Chapter 44– The Art of No Desire.
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“Damn, you keep saying ego this ego that. What the hell even is an ego?” grunted Bold.
“Ego is that which is your false center. That which makes you feel like you’re separate, your own entity. That which haunts your mind and separates you from existence.”

All the words that ran out of Mikhail’s mouth made Bold confused.

“I’m not convinced at all. But I can say one thing”.

With his clear brown eyes Bold looked at him and promised:  

“I will not feel guilty. I will not repent. That’s the trick, right? Looking back on it now, If I never regretted my weakness, the loss. I never would have done all of the things I did.”

Listening to Bold’s confident voice and facing his stern look Mikhail could do nothing but smile at him gaily.

“That’s right. No matter what happens, do not regret the past. Cause not even god can change the past. So why bother. It’ll just drive your mind to another madness” said Mikhail.

Bold nodded. But he asked his next question with an obvious confusion in his tone: 

“So, I stopped repenting and regretting the past. Now what? Will I just magically be able to do the spell?” 

Mikhail scratched his head.

“No. There are a few things I observed and found out when it concerns mastering a spell and what determines its speed. Others may have noticed, maybe not. But I guarantee that it’s factual. There are two factors that determine how fast a person can learn a spell. One is imagination and the is clarity of mind” said Mikhail.

“Huh, is that so?” said Bold musingly.

“Yes. Imagination means your mind’s ability to well…imagine. A person’s imagination gets better the more you train it. And there are a lot of things one can do with imagination. There are meditation techniques that use imagination as well.

The other factor, the clarity of mind is the lack of random thoughts that crosses your mind. And to be more specific, it also requires one major thing. Lack of desire. It is crucial for mastering a spell.”

Bold was a little puzzled by the statement.

“Wait…No desire? How is that going to help? An urge to do training is a desire itself, no?” he asked. 

“Yeah, even the need to eat and drink is also a desire?” asked Emma.

“Mmm, you don’t exactly understand the meaning of the word desire, no?” asked Mikhail

“Well… yeah.” said Bold.

Mikhail cleared his throat and looked at him straight in the eyes then spoke: 

“Then listen up. Desire is the mind going forward into the future or better explained as not being content with the present. Yeah, the dictionary might say something else but that’s not the point. When I am using the word desire I am specifically referring to a mind that goes into the future or the past and completely forgets about the present moment, okay?  While going to the dining table you are thinking ‘I’m gonna eat a nice meal’ then this is desire”.

“It is? How?” asked Emma.

“During the small space of time when you go from your work desk to the dining table, you will be split. Your mind will be in the future and the body, the reality will be left behind. This is what has happened to you, Bold. You want to master that spell as fast and soon as possible. That desire has split you up into two.

Remember, one who is too concerned with tomorrow will lose today. When you type the codes and try to imagine the technique, your acts become impotent cause you are not there, your mind is in the future and you’re missing it. The instructions never stated you to be worried about getting attacked randomly or that you will gain it if you force yourself to work overboard. All you’ve accomplished is splitting yourself in two. But seeing as how you were also repenting and crying about how you weren’t able to save Mei. You completely divided yourself into three parts” said Mikhail and ended his speech with a chuckle.

Bold nodded and looked at the grassy ground contemplatively.

“I think I get it now” said Bold.

“Yeah, but how will we make our minds stop desiring?” asked Emma. 

“Bold, Emma. Let us meditate for a bit. Only then will you understand what I am saying and successfully master your spell”

Ugh, how is that shitty meditation going to help? a thought crossed Bold’s mind. 

“Umm, is that necessary?” asked Bold.

“Bold, just do as he says” grunted Emma.