24 – Poking the hornets nest. (edit)
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Woops! forgot people dont have swords, had to edit a sword for a spear in this chapter.

24 - Poking the hornets nest.


Mala Desert



a sand reaper fell to the ground being hit by a young bearkin girl.

Garm: "Bwahah Little cub! you gotten a lot better! I don't even need to watch out for you anymore!"

Lussa stared at her hand. She had gotten a lot stronger after she finished making that cup Miss cat asked her to make. Taking in her father's praise Lussa blushed.

Lussa: "Thank you papa! I'm a lot stronger now!"

Garm blinked.

Garm: "Little Cub? Don't you usually address yourself Lussa?"

Lussa stroked the back of her head.

Lussa: "I remember, Lussa is growing up now Papa!"

Garm: "Gwaha! Little Cub is not growing yet! Your still so tiny! But... If any of those male runts try to bother my little cub you tell papa so he can smack them a few!"

A sand reaper hopped out of the sand and Garm grabbed it ripping a hole into its stomach.

Lussa puffed up her cheeks.

Lussa: "I am not interested in any of those stinky boys!"

Garm: "Gwahaha! what about papa? Papa isn't stinky!"

Lussa: "Papa stinky now that he was rolling around in the sand with the worms! Papa needs a bath too!"

Lussa playfully stuck her tongue out at Garm who catches Lussa and picks her up tickling her.

Garm: "Ok little brat cub! let's go home and wash!"

Lussa: "Hehe! Ok, papa!"

The two father and daughter begin their trip back to Ingrian as Lussa enjoyed the breeze while riding on her father's shoulders.


Telvan city


Eve sat on a rooftop watching all the people walk by admiring their clothing. Eve was looking for another distraction to take her mind off the wolfkin Reir, It was only partially working. Despite how Talia praised Eve, she knew she was only an amateur at sowing. Eve couldn't help but admire all the dresses and shirts that the people were wearing. That kind of outfits would take a bit of understanding of dimensions that went into planning such outfits. That kind of understanding Eve would only gain with enough practice and a bit of calculating... Eve pondered the idea of finding a teacher who could show her a bit more but gave up. Despite Telvan being more favorable of beastkin then northern Ganna, Eve had not seen a single beastkin on the street... It seems most people in Telvan also carry the idea that humans can do things better than beastkin. Eve doubted that anyone who could teach her would even take her seriously. Besides, What would her apprentice think of her master begging another person to show her how to sew. Eve gave a chuckle at the thought of Talia's face when she heard the news.

Eve let out a sigh and turned her attention back at Telvan palace... Even from this distance, she could still make out all the different guards patrolling around. As Eve watched the guards she began to notice a small gap in their patrol... and before Eve realised she had zipped past several guards and training soldiers in the courtyard, most of which had only witnessed a streek of white as her hooded cape fluttered past.

With her back against the wall, Eve leaped and backflipped to the nearby window and zipped in. *crash* as Eve turned a corner suddenly she came and ran smack into a guard who seemed to be slacking on the job.

(Eve: "Ah! did not sense him there because he was not moving enough to disturb the air")

Guard: "What! who!"

Eve backflipped off the ground and dashed past the guard.

Guard: "Stop! Thief!"

A guard comes around the corner with his spear aimed and attempts to thrust at Eve as she approaches the corner.

Guard: "Halt!"

Eve leaps controlling her aura to her feet and lands on his spear. With an air-step Eve leaps past the guard and farther into the hall. Eve slowly picks up speed and dashes as a blur. opening the doors and checking the rooms near lord Buvelle's office she began to check them one by one ignoring the confused shouts from the people in the various rooms as she closes the doors. When Eve spotted Reir, she dashed into the room past several confused maids and placed her finger to her forehead.

Reir: "What! ..."

In a split second Reir passed out and Eve caught her in her arms and held her in a princess carry. Several guards busted into the room followed by Lord Beuvelle and Rory, Eve hopped to the window and smiled at Rory, who after a moment returned her a nod as Eve left the window with Reir in hand.

Lord Beuvelle: "Whats the meaning of this Rory! That... Thing, She was wearing your wife's robe!"

Rory: "I thought something like this might of happened, Well since we already agreed to the trade i assume it still stands. If not happening a bit sooner then either of us expected."

Lord Beuvelle: "But that mongrel broke into the palace and assaulted my guards!"

Rory: "You never said my wife was not allowed into the palace, as for the accusation of assaulting guards... I do not see a single injured guard. As for the excitement, I apologize my wife can tend to think with her heart instead of her head at times, ill have to have a talk with her later. Please understand, she meant no harm."

Lord Beuvelle: "What do you mean... wife? you married a mongrel."

Rory returned Beuvelle with a cold smile.

Rory: "Mongrel, hardly! She is simply better."


Ugh! slow story was boring me! time for some CHAOS!!!!