Ch. 2.0 -The Quest to Oaphyllis
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At an inn back at the Baullheart Kingdom...


The door opened...


"It's already been a day and he hasn't woken up. He must've pushed himself too hard." The young soldier pitied the unconscious Astralish.

"Well, those are the effects of the Paria bottle. I can't blame him but feel pity for when he wakes up he'll be asked to do a ridiculous quest."

Dulles sat and grumbled.

"I've been meaning to ask Sir, what's a Paria bottle?" 

"You're new to the army so you must not have participated in the Great Crownless War. Uhh... what's your name again?"

"It's Gilbert, Sir." Dulles offered Gilbert a seat.

"Gilbert, what I'm about to tell you is a part of the history we don't tell to just about anyone. I assume you're ready to take responsibility and know the risks?" 

"I'm fully aware, Sir." Gilbert assuredly answered.

"A paria bottle rather... the one Astralish used is a prototype." 

Dulles explained.

"A prototype paria bottle is created by the Demon race. It gives unimaginable power temporarily. It is said that the power came from the Bloodline of the First Demon Lord. It was used by the Demon race to overpower the other races." 

Dulles looked at Gilbert who fears the Demon race.

"If it was created by the De— demon race. How could Astralish-san have one?"

"There's only one reason, he participated in the Great Crownless War."

Dulles continued on.

"I've investigated his background more than what the Guild gave us. However, I couldn't find anything."

"If Astralish-san did participate in the Great Crownless War then maybe he was with the"—

"I wasn't with the Demon race." 

Astralish stated. Both Dulles and Gilbert were startled from their seats. 

"You were awake?" Dulles asked.

"Just now..." "That's true... I was in the Great Crownless War." Astralish remarked.

"Wait... I now remember!" Dulles stood up as if he just saw a living ghost.

"The Boy who survived the Great Crownless War... that's me." 




'Where am I...' I opened my eyes and didn't see a familiar ceiling.

'That's right I was in the Thermite Cave!' I tried moving...

"There's only one reason, he participated in the Great Crownless War."

I stretched my face sideways. 'What're they talking about? That was the guy who helped me in the thermite cave and a soldier talking about my past?'

"If Astralish-san did participate in the Great Crownless War then maybe he was with"—

"I wasn't with the Demon race." I tried to get up to get a clear view of the room.

"You were awake?" Dulles looked back towards me.

"Just now..." I looked at the soldier and he seems like a new recruit. "That's true... I was in the Great Crownless War." I wasn't happy hearing that right after I had woken up.

"Wait... I now remember!"

"The Boy who survived the Great Crownless War... that's me." I grumbled.

"I'm sorry for asking you this Astralish-san. I need you to come with me to the General's Office."

'So that's what they're here for.'

"Well, even if I say no I doubt you'd let me go."

"Let me help you, Sir Astralish." The soldier helped me get out of the bed and stand on my own.

"Thanks, umm..."

"I'm Gilbert. Nice to meet you Sir Astralish." 

"Can you please stop adding 'Sir'. I'm not even older or someone who has a high status than you." 

I scratched my head dealing with Gilbert.

"I can't do that Sir Astralish. After seeing you defeat the minotaur 'Norjin' all I have are high respects for you." 

'He even saluted... Geez he's kind of annoying.' 

I asked them what happened with the fight and Gilbert explained to me in clear details. I honestly don't know if I should thank him for explaining every little details. 

After that I followed them out of the inn and head to the General's office. The army's headquarters are located to a large area and a building that almost seems like an academy.

'Yeah that's right they had a military academy, I think...'




As I walk inside the grounds of their place, somehow, everyone was staring at me.

'Are they not fond of visitors?'

"Waaahhh...! It's the adventurer Astralish...!"

"Wha... what...!"

"It's true... he's here let's go check out!"

One after another a crowd formed. 'I thought they hated me,' I am not used too large crowds.

Dulles and Gilbert calmed down the crowd and I properly bowed to them instead — the fire just burned more than ever — we hurriedly walked to the east building where the General's Office was.

"You're quite popular aren't you Sir Astralish!" Gilbert happily smacked my back.

'I still haven't recovered completely and I'm already dealing damage.'

"I've been meaning to ask why do they know me and got excited when they saw me?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. We told everyone that you defeated the monster raid and the minotaur Norjin all by yourself."

'You what...!'

"You what...!" I was flustered.

"Well, I didn't really help fight the monster raid and I only fought Norjin for a couple of minutes. This victory is all yours!"

"If you didn't block the attack of the Norjin back then I would've died you know?"

I talked my away from the issue.

"I saw you holding the Paria bottle... you were ready weren't you?"


I couldn't shrug his statement.

We continued walking until we arrived at the office of the General.


After entering, a large rectangular table was placed in the middle part of the room. I scanned the surroundings.

There was a desk on the left side of the wall and a stone fireplace on the right side between two large bookshelves. The people inside looked at the door and it seems they were expecting us today.

"Lieutenant Colonel, Dulles reporting! I have accompanied the adventurer Astralish to the General's Office as soon as he had woken up!"

Both Dulles and Gilbert saluted to the General.

"Good job, both of you. You are relieved of your assistance Gilbert, you may now go."

"Yes, Sir!"

Gilbert closed the door.

I glance at the General. He was wearing: a beige-colored outfit, black shoes, and he has brown hair the same as his eyes. His body structure is kinda bulky. I definitely sense he is someone who holds authority.

"Yo... adventurer Astralish-kun."

Someone called out to me who was sitting on a chair on the table.

'Who's this guy...'

The man wore a polished silver hat with a suit; that suits a merchant.

'Geh... This man...'

"I'm sorry for calling you here in short notice." The General offered me a seat to the large table.

Dulles and I sat so did the General facing my direction.

"I've asked you to come he"—

"Hey... how did you defeat the minotaur 'Norjin' hmmm...?"

"Uhhh... I..."

'What's this guy doing...? Interrupting the General.'

"Haaahhh... it's fine Astralish you can answer Koukei-san's question."

"Ohh... okay Sir..."

'I just have to answer I guess... He's annoying!'

"I drank a... prototype Paria bottle..."

"Hoh... that's rather interesting..."

His eyes peered through me as if he could see my heart.


After a moment of silence, the General once again spoke.

"As I was saying, the reason I've asked you to come here is I need your assistance."

"We want you to go to the Elves continent: Oaphyllis."

I couldn't comprehend what he was saying.

"I'm sorry?"

"The Human race and Elves race are quite in bad terms. In the worst case, there could be a war."

"And you want me to go the Oaphyllis?"

"Our forces have been reduced due to the fight with the Beastkin."

"I presume another war?"

The General couldn't keep his composure any longer...


'What's up with the General?'

"I refuse..."

I remarked. I assume they want me to spy and figure out what's happening in Oaphyllis.

"I see..."

"If that's all then I'll leave now. Thank you"—

"Wait... please hear out our explanation Astralish-san."

Dulles stopped me. I let out a sigh and remain seated. I owe him a favor, so I guess I'll listen.

"We ask you to go to Oaphyllis to mend the misunderstanding of the Elves."


"Yes, the Elves have formed a peace treaty to us and we declined it."

"I don't see any misunderstanding there..."

I abruptly retorted.


Dulles looked at me.

"It's fine Dulles..." "It was the Grand Duke who declined the peace treaty."

"It wasn't the King?"

I was confused.

"Yeah, the King was in a peril condition and the Grand Duke was in charge. He said that it was  preposterous that the Elves think they're on equal footing with us."

The General continued on.

"The Elves heard the news and was enraged. It was a week ago and one of our forces reported that they're scheming something. After that report, we didn't hear any more from them and after that day. They were found dead. We want you to also investigate that matter and talk to the Elves about the misunderstanding."

"You'll be accompanied by Koukei-san, he is a merchant and he has a good reputation in the Oaphyllis. The problem is most of our forces are fending off the Beastkin at the northside and we will soon head there. We need your help. Astralish-san."

The General politely request my assistance.

"There is a reward for this right? If not"—

"There is a reward."

Dulles bluntly butted in.

I let out a sigh... "Fine... I accept your request."

"Thank you, adventurer Astralish. We truly appreciate your help."

"It's fine..."

"Then I have to go. I have an appointment somewhere. I'll see you later Astralish-san."

The General stood up and so did Dulles. I followed.


I looked at Koukei who stopped me.

"You should talk with Koukei for a little longer. You will both be together on Oaphyllis anyway. See you later Astralish-san."

Dulles remarked and they left closing the door.

I remained seated and looked at Koukei.

"What do you want... Koukei..."

I returned his piercing gaze right back at him.

"That's a little bit harsh don't you think, Astral?"

'This guy I swear...'