slowly to decline if not for their ability to fast reproduce.”

“I believe that once you, humans, did have a long lifespan as elves, dwarves, and other long-living beings. But slowly your race declined after they moved away from their origin and their way of cultivation. I believe the vessel, you are now in, is part of that chain linkage between the older generation humans and the current humans which is a diluted version.”

“If you look at Earth’s human cycle from 0 to 19 years is the period of growth, a small period from about 20 to 30 is the human live peak, and then from there on they start slowly to deteriorate starting with the bones, the cells and the organs, depending on their intake of nutrition, the end of their cycle will slowly arrive.” [1]

“Basically it’s not the soul that can’t persist longer but it’s the vessel that’s breaking down. This is all due to the missing QI particles in the atmosphere on Earth, evolution is impossible there for humans, animals, and plants.”

“Here or outside there is abundant of these particles that improve your body structure all that missing is the blood. I am unsure if people here have tried infusing themselves with animal blood essence of magical animals, but I am sure if they tried, 9 out of 10 people would perish if not all.”

“Luckily you have me and the Spring Water, or the outcome would be the same! This is what I meant by the original state, your connection with nature is getting a step closer. Your hair, skin tone, and height will slowly return to the original, probably the father is a regular human in which this vessel inherit his dominant genes, while the mother is a dúnadan in which her genes remained dormant in this vessel."

"This all changed after the vessel got an infusion of Nature QI from its surroundings due to the Spring Water. And with the blood essence, you are now granted with 3 innate abilities Concealment, Burst, and Evasion though they are in an immature state. You will need to train these abilities yourself, besides cultivation.”


Theodore with his mouth agape lays there on the ground with his sight to the sky, and murmured: “No wonder … no wonder, the other races look down on us. Is this the reason?” Spacey harsh words are heard again: “Yes, it’s from their subconscious as they view the human race as a bunch of degenerates. And, if you ask them the reason, they can’t answer you because they don’t know!”

“But with you, it’s totally different as you seen the behavior of those elves, Haldir and Gildor, changed towards you. I do want to warn you to be extra careful to reveal your lineage as there are people out there who would like to do nothing more than putting you through a series of experiments. I recommend you to learn the innate ability Concealment as fast as you can, you’ll be able to hide your presence and aura in emergency situations.”

“It’s about time you return to the outside. I’ve used some of the remaining energy of this space. Put away the structure and get the stuff out of the locker, quickly.”


Theodore walks mechanically towards the building Eric and the others were working on. He touched the structure and placed it inside the backpack. He turns around and walks towards the Barn without saying a word, but his mind was reeling with thoughts: “Maybe I can give some of my blood to the others. They could get old as me and gain innate abilities as well?” Spacey's voice resounds in his ear: “Don’t have these foolish thoughts. You have to wait until the scientific facility is build to do those experiments. It’s too early to think of ways to improve their constitution.”


Theodore arrives before the Foreign Object Locker and connected it with the backpack. He transferred the dried up branches and leaves, the lump of salt, the block of saltpeter, and the ore, some of the common fruits and vegetables to his backpack.

Theodore looks around to see if he forgot something, having made sure he didn’t he commanded to exit OFT-Space. Returning back in the dining room, he walks towards the living room seeing Rainy sitting there by herself and approach her.


Theodore asks:Why are you here all by your own?Rainy looks at Theodore and says: Jen and Mags are taking in lessons from your mom. Your dad and Uncle are working in the fields. And, Aunty May is in the kitchen preparing snacks. I was waiting for you here. I can’t go outside without being notice according to your mom.”

“And, I am not alone Tiny is keeping me company, right Tiny?” “Screech,” is Tiny response with his arms crossed and nodding its head.


Theodore sits down and asks Rainy: “We should discuss the Dúnadan part in me. Like I said before, I don’t know anything about my birth parents. So being a Dúnadan is also shocking to me when your brother called me out that way.”

“I only have information on Dúnedain that is written by an author on Earth, they even made a movie of that book which is also in that stack of paper I gave you earlier. I truly don’t look like those people at all, black-haired and pale skin. But Spacey says that it might change soon since your blood was added in the Spring Water. I really don’t know if I can keep it from Eric and Jade any longer.”

Shaking his head, he continues: “The only logic explanation Spacey came up with is that my birth father has the same looks I currently have, blond hair, little tanned and blue eyes, whereas my birth mother should be a dark-haired, pale skin beauty a Dúnadan.”

Rainy lowers her head and mutters: “I am sorry, Theo.” Theodore shakes his head and says with a gentle tone: “What are you sorry about, Rainy? This is bound to happen anyway. If it’s not you than it would be someone else who carries the Nature QI. I just need to have a good talk with Eric and Jade. If possible I would rather call them my parents with everything we’ve gone through, then those that abandoned me.”

“But what I like to know, what kind of information your Elven race has on the Dúnedain? I am quite curious about their lineage and where I can find them.”


Rainy looks into Theodore's eyes trying to see if the words are spoken are sincere and without any deception to be found, she says: “All I know is taught to us by our teachers. We aren’t privy to see any historical records until we evolve to QI Elves, it’s the same as Condensing Stage of your Human race, some become archer-warrior other are more inclined to magic.”

“But my teachers told us that about 10,000 years ago the year of the ‘Great Cataclysmic Era’ ended, the Dúnedain of the Human race were the ones who united the survivors, Elven, Dwarven, Beastmen, and Humans, and helped with rebuilding all civilization in the New Era 'Dimmed Age'. They taught us…”

Theodore interrupted her by saying: “What is this ‘Great Cataclysmic Era’ and 'Dimmed Age Era'?” Rainy looks at Theodore in doubt and asks: “You don’t know?” Theodore looks into Space, shakes his head and looks back to Rainy, says: “No, as far as our records go back, it seems it started around 2500 years 'Before Golden Age'  (BGA) era everything before is not recorded or either kept hidden from the public.”

May walks in at the moment with 2 plates of snacks in her hands and overheard the last part of the conversation between Theodore and Rainy. She looks at both of them and says: “Can I call the others in I to think we all like to hear about the Era's because it’s something we haven’t heard of either.” Theodore looks at Rainy pleading. Rainy nodded. May put a happy smile on her face and put the plates on the table and went outside to call in the others.


Theodore says to Rainy: “Don’t tell them about the Dúnedain, just call them ancient humans, okay?” Rainy asks: “Why?” Theodore shakes his head and says: “Eric was there when your brother called me by that lineage. Eric would act differently around me if he thinks that I am something else, even if the Dúnedain is part of the humankind. Before we know what is so different from me and the rest we should just hold it off as long as we can.”

“And the fewer people know that I am a Dúnadan will be for the better. If others were to know, I would be treated the same way as what they are trying to do with your kind.” When Rainy hears this, she nodded in agreement.


Soon, Jade, the girls, and Haze were the first to enter the living room, Haze flew right to the plate of sliced baked meat, dived and took a slice from the plate while in the air. It finally landed on Theodore’s head. It swallows juicy meat in one go and says: ‘Tsk, you humans, raa, like to burn your food, raa, before eating, I prefer it bloody, raa,’ it shakes its head and lay down on Theodore’s head, not attempting to get another slice. While Theodore was stunned hearing Haze's words, he asks: “Spacey was that an illusion that I just heard, or was it Haze speaking?” Spacey was also stunned for the moment and says: “No it wasn’t an illusion, because I heard the same!

Suddenly a third voice is heard: “Hey! What are you, raa, doing in my mind? Who are you, raa?” And it bends its neck to look into Theodore’s eyes, Theodore says: “It’s me Theodore, Haze. And the other voice is Spacey, the one who controls the other place where we were.” Haze stood up and starts to build up energy and spread its wings and hollers: “WHERE IS THIS SPACEY, RAA, IT TOOK SOMETHING FROM ME, RAA!” Spacey says: “Calm down Haze, Jade is watching and she is stronger than you if you release any spells that might hurt the kids, she will shoot you down. I’ll explain why I took some of your blood essences.”

Putting one and one together, Spacey explains the function of the Spring Water and how beneficial it is to have its blood essence mix with it. Spacey tells it that it might be the ‘probable’ reason they could now spiritually communicate with each other since Theodore has evolved due to its blood essence. Haze looks suspiciously at Theodore, who just shrugged it off as it has nothing to do with him.

Spacey also explains the chance for it to become stronger faster with less effort, after drinking some of the Spring Water before sleeping. It apologizes to Haze that it took a few drops of blood essence without its consent, as it has no way of knowing if Haze could understand its request if asked. Spacey also told it that its blood essence will replenish after a period of time.

After bargain back and forth about Haze's portion of food and drinks, it settles down on Theodore’s head again and dozed off.


While having this new experience inside his head, Theodore got a headache of knowing to have these 2 blabbermouths in his head and probably will be at it again after a while. He looks strangely at Tiny, thinking why he doesn’t have the same connection with it and shudders thinking of all the voices in his head. Jade brought him back out of his reverie and asks: “Why did Haze have such a reaction?” Theodore getting back out from this state shakes his head and says: “I don’t know mom, perhaps it forgot something.” Jade asks: “Are you s…”

Before she could finish her words, Eric, May, and Bruce enter the living room. And Eric says: “Well, it’s a good time to have a break.” Then he looks to Rainy and asks: “Aunty told us that you have something to say about our p…”

Theodore interrupted Eric and says: “Dad, it has indeed something to do with our past. But more or less our combined past of all races that we know nothing of. Let Rainy explain.”



tries to explain:

  • [1] There are research graphs of various human age growth on the web that you can search for. Here is one, example: https://halls.md/index-height-weight/ Also, there are different charts for each country and ethnics group.