At this point, Erik had been through enough to not feel self-conscious as he strolled back into the village, trailed by a small army of children.
The villagers stared as Erik, the man who had come to them with tales of other worlds and strange knowledge, walked in, surrounded by the forest's notorious child bandits. It was a sight that would've been shocking had it not been for the sheer absurdity of the last few weeks.
Erik glanced back, noticing that a majority of the kids seemed nervous about being in such a public space. He figured they weren't used to being out in the open, especially in the daylight. "Just stick with me guys, you'll be fine," he whispered over his shoulder, trying to reassure them.
They came across the main burger shack, where Erik saw Alyssa managing alongside Talia. His heart swelled with pride at the sight of his burgeoning empire. "Looks like business is booming," he quipped to Rat, trying to keep the situation as light as possible.
Rat didn't reply, causing Erik to awkwardly continue walking.
"Er... hey guys!" He called out to Alyssa and Talia. They turned, shock etched on their faces as they saw the ragtag group behind him.
"What in the world? I thought you were bored of the Firelight Troupe and went to work on another fantastical project," Talia raised an eyebrow. Alyssa's eyes widened, looking from Erik to Rat and the other children.
"Well, you're kinda right," Erik grinned, gesturing to the children. "Meet our new communications division."
The women were silent for a moment, the only sounds the bustling of the burger shack.
"I... knew you liked money, but isn't child labor frowned upon even in your world?" Alyssa finally asked.
Erik rolled his eyes. "It's not like that. They're... interns. I'm giving them a chance to turn their lives around. Plus, apparently they're pretty good at getting into tight spots," he said, glancing at Rat who had a smug look on his face.
"Rat here and his friends are going to help us spread the word about our ventures and other upcoming projects. They're going to be like our little advertisement squad," Erik explained, trying to put a positive spin on the situation. "Obviously, I'll be compensating them for their work, providing them with food from the burger shack and building them a proper home."
Alyssa looked from Erik to the children and back again, her expression a mix of shock and confusion. "Erik, what are you getting into now?"
Before Erik could answer, he felt a tug on his suit. He glanced down, seeing a young girl with wide eyes. "Mister, are you really going to feed us and take care of us?"
Alyssa, Erik, and Talia went quiet, their eyes on the hopeful faces of the children. Erik crouched down to the girl's level, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Yes, I am. And I'll make sure it's more than just food. You guys will get to learn how to read, write, and maybe even do some math," he said, trying to sound as reassuring as possible.
Erik wasn't sure where this was coming from, but something about these kids tugged at his heartstrings. They had been dealt a shit hand in life, and he knew firsthand how hard it was to climb out of that kind of hole.
"Alright, go up to the counter and ask for some food. They'll treat you kids," Erik told Rat, nodding towards the burger shack. Rat nodded cautiously before leading his group of children into the shack.
Erik turned back to the women, who were staring at him with unreadable expressions. "What?"
Talia was the first to speak, her voice gentle. "You're going to feed them, give them shelter, and educate them?"
"Well, not entirely by myself, of course," Erik made a face. "I'm no good with kids, nor am I particularly enthusiastic about babysitting. But, these kids have potential, and it's better than living alone in the forest."
Alyssa's expression softened. "That's... actually quite noble of you, Erik."
"Yeah, yeah," he waved a dismissive hand, "They're going to greatly increase profits with the communication projects I'm thinking of."
Talia and Alyssa exchanged a look before Alyssa spoke up, "And what kind of communication projects are we talking about?"
A devilish smile bloomed across Erik's face as he gestured towards the children. "What's the biggest expense in a family?"
Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "Food?"
"The kids themselves." Erik threw his arms out, dramatically posing. "Parents are forced to spend more money on them than themselves. Well, if they're good parents, anyway. And the best thing is, if we can extort- if we can spread word of mouth about our products by having Rat and his gang mingle with the children of others, then parents will bring their kids here. They'll have to bring their kids to the place where they've heard so much about."
Alyssa and Talia stared at Erik, their expressions a mix of shock and admiration. They had never seen this side of him before, and they had to admit, it was fascinating. The way he saw the world was so... calculated. It was like watching a chess master lay down his pieces, knowing exactly how the game would play out.
"What if it fails?" Talia spoke up, eyeing the gang of children carefully. "There are so many things that could throw a wrench in your plans."
Erik shrugged. "That's not the main role for them anyway. A child has the most potential and capacity for learning, so we can subtly throw in trade skills for them to master, eventually leading them to head into the workforce fully prepared and taught. Along the way, they'll also gain valuable communication skills and social circles. Not to mention extra hands for busywork."
Alyssa frowned. "That... sounds like you're just grooming them..."
"No, no," Erik chuckled. "It's like giving them a head start in life. A better alternative to the streets, right?"
Truth to be told, Erik did have other plans for Rat and his group in terms of advertising and communication, but for some reason, he wanted to help them out first. Partly because something about the motley crew of children triggered a past memory in Erik, one where he was in a similar position to them.
Erik's smile faded a bit as he recalled his own childhood, but he shook his head clear. He was in a different world now, and there was nothing that could stop him from making profits.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, Erik wiped away the sweat from his forehead, taking a step back to inspect the annex he had constructed for Rat and his newfound "interns." It honestly didn't take that long to add it to the house, considering he had used the same materials that went into the burger shack. The children had helped him build it, their excitement about the new shelter palpable. The walls were sturdy, the roof waterproof, and it had enough space for them to sleep comfortably. It wasn't a palace, but the modern design was a damn sight better than the treehouse they had been living in.
"Alright, so I've also installed a bathroom and shower system in the annex, along with a small, minimalistic kitchen," Erik announced, proudly showing Rat around the new space. "It's not much, but it's a start. And with the contracts we're going to make, you guys will be earning your keep."
Rat looked around, his expression unreadable. "Thanks," he finally said, his voice low. "We're used to not having much."
"Don't worry, Rat," Erik said, slapping him on the back. "You'll get used to it."
The children looked around their new living space with a mix of awe and suspicion, as if expecting it to vanish at any moment. Erik knew that trust didn't come easy to them, but he was determined to show them that he was serious about giving them a chance.
He could feel the gazes of Alyssa and Talia behind him, and he turned to face them, his expression serious. "Look, I know what you're thinking, but these kids are an investment. They can be a part of something big, something that actually means something."
"I know, boss," Alyssa chuckled, her voice light. "Despite using profit as a pretense, you're actually a big softie."
Talia, on the other hand, looked more skeptical. "Can we really trust them?"
Erik sighed. "To be honest, there's no way to guarantee trust. But they have no reason to betray us. They're getting a home, food, education, and a share of the profits. If they screw up, I'll handle it." He turned to walk away, becoming aware of how much his body was aching despite the constant healing spells working on him. "I'm going to turn in early tonight."
The women watched him go, then looked back at the children. Rat stepped up, his eyes meeting theirs. "We won't disappoint you," he said firmly, his voice carrying a newfound determination.
While Talia still had a doubtful expression, Alyssa smiled warmly, stooping down to Rat's level. "Welcome to the team," she said, holding out a hand. "We're all looking forward to seeing what you can do."
Rat took her hand tentatively, then looked around at his friends, who were still eyeing their new living quarters with a mix of excitement and fear. They had never known anything but the hard streets and the mercilessness of surviving on their own. But now, they had a chance to be part of something bigger. Rat thought to himself, then and there, that he would do everything in his power to repay the bizarre man who had taken them in.
The next morning, Erik woke up in his room, surrounded by a couple of curious, bright-eyed orphans.
He sighed, sitting up in bed and running a hand through his hair. After getting used to his time in this world, waking up to children in his room wasn't much of a surprise to him anymore, though he hadn't expected most of them to get so comfortable overnight.
"Kids will be kids, I guess," Erik murmured to himself, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and stretching. "Did you guys have breakfast yet?"
The children looked at each other before shaking their heads in unison. It was clear that they had been waiting for him to wake up. Erik went into his closet to change.
"Come on then, let's go downstairs," Erik said, heading for the door.
The children scurried to follow him, their eyes lighting up at the prospect of food. As they descended the stairs, the scent of sizzling meat filled the air. Myrese was already in the kitchen, surrounded by more children and looking incredibly perplexed as she prepared breakfast. Erik realized he and the others hadn't updated the elf at all about the previous night's events.
"Erik... mind explaining what the f- what the heck happened..." Myrese's voice trailed off as she caught sight of the children filing into the kitchen. She sounded exhausted despite the day just starting.
"Long story," Erik said with a grin. "But the short version is, these are our new interns, and they're going to help us expand the business."
The former elf assassin opened her mouth, then closed it. She looked at Erik as if he had grown an extra head, her expression a blend of confusion and exasperation. "Interns?" she echoed, her voice strained. "You mean, these... these children are going to be working for us?"
She closed her eyes and shook her head before Erik could reply. "Never mind. Knowing you and what you're capable of, I shouldn't be surprised. Just... don't let them burn the place down, alright?"
Erik wanted to reassure Myrese, but thought better of it. With everything he had experienced so far, he had gotten used to never being able to predict what would come next. Instead, he grunted and sat down at the dinner table.
A few moments later, Talia and Illyanth walked in, the baby dragon carrying a few children on his back. They both looked tired but content, the children giggling as they played with Illyanth's wings. Erik couldn't help but feel a prick of annoyance at how easily the children were able to bond with the baby dragon whilst his own relationship with Illyanth was still rocky at best.
"Morning," Talia yawned, sitting at the table. "What's on the agenda today?"
"Same as usual," Erik replied, taking note of how early Talia had awoken. He figured the addition of the orphans probably caused her to get less sleep than she was used to. "But I'm also going to go over some expectations with the kids. Need to figure out which of them would be skilled or willing to train their customer service abilities."
The children, who had been quietly watching the exchange, perked up at the mention of their roles. "What do you mean, customer service?" Rat asked, curiosity piqued.
"Well, basically, you'll be talking to customers, making them feel welcome, and helping them with anything they need," Erik began, eyeing Rat and the other children as they all gathered around the kitchen table. "And if you do a good job, you'll get a share of the profits."
Rat returned with a suspicious look of his own, but there was a spark of interest in his eyes. "And you won't, like, sell us out?"
"I'm a man of my word, and I always deliver," Erik assured Rat, his eyes sincere. "Your safety and well-being are important to the success of this business. If you don't trust me, trust the fact that you're all more valuable to me as employees than... anything else."
"Oh?" Myrese raised her eyebrows. "Well, in that case, are you finally going to help me with the issues of my clients coming after me?"
"Hell no- wait, clients?" Erik's attention snapped back to Myrese. He had almost forgotten about her past as an elf assassin. "What do you mean, 'clients coming after you'?"
Myrese made a face that was half-exasperated, half-amused. "Did you forget that you promised you'd deal with them in exchange for me not killing you? You know, the people who are looking for me because of the jobs I did before we met. They're not exactly the type to let things slide."
Erik nearly swore out loud in front of the children. Indeed, he had completely forgotten about the clients and contractors that were likely after Myrese to learn why she had gone silent. It was a small price to pay for not being stabbed in his sleep, but it was still a problem that needed handling. "Alright, let's have a chat later," he said, his eyes lingering on Myrese. "But first, let's get these little rascals ready for their first day of work."