Lesson Two Chapter Twelve – The Pact (2)
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Beelzebub got out of my personal space and let out a heavy sigh, rubbing his neck. “. . . You know what? This isn’t any of your business, human. I’m leaving. I’ve already eaten everything there was in the refrigerator now anyway. I’m pretty sure Lucifer is hiding a poisoned apple in the desk in the study. . .” Beelzebub finally left the kitchen, his growling stomach disappearing the farther he walked away, leaving me alone in the kitchen with my confusing thoughts.


  Before I could even try to have time to understand my thoughts I could hear someone trying to catch my attention. This caused me to look around with a confused expression, wondering where it was coming from. “Is that you, God. . .?” I couldn’t help but mumble that out, even if I cringe at how stupid that was.


 “Seriously? No! Over here! Look!” Following where the voice was coming from I could see Levi hiding behind the wall. He was looking around nervously making sure that there wasn’t anyone else coming.


 “What are you doing hiding there?” I couldn’t help but raise my eyebrow at how stupid he currently looks, hiding behind the wall like a child hiding from there parents because they are awake past their bedtime.


 “What do you think? Beel was just in here! I can’t have him find me with you, now can I?” Levi finally came from behind the wall and walked closer to me after he was sure no one else was coming. “So, it’s really true, right? Lucifer definitely used the word “frozen”? In that case, it could only be hidden in here.” Levi went to the freezer part of the fridge and I could only raise my eyebrow confused at that reasoning.


  “In the freezer? Seriously?” I couldn’t hide the disbelief in my voice as Levi opened the freezer and started looking through it, not bothering to acknowledge my disbelief at his assumption.


 “Hmm. . . all I see is a bunch of ice inside. . . Oh wait, look! It’s the ice cream Satan hid from Beel about a century ago. I totally forgot about that. Heh, I’m not about to tell him, though. It’d spoil the joke. He’ll probably figure it out in another 2000 years or so, I’d say. . . Wait a second. There’s something else there behind the ice.” Reaching into the freezer, Levi pulls out what I assume is Mammon’s credit card. I was looking at it in disbelief, finding out Lucifer seriously put his card in the freezer, no joke.


 “Found it! Lucifer wasn’t lying. It really IS frozen!” Levi was looking at it happily but it grew tense as he held what I assume was a block of heavy ice. “Ugh, it’s super heavy! And big, too! I’m gonna put it in the microwave and thaw it. Let’s see, I guess about two minutes on auto should do the trick. Now, I’ll hit the start button and let the defrosting begin!” I didn’t know what I should feel as I watched Levi seriously put the frozen credit card in the microwave, wondering if I should speak up because I have a feeling that microwaving a frozen credit card can’t be good at all.


 “What’s with all the racket, you two?” I felt my heart jump as Mammon appeared in the kitchen. I didn’t know what I should say to him as his credit card was currently in the microwave. “. . .HEY, wait a minute! There in the microwave. . .That looks like Goldie, my credit card! The one thing more important to me than life itself. . .!” Mammon's eyes practically looked like it was shining as he stared at the card currently in the microwave.


   “Get it outta there before the microwave demagnetizes it and makes it useless!” I couldn’t help but agree with Mammon on that, we could have just melted it by leaving it out in a hot area for the night.


 “Ooh, didn't think of that. Better stop the defrost cycle, I guess!” Levi went to stop the defrost cycle that was currently happening. I didn’t want to say anything about it being common sense, knowing if you microwave anything that isn’t exactly for the microwave could cause pretty bad damage. 


 “Levi, you idiot! How could you do somethin’ so stupid?! You’re dumb as a stump, you know that?!” Mammon just went on to insult Levi who just smiled at him, while putting Mammon credit card in direct sight of him. 


 “Hmm, are you SURE you should be talking to me like that, Mammon? After all, I’m the one who found the credit card Lucifer took from you.” Levi was smirking at Mammon who stopped talking instantly, looking at him with nervous eyes. “So, do you want me to give you your card back?”


 “You’d BETTER!. . . Um, I mean, yes, please. Please give it back, Leviathan, sir. . .!” I couldn’t help but feel embarrassed for Mammon as he got on his knees and begged Levi to give him back his credit card. ‘He went from being high and mighty to begging on his knees so fast. . .’


 “Oh wow, this is embarrassing! I can’t believe that’s all it took for you to abandon your pride! You’re even down on your knees! You’re one of the seven rulers of the Devildom, Mammon. Shouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself? Well, whatever. . . Okay then, if you want your card back, you’ve got to give me the Seraphina figurine you won at the convenience store.” Levi looked so smug as he talked down to his older brother and for some reason this reminded me of how my twin acted whenever he got the better of our older brother.


   “The Sera. . . what now? What’re ya talkin’ about? I don’t remember winnin’ anything.” Mammon looked at Levi with a confused expression, causing Levi to glare harshly at him with a frown on his face now.


 “I don’t believe this! You forget that you even have her! How could you?!” I guess I could understand his anger since figurines are something that should be treasured even if you aren’t into anime and stuff related to it.


 “Ugh, c’mon, enough! Whatever you want, I’ll give it to ya! Just give me back my credit card!” Mammon, who was still on his knees, said that with so much exasperation and even rolled his eyes so hard that I was worried it would pop out.


 “All right, but there’s one more condition: I want you to make a pact with this human,” Levi added the final condition to what Mammon had to agree to so he could get his credit card back and Mammon just nodded along, not fully hearing Levi.


 “Right, a pact, fine. I’m more than happy to do whatever you. . . wait, WHAT?! Why d’ya want ME to make a PACT?!” Mammon quickly got up from his knees, glaring at Levi fiercely who just had a smug smile on his face.


 “Think about it: If you make the pact with Yuki, you’ll have to do whatever you’re told, right? Then Yuki’ll order you to give me my money back immediately. And since you can’t refuse a direct order from your master, you’ll do exactly that. Game over, I win!” Levi was practically beaming with excitement at his idea while Mammon just frowned at him.


 “Pff, I don’t believe this. It’s just money, Levi I can’t believe you’d go through all this trouble!” I didn’t know what I should feel as I watched Mammon shake his head, disappointed at Levi. ‘But. . . You got on your knees so fast for your credit card. . .’


   “Excuse me? Remind me again which of us tossed aside what little pride he had left, all to get his hand on a credit card?” Levi was giving Mammon a look that practically screamed “You shouldn’t be saying anything dumbass.”


 “Hey, you shut up! And you, human! What’re ya thinking, lettin’ Levi use you like this? Are you stupid? Go on, say somethin’!” Mammon quickly turned to me with a glare on his face that was telling me to agree with him. I looked at him for a while before giving him a cold smile that caused him to flinch for a second.


 “Make a pact with me, Mammon.” I still had the cold smile on my face as I looked at Mammon who was giving me a shocked look. ‘My first day of school was filled with fear and I wouldn’t have to deal with that if you were by my side. So why would I take your side, dumbass.’


 “UH-UH, NO WAY! NOT INTERESTED! I am the Great Mammon, Avatar of Greed, one of the seven rulers of the Devildom! Fool. . . do you actually think I’d let some human be the boss of me?” Mammon had his arm in front of him like an X as he shook his head furiously at me but that didn’t get rid of the smile on Levi's face.


 “Oh, Luuucifeeeer! Mammon’s here unfreezing his credit caaaarrrd!” Levi put a hand to his mouth and called out to Lucifer, causing Mammon to freeze quickly and stop shaking his head.


 “I mean, of course, I’ll make a pact with you, human! I’d be thrilled to!” Mammon quickly held out a hand to me for me to shake and I hesitantly put my hand in his. As soon as I did that a mark appeared on mine and his hand. It didn’t stay too long and it disappeared from my hand. Even though it wasn’t there anymore I could feel something was different with me.


Well, I guess this is the new normal for me now. . .’ Mammon let go of my hand and I just looked at where I saw the mark appear, wondering if I could see it again. I could hear Levi cheering in the background saying something like “The mission was a success!” I could only sigh as I tried not to acknowledge the glare from Mammon.

I manage to finish this last night and I just had to edit some stuff. I hope this chapter was enjoyable for you guys! I will probably have a chapter up by Sunday, if not then see you next Thursday! Bye-bye for now (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆