Case 34: Against an enraged princess.
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I wasn't a very social person back on Earth.

I didn't have many friends, and I rarely went out unless the house lacked something or work came up. But even if I have a ton of good friends, I wouldn't want to tell them that I played an erotic dating game, either. Who would be willing to put themselves through that? Weren't erotic games something to keep to oneself?

Still, if someone were to ask me which love interest was my favorite, I would quite easily answer Rachael.

Rachael de La Fayette was perhaps the most unrealistic love interest out of all the unrealistic love interests—hot, tall, cold but cool, rich, devoted, and soon-to-be emperor. What else could anyone ever ask for?

So, I was ecstatic when she approached me out of nowhere and expressed interest in me. The game's illustrations were nicely done, but seeing her in person was just mind-blowing.

How could a person be so perfect?


''Explain yourself.''

Carrying such an innocent admiration toward Rachael, I sheepily let her drag me into her bedroom. Almost immediately afterward, she cornered me against the wall, reminiscing of the time Penelope had done the same to me, albeit in a much rougher manner.

The princess's palm hit the wall right behind me, and I thought the building shook for a moment. Did the concrete crack...?

No, more concerning than that, she was glaring at me with such fury that I couldn't help but cower. My hands were shaking.

''Nothing to say?''


It was apparent that she didn't take my silence very favorably. Before I could open my mouth, she curtly grabbed my chin, digging her thumb and index finger into my cheeks. 

With a light push, the back of my head touched the wall.


Fortunately, she still had some reasons left. When she heard my little moans of pain, her strength decreased considerably, yet nonetheless firm.


I looked right into her narrowed eyes with tears rolling down my face.

To say that this was unexpected... would be an understatement. I thought the two of us were getting along so well, so why...?


Heheh, that's a joke, of course.

What can I say? This behavior was just right for Rachael, and I had long predicted it. If she was this angry, it probably meant that Penelope had provoked her in some way.

The root cause was most likely my trying to get with many women.

Oh, but don't blame me for it. Even in the game, the only path toward the harem ending had these kinds of developments, too. Rachael would be just like this, no matter what. I could have done something different, sure, but I didn't know what the correct solution was.

I wasn't a dating expert, nor was I a psychiatrist, so I could only rely on what I knew that worked.

But... more than that, more than all of that... I longed for such a reaction from Rachael. Ah... her jealous expression was so pleasing to see. Almost... delicious.

''Hah... hgn...''

Slowly, I could sense a burning desire eating its way out from deep within my body. My breaths got shorter, hotter, and I felt my rational side being pushed away by something more reckless.

Did I seem too unsightly? Rachael's hand trembled a bit as she puzzledly stared at me. Soon, that appearance turned into one of utter disbelief.

Did she realize it?

''...You.'' She uttered, ''Are you doing this on purpose? Just to rile me up?''

A look of betrayal.

But before she could remove her hand and step back, I firmly grabbed her wrist and leaned forward, hopefully making a sincere smile as I faced her.

''Oh, please... Your Highness, could you let me explain...?'' I pleaded, my voice unintentionally sounding hoarse and a bit... coquettish.


It hurt me to see distrust in her eyes, and each second she pondered with narrowed brows gave me more anxiety, yet this was the best that I could control myself—the best answer I could give in this situation.


Suddenly, Rachael pulled me into her arms and lifted me into the air. Ironically, she was the princess in this relationship, but I was the one being carried like a princess instead.

As she walked toward the bed, I could see her stoic side profile, one that also held a certain degree of unstableness.

Then, she settled on the edge of the bed, held me up by my armpits, and sat me on her lap, making it so that I had to face her directly. Naturally, I put my arms around her neck, and only then did her icy expression melt a little.

''Don't disappoint me.'' She said, pulling out the pin that was used to hold my coat together with her teeth.

''Um... so...''

Even as I gathered myself and prepared my words, Rachael kept undressing me in such a composed and unhurried manner as though she was a predator playing with its food. 

The cold-blooded princess lightly tugged my coat to remove it from my body, and once my pure white dress was exposed, her slender fingers sneaked to my back and began to search for the zip.

''...You know how a lot of people have been trying to propose to my little sister, right?''


Without making eye contact with me beforehand, Rachael planted her face in between my breasts, back hunched. The pervert then took in a few breaths before slowly creeping upward, soon touching my bare skin.

''Nhn... so... Lady Penelope was there—''



Her tone was almost threatening. As if taking out anger on me, her jaws slightly closed on the skin right above my collarbones. It did hurt, with all the sharp teeth she had, but combined with her breath, it was also ticklish.

''L-Lady Penelope was trying to get an engagement with Lyra, and I didn't like that. Since she wouldn't withdraw with just my words, I made a contract—hgn...!''

Oh, man, she really was angry, biting my neck like this. But wasn't this dangerous? Could she ever hold herself if one of her fangs pierced my skin?

''...So you sold your body in exchange for that thing's retreat?'' Rachael uttered, her voice low. ''Knowing that I was with you?''

''The contract was only sealed a week after I first met you, Your Highness.''


''O-Of course, it was my fault for not telling you sooner, but I...''

It was impeccable. My reasoning for making the contract itself was valid, and even if she was mad at me for not informing her, what could she do?

Ah, I guess she could slap me in the face and execute me for deceiving her, but I know she wouldn't do that.

''Your Highness...''

Especially when she was still busy kissing my neck like this.

Each time Rachael's soft lips pressed against my skin or her teeth pressured on my flesh, I couldn't help but hug her even tighter. Her rhythm was rapid and constant, and she moved from spot to spot so aggressively that I thought she was an animal fervently marking its property.

And I, knowing my sin, let her do that.

I was more than happy to be drowned in her scent.

''Take me, Your Highness...''


I couldn't believe such an erotic voice came out of my mouth as I whispered into her ear. Her body, both above and below, trembled with bursting energy, so much so that even her unzipping my dress had momentarily halted.

Huu... this... this thing that I was sitting on... it was her thing, right...?

After waiting for almost an eternity, Rachael finally managed to remove my upper garment, exposing my nearly bare torso with only a bra on. Amidst both of our quickened breaths, the princess kissed my lips.



''Be mine. I'll take care of that contract, so just... be mine forever.''


Gazing at her earnest eyes that burned like the sun, a smile bloomed on my face. I slowly ran my fingers through her lush, silky-smooth blond hair, from the very roots to their ends.

She still watched me with an unwavering look.

''Ah... I'm happy, but Your Highness, I'm afraid...''



I curtly popped off the hook of my bra and threw the thing to the side. Once my chest was set loose, I could almost hear Rachael's gulp as she stared wide-eyed at them.

Then, I cupped her face and turned her gaze to me,

''What do I do, Your Highness? Both you and Lady Penelope are so, so cool... I don't think I can choose one easily.'' I whispered.


''Shh, don't be so furious. For now, taint me whole with your essence, and let's see... if you could conquer me—♥''

The moment she tightened her arms around my waist, I knew I was in for an intense night.