Chapter 68 – A Fortunate Turn of Events
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Greta smiled as with one hand holding Romy's cock, she placed the power dampening collar around Romy's neck with the other. 

The moment the collar clicked, Romy's eyes rolled up his head as his whole body reverted into simply a big cock!

Romy's head that was still attached to the cock fell downwards and onto the floor as the collar cut off the connection between Goliath the cock and Romy's head. 

"What the hell?" Greta exclaimed as she was left holding on to the cock as the collar fell to the floor after Romy's unconscious head. 

"Hahaha serves him right cock head" Apollo laughed as Romy's head rolled to his feet. 

He stomped on Romy's face a few times, leaving his face bruised and his nose and mouth were bloody.

Greta looked at the cock in her hands and licked her lips. 

She rubbed the cock with her hands, pumping it and cupping Romy's balls. 

Greta was feeling horny and couldn't wait to fuck this thing when she was in private, imagining the large thing inside her pussy. 

Instead, she opened her mouth and started fellating it, sucking it like a lollipop. 

"Mmmmm... delicious" she thought as it entered her mouth in and out deeply. 

Apollo watched this and got jealous. 

"Move out of the way!" he yelled at the enforcement officers who were guarding the nearby portal. 

They moved aside as Apollo lined up his body and kicked Romy's head right through the portal, ensuring he never returns. 


Suddenly, a loud slicing sound was heard and Apollo and everyone else turned to face Greta

Where she was sucking on the dismembered cock, Goliath had expanded spikes from its body, leaving Greta looking surprised as spikes exited from all over her head, even through her opened torn eyes, looking like a porcupine!

While Greta had all of Romy's powers by being grafted to his body, her head was still vulnerable as she was only attached to the body by the high tech collar.

Greta's head was shooting blood out and brain matter from every hole pierced by Goliath as Greta stumbled and fell to the ground on her face with the last conscious thought fading as she died just like that. 

Goliath rotated on Romy's neck and the remaining pieces of Greta's head was flung off Romy's body, together with the broken hi tech collar on the neck. 

As blood poured out of Romy's neck, Goliath attached itself to the neck and expanded, carrying the body and chasing after Romy's head, heading towards the portal. 

"Fucker! Stop it!" Apollo screamed as he fired a fireball at Romy's body. 

Romy's body and cock caught fire, but Goliath ignored it all and ran through the portal, blindly killing several enforcement officers that tried to bar his way.

"What... what do we do sir?" one of the enforcement officers asked Apollo, who was trying to gather the pieces of Greta's head and brain matter.

But it was too late. Greta was dead. Even if they could piece together the sloshy bits of her head, her brain matter was all over the place like melted ice cream. 

"First, close that portal! We must not let the bastard back!" Apollo said

"But Sir. That is a new portal that hasn't been fully explored yet. What we know is, it's a peaceful new world, similar to ours. We have yet to see what the difference is, and haven't raided it yet" the officer said

"I don't care. Close it! We will send hunters to hunt for that bastard later" Apollo said

"Yes sir" the enforcement officer answered 

"Now..... we have a state funeral. I will be taking over Gretaburg and Gretaland! Her legacy must not be put to waste" he said as his mind was moving at a hundred miles per hour. 

With Greta gone, and all the Super Humans incarcerated, now it was time for him to realize his ambitions!

Now was the time for Apollo to rule like a god!

He looked at the blob of flesh that was Tina, still in her indestructible form. 

"Now... I will have some fun with you" he said as he walked over to her and continued shooting his flames onto her body, causing her to continuously scream in pain as he laughed. 


Romy opened his eyes and blinked. 

"Romy? Are you back with me?" Goliath's voice was heard

"Goliath? Where... where are we? What happened?" he asked, looking at his breasts and Goliath back attached to his groin, and he realized that he has been restored to his own body. 

"We're in another dimension. But they closed the portal, so we can't go back" Goliath said 

"At least this place looks human. Looks similar to Japan actually" Romy said, looking around. 

He was naked in the forest, but from a distance, he could see what looked like a Japanese city nearby. 

"Well, lets mark this spot in case the portal reopens again and explore this dimension" Romy said as he used his familiar kagune to cover up his breasts and Goliath flattened and tucked himself under Romy's legs. 


Romy hiked for a distance, glad to have "his" own body back, even if this body was originally owned by Rize. 

They exited the forest and found himself on a small path.

"Kiyo....Kiyomizu Temple" Romy read on a sign

"You can read Japanese?" Goliath asked

"Well there's an English translation on the sign. Besides, I've been on missions to Japan at least twice, so I took an online course for a couple of weeks. I can barely understand the spoken language now" Romy said, proud of his efforts. 

They climbed the stairs that led to the temple, just to see if they could meet any humans. 

Just as he ascended to the top of the stairs, he saw a group of people in white striped suits running around as if they were searching for something urgently. 

One of the men yelled at Romy.. but he could barely understand what he was saying. His Japanese wasn't up to that level yet. 

"Koni...uh...konichiwa!" Romy said

The men stared at him, then turned away and pointed at him to one of his men. 

Apparently he was the boss and directed one of his men to usher Romy away. 

Apparently, they had cleared the whole temple area of visitors for some reason, and it seemed like they were preparing for a gang fight or something. 

Suddenly, the whole area shook and Romy braced himself on a pillar. 

Just then, the pillar collapsed and was about to crush Romy when he easily slashed it in half with his kagune. 

As the air cleared from the dust of the fallen pillar, Romy looked around and saw that the white suited men had surrounded him.

All of them held weapons that seemed to be made of some unidentifiable black material and had formed swords and other weapons, all pointed at him!