''Ooh... look, you're all over the news.''
''Indeed, I am.''
Kiara, who was showing me her phone's contents, raised an eyebrow as if confused at my nonchalant attitude. In reality, I had already expected it, so there was nothing to be surprised about.
Beauty could be a deadly weapon, and this body was the literal manifestation of that idea.
Why, I had already seduced two princesses and one noble magnate lady, after all.
In any case, Kiara shrugged it off soon after, sprawling out on the table with a tired look on her face.
''Is there perhaps something bothering you?'' I asked.
The princess slightly perked her pinkish, cute-looking mouth, ''I have to go to school soon.''
''Oh, my...''
Right. Sometimes, I forgot that she was still attending the academy.
Kiara had been visiting me the most out of the three love interests simply because she had more free time than the other two. Often, she would spend several good hours in our mansion, be it with both of us or with me.
At this point, Lyra was having a lesson, so it was just the two of us.
''It would be a bit sad not to see you as often,'' I said softly, putting my hand on Kiara's. ''Still, you would visit us often, right?''
Every time she tried to lock eyes with me, her cheeks would burn before she turned away altogether. It was a very different kind of charm compared to Rachael's or Penelope's, which I loved regardless.
Thinking about the same kid who embodied a chaotic energy, now blushing like a maiden, I unintentionally let out a chuckle. At that, her face got even redder, and her hand somehow found its way to grab mine instead.
''A-Ahem. Do you want to go on a walk?'' She said, standing up.
''Fufu... sure.''
So, I exited the room, following her, hand in hand. I could feel her body heating up, yet there was no sign of us separating. Even when we eventually decided to settle on a bench in the garden, she never let my hand go.
Unable to resist the urge to flirt, I itched closer to her, touching shoulders.
As she flinched, I thought I did her really good, but then, a sudden gust of hot air was blown straight at my ear.
My whole body jolted. I hurriedly looked to the side—
''Heheh. I got you flustered.''
The source was, expectedly, Kiara, who was grinning from ear to ear. Even though the princess herself was also flustered, she seemed to have taken pride in breaking my composure.
Somehow, the childish side in me surged.
I wanted to take revenge, and the best way to do that was to escalate the offense. As I contemplated if I wanted to finally start doing kisses with her, she suddenly buried her head in my neck.
''Y-Your Highness?''
''The answer to my proposal. Do you have it yet?''
Kiara's muffled voice rang amidst the stillness of the surrounding scenery. The flowers in the garden had now shed the layer of snow left from the last rain, displaying their colorful skin while silently looking to the sky, heeding every rushed heartbeat of the princess.
I swallowed a dry gulp.
Her tone was strangely deaf, like usual, yet I felt I couldn't take it lightly.
I hugged her tighter, then rested my chin on her head, ''I don't think I can be your fiancé, Your Highness.''
Kiara flinched.
''You know how Her Highness, the imperial princess, is. She won't allow our engagement.''
A brief silence ensued as I stroked her back. Then, almost resolutely, she rose from my embrace, looking straight at me with her sparkling azure eyes.
''Then... can't we do it in secret? Even if not engaged... I still want to be with you.''
I get it.
Perhaps Kiara was afraid to lose my company—not necessarily as a significant other, but more as a friend. So, she clung to the premise that we were in love with each other, trying desperately to hold onto me—her shaky hands told me that.
I couldn't help but sigh.
You know, I didn't want to see someone I liked in their fragile, vulnerable state, even for a moment. It was just something I didn't like.
''Please don't worry,'' I said reassuringly. ''I enjoy spending time with you, Your Highness. Even if we couldn't engage, I would love to continue our relationship as friends.''
This should take care of it.
She wouldn't have to worry about not being able to see me anymore, and eventually, when we had spent enough time together, I could take the relationship to the next level—
Kiara cupped my face with her hands, making a pouty face.
''Lovers. I want us to be lovers.'' She declared.
''N-No, but you saw Her Highness and me the other day...''
''And with Lady Penelope, too, right?''
I couldn't find any word to utter. Kiara was so spot-on with her observation—as a matter of course, now that I thought about her being a combat heroine—that I momentarily froze. More than anything, I was stunned at her daring attitude, one she wouldn't show much in the game.
What was the catalyst for this change?
Was I worth so much that she changed the way she used to act?
Flustered, I could only steal embarrassed gazes at Kiara. Moreover, it was the first time I'd gotten such a startling love confession that I didn't know how to respond.
Her determined eyes, her awkward lips, rose-red cheeks, and worried brows.
I was drawn to them, even though I needed my brain not to be so.
''Only you... look at me with those eyes.''
''If I ever want to marry... I think I would like to do so with someone like you.''
Slowly, Kiara pushed her body forward, pulling me into a hug. She moved cautiously as if giving me a chance to reject... but how could I?
In her warm embrace, I gradually regained my sanity and began to come up with a response.
''So... you want to date me?''
''Even if I got together with Her Highness and Lady Bourbon...?''
''Are you going to get both of them?''
''You're one kinky girl, huh. That's fine by me.''
''Besides, I might want my lover a bit more ripe, you know?''
Posing a V sign as she grinned, Kiara appeared unbothered by my admission that I wanted multiple partners. With an indescribably delightful sensation filling my heart, I burst out laughing.
''Pfft—hahahah...! P-Please don't say that to any other lady, Your Highness. You might get slapped.''
''I know. I only said that because it was you.''
''I'm honored that you regard me that highly.''
''So, are we dating now?''
Face to face, eyes locked, Kiara once again asked the question.
''Mhm... how about we start finding out about each other first?'' I replied.
''And you won't friendzone me later?''
''Oh, my. Well, if you need confirmation...''
With confidence, I closed in and gave her lips a peck. It felt equally as exciting as when I was kissed by the other two, albeit for different reasons. For Kiara, it was even more thrilling, I'd imagine.
''Fufu, don't be so shy, Your Highness.''
''It's too unfair...''
Seeing steam rising from her face like this was a privilege only I had. Merely thinking about that made me love life ten times more.
Hah... what should I do? My future lovers were all so loveable.
Suddenly, a ton of letters were sent to me.
It was around a week after the banquet, and people, understandably, after seeing this god-craved face, expressed their desire to see me. A lot of them were letters offering courtship, sent by men and women alike. Some from different entertainment agencies wanted to recruit me, and lastly, invitations to parties and gatherings.
It wasn't to say that no one messaged me through the social media app. There were, just not many. I suppose they thought it wasn't too appropriate for these occasions.
In any case, I didn't really want to answer most of them since I wasn't interested, but I thought it was necessary to sort out a few with whom I could form beneficial relationships.
''Wait, this one...''
Somehow, there was a letter from Blaire de Dreux inviting me to a tea party.
Yeah, no. This was a trap, wasn't it?
Thanks for the chapter
TFTC (  ̄▽ ̄)?????
Yeah, no. This was a trap, wasn't it?
Please don't tell me she's gonna be "forced" to attend the party for the "plot"