Ecology of Goblins
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Goblins start off as relatively average F-Rank monsters, though their evolved form, Hobgoblins are top tier as F-Ranks go. For both Goblins and Hobgoblins they have the rare advantage of being innately humanoid monsters. This allows them to gain a wide range of prospective skills. Though Dungeon Goblins tend to have specific skills based on their Variant.

Goblins always evolve simply. From Goblin to Hobgoblin at level fifteen. That said, their Variants have some degree of interest. Variants have to reach level twenty to Evolve into Hobgoblin Variants. Additionally, each Variant of Goblin has two prospective Hobgoblin Variants to evolve into. For example, a Goblin Smith can evolve into a Hobgoblin Forgemaster or a Hobgoblin Pyromancer. Depending on whether it focuses on its smithing skill or on its elemental affinity.

When Goblins Evolve into Hobgoblins they take on a healthier appearance. Growing only a tiny bit taller relative to their initial state, but filling out a fair bit compared to the skinny nature of goblins. They also grow hair and tend to become less, ugly, by most races standards. This effect is further enhanced when a Hobgoblin evolves into a member of the Goblinoid Race. Goblinoids tend to look like even shorter, and green, elves. Though perhaps a bit less beautiful.

A goblin's stats tend to raise by .5 points per level. Which works out to them gaining one point every other level, as the system does not deal in decimals for the actual status, but keeps track of them for growth rate. Hobgoblins however gain one point to every stat per level.

Like with other Evolved creature Races Goblinoids are not different based on what Hobgoblin Variant they evolved from, but the different skills and wide array of Variants available can allow for Goblinoids to have a widely varied starting point for both skills and stats.

Goblins and Hobgoblins have a few special Variants that occur when certain pairings of Goblins and/or Hobgoblins reproduce. For instance a Goblin Commander and a Goblin Shaman will produce the physically powerful Goblin Brutes, or a Hobgoblin General and a Goblin Commander producing the exceedingly rare E-Rank Goblin King.

Goblins are technically omnivorous, but have a strong preference for meat or fish. Due to their low ranking they often fall prey to stronger monsters that have more of a taste for magical energy than actual flavor, however animals will almost never prey on them due to their naturally distasteful flesh.

Goblins are split into the basic sexual binary of Male and Female. Typically any Variant of Goblin can be either gender, but Goblin Kings are always male. Hobgoblins follow the same basic layout there.

Goblinoids still possess the same two basic genders. They are able to produce hybrid offspring when reproducing with members of most other humanoid Races. Typically the children would be labeled by the system as a "Demi-Goblin" of whatever Race the other parent is. Such progeny will bear the size and general shape of the mother with some traits of the father's race showing through. Demi-Goblins also tend to possess the higher stat growth between their parents. So Goblinoids will often look for mates among other Races that are particularly known for their strength, vitality, agility, or wisdom.

Demi-Goblins are usually treated as Goblinoids for the sake of reproduction, so it is wholly common for a Demi-Goblin of multiple generations of mixed races to be a truly exceptional individual. However their appearance tends to fade away from the traits of Goblins if they mix too much, which is seen among Goblinoid Cultures as going a step too far. So typically a Demi-Goblin of two or three generations will be expected to pair with a "Pure" Goblinoid.

Goblinoids tend to spring up as tribal societies that only rarely grow to greater heights. However due to Goblin, Hobgoblin, and Goblinoid's natural mutually co-operative nature among themselves they do tend to evolve as groups quite quickly. It is in fact very rare for a monster species to find their more evolved brethren to be agreeable company, but they specifically somehow manage.


I feel that that was a bit less descriptive than with the Slimes. But, Slimes are more interesting than Goblins anyway, aren't they?