Chapter 1 – OP WISH
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Gabriel: God why i am here?

God: because you already died

Gabriel: Why did i die?

God: You died because your friend hire a killer and kill you in your sleep, do you want to know who is it?    

Gabriel: No god it is okay

God: why you don't want to know?

Gabriel: because i already know who is it! ?

God: Oh! ? well okay enough of that i know you're strong so for now let me grant and fulfill 3 of you're wish ?

Gabriel: ? and why is that? ?

God: i dont know ?

Gabriel: Okay ?

Gabriel: my first wish i would like a magic that can create anything 

God: okay granted but have some restrictions i will explain it to you later, continue ?

Gabriel: thanks for my second wish can i first ask question? i would like  to know if the anime universe exist

God: yes it exist as for your wish?

Gabriel: i would like to be transported to the one piece world 3 years before start of the manga

God: okay granted ?

Gabriel: Before my third wish, i would like to know the restrictions on my first wish.

God: okay the rules are simple first you cannot leave the anime universe and return here on earth but you can go to other universe and you need to discover it yourself.

second you will start at the bottom level and you now i cant just make you god instantly and lastly to create things you like you need a life essence and can convert it with a divine power that can create anything but you need a large amount of it. Also i warn you dont casually harvest million of life essence from innocent living beings but sometimes its inevitable so if you really in need of it you need to think of a long term plan okay? that's all.

Gabriel: okay god i will remember! As for my last wish it is simple i only want to have a starting and considerable amount of divine power ?

God: okay but remember if you create like a private dimension, planet, item that generate more divine power or skill like instant death the divine power will not be enough so you need to use it carefully.

Gabriel: okay god!

God: how about your body?

Gabriel: its okay god i will take care of it ?

God: okay child i will send you now

Gabriel: thank you god ?

God: its okay 

With a wave of god hands a portal appeared taking along Gabriel soul.

God: at last i finally passed my all power to that child and i can finally sleep eternally that is ?


In the middle of a forest in East Blue

A black portal opened shocking the nearby beast and monster after a second it immediately closed making the beast confused of what happened but after lingering for a moment to where the portal opened they and nothing to find they all left.

If the beast or monster can see spiritually then they will see a soul of an young man with an age around 13-14 years old floating around the area from where the portal closed.

After the portal closed the young man spiritual eyes open and scanned the surrounding area.

Discovering that he is in the middle of a forest and with a beast and monster at that, he quickly decided to kill all of them and train here.

As ruthless it must be he didn't have a choice he need to live and fulfill every dream that he have and along the way enjoy it.

Deciding his next action he quickly float and find the best and safe place to construct his body and live there for a while.

However he didn't find any safe place because all of the cave has a beast or monster that is living on it. realizing this he search for a while for a place to test his magic without alerting any nearby beast.

After 5 minutes of search he finally find a flat top mountain without any nearby animal and decided to test his magic here.

Landing on the flat mountain he quickly try his creation magic.

Gabriel: Create Item: small stone

After saying that an almost neglible amount of divine power condensed in his palm then

*a 10 cm small stone appeared*

Gabriel: amazing ? if only i have unlimited divine power i can create rain of small stone or create my own world! ?

When he was indulging in his dream's and along the way to some of the novel he read something click in his mind and he quickly think and decided to create a simple system that will help him keep track of his statistics.

Gabriel: let me think about the style and content, first it will have my name, age, race, skill list, health point, divine power point, mana point and stamina point also inventory and enhancement where i will upgrade my statistics like my body or speed and other stuff

After thinking of what statistics and content he needed to add he still felt and think maybe something is missing?

Gabriel: well i will know it after im done creating it ?

After contemplating and dazing for a minute he decided of what type of system he want but now that he will create his system he didn't know how and how many divine power he needed and he didnt want to waste divine power or spend all of it because he didn't have his body yet, he dont want to become ghost with a system that will be not cool. ??

Minutes passed and he still cant decide of what to choose from the three type of system that he can think of.

With the first he will create an advance chip that has an advance ai along with the system and it will be created and become part of him the moment he construct his body.

While for the second type is to create a system format and will be integrated to a blank female soul created just to served him or his "master".

And for last type of system and the most simple one, which the system will be created like a skill like those in the sword and magic world most basic skill appraisal but more advance because appraisal only allow one to see stat but cannot do anything to it whereas the system can allow the host or he to upgrade, add or create something like shop.

Thinking for the last time he finally decided for the last and simple type and maybe he will spent less divine power to it. 

While he is still hesitant he didn't have time because if some beast with some unique skill or physique can see him he is dead for sure so he immediately said.

Gabriel: Create Skill: System / Description - Function:

- Display overall statistics of what the host or the user would like to display

- can also upgrade, edit, remove, add statistics or other stuff in the system using the command Update 

- if something goes wrong it will quickly display warning everytime followed by asking a permission from the host to allow the process to continue if not it will be closed or cancelled automatically.

He said while adding some simple warning so if something's amiss it will immediately gives a warning prompt. 

The moment he finished ¼ of his all of divine power vanish converted to a skill that he instantly learn making him closed his spiritual eyes and the moment his eyes he quickly said.

Gabriel: Skill: System! 


Name: Gabriel | Age: 14

Race: Human / God - (Disciple)

Health Point (HP): 0/0 | Mana Point (MP): 0/0

Stamina Point (STP): 0/0

Life Essence Point (LP): 0/100 | 10 LP = 1 SP

Divine Power Point (DPP): 749.999/1000

System Point (SP): 0 | 1 DPP = 1000 SP


Skill List


After appearing for like 5 seconds it disappear followed by a mechanical sound.



System: Warning! Permission to use DPP to continue viewing? (Y/N)


The moment he see that he knew that what is wrong and he hurriedly said.

Gabriel: No! ?

Gabriel: Damn i forgot skill use energy how can i forgot that, and clearly in this soul form all energy i have is my divine power and hell no i will use it for viewing ?

After cursing for like 10 seconds he calm down and said

Gabriel: well i am not perfect and even god make mistake and im only God Disciple so its okay ?

After saying that he quickly think to update the system and needed to add something's. And within a second he said.

Gabriel: Skill: System - Update

- Use Stamina Point for energy needed to view to System panel

- Create Shop Function: It can connect to host imagination and knowledge while categorizing it from a to z and also can determine the exact amount of DPP or SP will be use to buy or create all the item in the said shop

Moments passed a small amount of divine power condensed and become an information that quickly fused with his skill system instanly updating and learned.

After learning the update he hit his spiritual forehead realizing he dont have physical body and he still didn't have stamina.

Without a choice he begrudgingly open the system and use the .999 DPP for the time being and quickly said.

Gabriel: Skill: System!


System: Warning! Permission to use DPP to continue viewing? (Y/N)


Gabriel: Yes!

Without chance to curse a translucent panel immediately appeared stoping him from speaking.


Name: Gabriel | Age: 14

Race: Human / God - (Disciple)

Health Point (HP): 0/0 | Mana Point (MP): 0/0

Stamina Point (STP): 0/0

Life Essence Point (LP): 0/100 | 10 LP = 1 SP

Divine Power Point (DPP): 734.996/1000 - 15.003

System Point (SP): 0 | 1 DPP = 1000 SP


Skill List



Gabriel: [Convert 300 DPP to SP and Open Shop]

After converting his DPP to SP he quickly open the shop function to search for a body.

Mc Body?
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  • Batman Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Superman Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Itachi Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Sasuke Votes: 3 17.6%
  • Kakashi Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Batista Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Rock Votes: 2 11.8%
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  • Mr.Bean Votes: 1 5.9%
  • Aizen Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Ichigo Votes: 2 11.8%
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