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"So where am I suppose to go for trials? Makoto said to Rumi in confusion


Rumi shakes her head and point towards a weird distorted forest.


"Just walk into the Garden of Edith and you'll find the Goddess of Nature Eternia."


I remember watching this one move as a kid where two kids were walking in an odd distorted forest these trees that walking through are kind a reminding me on why I don't like that movie.


"Every tree looks the same where the heck is Eternia"


Makoto start to here a woman's voice.


"Okay that's definitely a women's voice but it sounds like OH NO!"


Makoto started to back away in utter terror.


Wait If I turn back those two crazy angels with a gun fetish will kill me.


Makoto start to walk further and further; the noises started to get louder and louder and around the corner of tree he witness something unthinkable.


A woman wearing plants for clothes, long lustrous green hair covered in flowers, her divine beauty could make any men grovel before her knees is kissing a tree.


Makoto started to shake his head in disbelief on what he's watching.


"No No No NO this messed up on so many levels!"


Suddenly the woman stopped kissing the tree and stared at Makoto.




"Oh crap I said that out loud"