Chapter 10 – Alpha
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Kaiba and Roland walked into the tech lab and ignored the bowing of the technicians. They went straight into the CTO’s office.

“You came to see me yesterday afternoon. I had an unexpected change in my schedule. What did you need?”

The man nearly fell out of his chair, surprised by the exec’s abrupt entrance. “Kaiba-san! What happened? Are you alright? We heard you’d been attacked!”

Kaiba grinned slowly. “Not quite. I’m afraid I may in fact be the guilty party.”

“You?” The man’s expression was somewhat dubious. “Guilty of what?”

“Of the attack.” Tech’s jaw dropped. “You seem surprised. Am I so cold hearted that you thought me above even biology?”

“You…. You attacked….” Tech scowled. “Of course. Every normal Alpha goes through it.” His scowl seemed to deepen. “So who was it? One of those pretty little omega office girls?”

“One of the interns.”

“An intern!”

“Yes. Now, enough about that. I am no longer distracted. You needed to see me. About what?”

“...see you…. Oh, yes! The Homanura Project.” The CTO opened his drawer and pulled out a file.

They discussed the project and the slight roadblock for an hour or so, then Kaiba returned to his office.

“Roland,” he said as they stood alone in the elevator, “who has access to my medical records?”

“Now? You and the sensei.”

“Then why was Tech so taken aback by the news of a seventeen-year-old Alpha going into an unexpected rut? Especially if he saw Katsuya.”

“That is an odd response.”

“Apart from the data here, the only records of my gender determination are at the orphanage and at the Ministry of Health. Unless Gozaburo kept something.”

“All of his possessions were transferred to you.”

“And I burned everything non-financial. It was a lovely bonfire.” The doors opened as he remembered that warm and cheerful day. “Do some research, Roland. Find out who has been talking to whom.”