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I don't really remember anything about my past but I know one thing, I think I accidentally fell off a cliff while looking at a sunset GOD I'M SUCH AN IDIOT FOR LYING DOWN WHILE WATCHING A COOL SUNSET. 


Makoto was confused on what has happened to him did he died or something, he didn't even got the chance to do anything, all he did was just wake up and had another boring day in school just a plain old boring day it's like he had nothing to do on his mind until a giant pillar of light raised Makoto into the air.


I suddenly realize, a pillar could possibly mean two things.

  1. I'm going to heaven, yeah right like that'll ever happen.
  2. I'll probably be resuscitated back to life. Yeah I don't really want to be stuck in my pathetic boring life again.

Huh, why am I crying.


"Shh-Shh it's right my lordship your mothers are here"


What does she mean by "lordship", I suddenly realize on what this women is wearing a white robe and her eyes are kind a pretty, I realize that I've have a tail that is covered in blue scales did I get reincarnated as a lizard or something. The woman raised me in the air and what I just witness was the unthinkable.


"Our, Lord and Savior Urathos has granted us his child. We shall raise him as his mothers!"


Wait, Wait, Wait what do they mean by mothers and how many women are here?


Then I suddenly realize. A gaggle of women in white robes, me being praised like some sort of messiah, it's all coming together I've been reincarnated.