Lesson Three Chapter Twenty-Six – The Great TSL Trivia Showdown (2)
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“All right, enough. This is gettin’ ridiculous. Let’s get this show on the road!” Mammon looked annoyed as he called out to Asmodeus who was still talking about himself. I didn’t think Mammon would be here but I guess it's nice that he showed up.


  “I thought you hated wasting your time at events like this, Mammon. Yet here you are. Truly, wonders never cease.” Lucifer looked over to Mammon with unreadable eyes as he said this to him.


  “Shut up, Lucifer. I’ve got some free time, that’s all.” Mammon's face grew red for some reason as he avoided Lucifer's gaze.


  “Well then, we’ll start with you, Yuki. Get ready for TSL Quiz question number one! The seven lords are all brothers, and each has a specific name that people know them by. In birth order, name the oldest, second-oldest, and third-oldest lords.” Asmodeus started by asking me the question first.


  “Hmm, the three oldest lords in birth order. First is the Lord of Corruption, then the Lord of Fools, and then the Lord of Shadow.” I thought this was a pretty easy question to start with for the quiz.


  “Well, how about that! You’re absolutely correct! Way to start the game off on the right foot, Yuki!” Asmodeus claps his hands as he looked at me happily and I felt a blush appearing on my face. ‘Yuki… Calm down. He is a demon of lust…’


  “Oh come on. Anybody could’ve gotten that one right.” Levi looked unexpressed at me getting the first question right and I guess he was kind of right with being a TSL ultimate fan.


  “Mm, my cheeseburgers came with onion rings, the king of all side items. Yum.” Beel was in the background still eating his cheeseburger but including onion rings now. I don’t see the point of him being here but if he is happy with what is happening I guess I can’t stop him.


   “All right, Leviathan, it’s your turn now. Here comes question number one! In what year did the Lord of Shadow build the Blue Palace for his imaginary mistress?” Asmodeus asked a question that I had no idea what the answer was but Levi didn’t look worried about it.


  “Year 693 of the ancient era,” Levi answered the question without missing a beat. I was kind of getting worried my question would be getting difficult soon. Losing means death for me.


  “Correct! What an impressive showing from the self-described TSL nerd!” Asmodeus nodded his head at Levi's answer with a smile on his face.


  “In me, you bear witness to a legend!” Levi looked pleased with the praise he got from Asmodeus and gloated for a second


  “Even so, is it just me, or was that question a little too specific? Only a mega nerd would know that.” Satan said this with a frown on his face and I agreed with him in my head.


  “Heheheh. This is shaping up to be quite entertaining, isn’t it, Lucifer?” Diavolo looked excited as he watched the quiz continue and I couldn’t help but compare him to a child at the moment.


   “I’m glad you find it to your liking, Diavolo.” Lucifer nodded at Diavolo with a polite smile on his face.


  “All right, back to you now, Yuki! Get ready for TSL Quiz question number two! The sixth lord is the Lord of Flies. What does he love to eat more than anything else?” Asmodeus asked me the next question and I thought about it for a while.


  “A cursed goat tartare sandwich with cheese.” It kind of was like a cheeseburger but with goat meat instead of beef.


  “Correct! Very impressive! That was a tough one! You really do know your stuff, don’t you?! Hmm… A cursed goat tartare sandwich with cheese… Is that sort of like a cheeseburger, more or less?” Asmodeus had the same thought process as he thought about the goat cheese sandwich.


  “Hey, Beel, come one! Take a napkin to that stream of drool comin’ outta your mouth! It’s gettin’ all over my clothes!” Mammon glared at Beel as an alerting amount of drool came out of his mouth. It was even getting on the ground.


  “Now back to Mr. Reliable himself, Leviathan! Here comes question number two! In The Tale of the Seven Lords Volume 3, page 724, what does the Lord of Fools say in the fifth line from the top?” I felt my jaw drop from inside of me as I listened to the question Asmodeus asked Levi this. That seems a bit hard, doesn’t it?


  “Money is my dearest friend and closest companion. It’s everything to me. The blood bonds I share with my brothers are like the weak, wispy threads of a spider by comparison.” Levi said it word for word without stumbling over anything.


  “Amazing! That is correct! An exact match word for word!” Asmodeus looked up from the paper he was looking at as he nodded at Levi's answer. I still couldn’t believe he got it word for word. 


  “The more I learn about the Lord of Fools, the clearer it is that he’s a total scumbag,” Satan said this as he looked in the direction of Mammon.


  “...Hey, why does it feel like you’re insulting ME right now?” Mammon looked insulted as he questioned a frowning Satan.


  “All right, moving on… It’s your turn now, Yuki! Say hello to question number three! This is regarding the fifth brother, the Lord of Lechery. Who does he love more than anyone else?” Asmodeus asked me this question but I knew the answer right away.


  “Himself.” From what I watched yesterday the fifth brother loved himself since he did talk about it countless times in the anime. I can’t remember one time where he didn’t mention it at all.


  “Well, well! Excellent! You are absolutely right! So, the fifth lord loves himself above all else. I like that. Sounds like my kind of guy.” Asmodeus had a pleased look on his face as he said that and I really couldn’t see the difference between him and the fifth brother from TSL.


  “Come on, hurry up! Let’s go! It’s my turn now.” Levi looked impatient as he wanted Asmodeus to give him the question already.


  “Leviathan, you’ve gotten every single question correct thus far. But prepare yourself, because question number three is coming at you! In Volume 4 of the DVD series, at exactly 159 minutes and 35 seconds in, what is the Lord of Masks holding in his left hand?” I couldn’t help but get confused at the difference between the questions Asmodeus gives us.


  “He’s holding a flower from a carnivorous grodoodle plant, grown by the Lord of Corruption.” I couldn’t believe Levi knew the answer to the question Asmodeus asked him. That would be something that most people wouldn’t catch.


  “Excellent! That only flashed on the screen for the briefest of moments, and yet you still caught it! Amazing! Your knowledge truly is extensive! In fact, I’d even say it’s creepy!” Asmodeus frowned as he said that to Levi.


  “Hey, is it just me, or have all of my questions been way harder than Yuki’s? Like, suspiciously harder. Though they’re still so easy for me that I’m ready to fall asleep here. Anyway… How long are we going to keep this charade up? This is getting boring.” Levi looked bored as he said this and I made eye contact with Mammon, trying to see if I should use ‘that’ right now.


  “Yep, I’d say it has. All right, Yuki, it’s time to pull out the big guns! Let’s see how Levi here likes your trump card! Levi, you’re way too full of yourself. Which is why we’re about to reach inside ya, yank out that pride, and crush it like a bug!” I felt like Mammon didn’t have to say all that since it made it seem like I was going to do something even more extreme. Levi looked confused at Mammon, not understanding what he was saying.


  “Well, well, interesting…” Diavolo nodded his head as he watched what was happening with interest in his eyes. 


 I hope what Solomon gives me will really help me out with this quiz or else it will be going on forever until I reach a question I don’t know and then Levi will kill me.

Well that it for lesson three~ I manage to get it done so now we are going to start lesson four next week! I can't wait since it will have a cute moment with Mammon in it and Mammon is like my baby. I have a slight cold so I don't know if this will affect my writing. But if I take medicine I think I will feel better. Well that all I have to say for now and I am going to head on out now. I hope this character was enjoyable for you and that you are healthy (Unlike me (-_-)...) and safe! Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆