Lesson Two Chapter Fourteen – The Pact Goes Swimmingly (2)
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“Haha! Man, I gotta stop laughin’ so hard. My stomach is hurtin’! But you gotta agree, Lucifer is pretty old, isn’t he?” Mammon wiped a tear from his eyes, slowly calming down from his laughing fit. I was still awkwardly drinking my lukewarm coffee, as I looked at the rather scary looking Lucifer.


 “You think?” Lucifer smiled as he said this but his voice gave off a dangerous feel, making it feel like the whole room was cold. Mammon immediately froze, his face showing me the different stages of grief in under one second.


 Lucifer quickly connects his fist with Mammon's head, causing him to connect with the floor roughly.  Mammon was on the floor, groaning as he held his injured head. I didn’t know what I should do, I mean I am pretty sure I heard something crack. ‘I mean he is a demon…. So he should be okay?’


 “...Ow! Hey, what’s the big idea?! You didn’t have to hit me THAT hard!” I felt my worry disappear as Mammon slowly got off the floor, still holding his injured head. I was surprised he didn’t have blood coming from his head, especially with how hard Lucifer hit him.


 “....You know, he’s so stupid that it’s almost sad.” Asmodeus had a hand to his face as he looked at Mammon with pity in his eyes. It felt like he was looking at a stray dog who hasn't eaten in a long time. 


 “Mmhm. I can’t believe he’s actually our brother. It’s almost like we’re being punished or something.” Satan let out a tired sigh, shaking his head at Mammon. Even though Mammon is the second oldest it feels like no one takes him that seriously. ‘Just like my baby cousin but my cousin is more, how should I say this, smart.’ 


 “Hey, I heard that!” Mammon was glaring at both Asmodeus and Satan who just ignored him.  Mammon glaring was getting so intense that I was surprised he wasn’t burning them with his glare. Mammon glaring was stopped by Lucifer slapping him on the back of the head.


 “I heard about what happened, Yuki. Apparently, you outfoxed a certain dimwit of a demon, and forged a pact with him.” Lucifer brought a hand to his mouth as he let out a quick and short laugh at Mammon's situation as well. 


 “Who’re you callin’ a dimwit?!” Mammon exploded again, as he pointed angrily at Lucifer who just slapped away his finger with no care. Mammon held his finger that got slapped and tried not to show anything on his face but I am pretty sure that he was in pain.


 “Your opponent may have been stupid, but even so, you’ve only just arrived. It’s a real accomplishment managing a feat like that in such a short span of time. Well done. I imagine Diavolo will be pleased as well. We continue to expect big things from you.” Lucifer gives me a soft smile and my heart betrays me as it increases in speed. Even though I found him kind of stuck up I can’t deny how attractive he was. 


 As I was trying to force down the blush that was going to appear on my face, Mammon looked at me with an irritated look. I was looking at him with a confused expression, wondering what I did this time to annoy him.


 “...Hey, human! C’mon, time to get going. Don’t just sit there with your head in the clouds. It’s time for class! So, let’s go!” Mammon told my coffee mug out my hands and put it down on the table hard. I was grabbed by my arm and pulled from the table. I stumble as I forced myself to follow after Mammon. I look back at his brothers who didn’t seem to care much about what just happened.


 After a while, we were near the stairwells. Mammon was still pulling me by my arm but he stopped suddenly and rubbed at the back of his neck with an annoyed expression. I was rubbing at my sore shoulder, wondering if I should say something to Mammon.


 “Seriously, what’s with that guy? He can’t go a single minute without bringin’ up Diavolo. It’s always Diavolo this, Diavolo that. If Diavolo told you to jump off a cliff to your death, would ya do THAT too, Lucifer?!  Huh?!.... Ya know what? Knowin’ him, he probably would.” I didn’t know what to do as I looked at Mammon as he pouts about Lucifer being so close with Diavolo. This...This feels like something my twin does whenever I am being way too close to someone else for a long time. ‘An older brother complex?! This only happens in anime! But I am experiencing this right now! I wish I could record this and have it stored away so I can look at it whenever I want to see real-life older brother complex.’


 “Anyway, ever since you got here, human, it’s been nothin’ but one bad thing after another for me. So, let’s get somethin’ straight, I didn’t make this pact ‘cause I wanted to, and I ain’t happy about it! Everything I did, I did for my credit card--for my baby Goldie! If you end up gettin’ yourself eaten by some demon here at RAD, don’t blame me, ‘cause I don’t give a damn.” I was brought out of my happy daydream about seeing real-life older brother complex by Mammon staring me down. The happy emotions I was feeling disappeared quickly and got replaced with a bunch of pissed off emotions. My hand tightens into a fist, as I dig my nails into my palm to calm me down.


 “You got that?! Don’t go thinkin’ you’re all great and stuff just ‘cause you managed to make some stupid pact, human!” I could grow myself getting even more pissed as he continues to call me human. I know I am a human but this human has a name and it is Yuki. I could feel my eyes getting sharp as I stared straight at Mammon.


 “I want you to call me by my name, please.” I politely request that from Mammon, trying not to lose my cool against someone who could kill me without no problem. But I wouldn’t give up on him calling me by my name. I rather not be called human during my whole stay here. It would be rather annoying.


“Shut your mouth! I’ll call you what I damn well please! You don’t deserve to have me call you by your real name, human! You’re nothin’ but a lowly human. Don’t think you can go givin’ orders to ME! ‘Cause I’ll eat ya, I swear! Startin’ from the head and workin’ my way down! Is that what ya want?!” I felt myself flinch at what he just said and take a small step back from Mammon. I was pissed at him but I was also scared by him. This is a tricky situation I was currently in right now.


 “Eh? What’s wrong? Am I that intimidating? Do I frighten you? Then listen… If you stop talkin’ back and just do what I tell ya, then things won’t be so bad for--” Mammon started to come closer to me with a look in his eyes I didn’t like and all the stored up emotions came rushing out of me before I could stop them.


 “Stay!” I closed my eyes tightly as I yelled that out. My eyes were closed for a while before I slowly opened them again. I was surprised to see Mammon frozen in place as he looked at me with a confused expression. 


 “Wh-What’s goin’ on?! I-I can’t move….! Wh-What’d you do to me?! Is this some kind of magic?! Listen up, h...hu...huma...Yuki.” Mammon looked surprised at the fact he called me by my name. His expression grew ugly as he struggled to move but let out a huge sigh once he realizes it wasn’t working.


 “What the….dammit! Don’t tell me this is all ‘cause of the pact?! Now you listen to me! You may control my body, but not my mind! I’m my own boss, and I always will be! Don’t you ever forget that! Huma...Yuki...Yuki, my boss! No, Your Majesty Yuki….!” I could feel a smile growing on my face at the way Mammon was currently acting. Mammon noticed my smile and grew red and glared at me hard.


 ‘Wow, this pact is really helpful! I know I shouldn't be a bad person but he started it first, so that means I am allowed to tease him a bit.’ I started to giggle a bit as I looked at the still frozen Mammon, wondering what else I could do with this pact of ours.

The game has new lessons! I wanted to play all of them right away but I have to level up since I don't have enough strength currently... I have to do some grinding just to get further in the story. I hope this was enjoyed and that everyone is doing well! Bye-bye for now (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆