I’m Alive Guys, Don’t Worry
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College... urghh

Can't focus on writing at the moment, because of inquiry papers and requirements for clubs...

I'm not dead though XD

There has been progress in Episode 50 so please wait patiently until it releases, thank you!

As of right now, I'm playing and watching, that counts as a form of research! Recently became an Idolm@ster fan because of U149, so maybe expect an Idol arc down the line? Maybe... 

Also reading the Umineko: When they Cry, to see for myself what is this "peak" they speak of, since Re:Zero is currently my favorite series out of any media. I wonder if it'll change my mind~

Don't know what else to say... I guess, you can add me on Discord, if you want? Dunno, I won't be too responsive though

It's ameron1648 

See y'all soon!