Delia's eyes went wide, her mouth dropping open in utter surprise. The look on her face was like I'd just suggested she fly to the moon on a Pidgey's back.
Delia's eyes went wide, her mouth dropping open like a Poké Ball about to snap shut on an unsuspecting Pikachu. The look on her face was like I'd just suggested she trade in her comfy Pallet Town life for a seat on a rocket ship to the moon, with a Pidgey as the pilot and a prayer as the only safety net.
It was like the thought had never occurred to her, even when I'd told her about my aspirations. She'd been so focused on worrying about me, about the dangers of battling, that the idea of joining me on this wild adventure had never crossed her mind.
The concept seemed to have rocked her entire world, leaving her staring at me like I'd grown a second head. Hmm, a good idea to try out...
Finally, she found her voice, her tone laced with incredulity. "Me? Go with you on this... this Pokémon Championship adventure?" She said it slowly, like she was trying to wrap her head around the idea.
I nodded, trying to look as encouraging as possible. "Why not? You're already stuck with me, might as well make it interesting."
Delia's eyes darted around the room, as if searching for an escape from the absurdity of my suggestion. "Uhm, I'm not sure..." she trailed off, her voice laced with hesitation.
She shifted uncomfortably on the couch, her hands fidgeting in her lap. "I mean, I'm not exactly... young anymore," she said, her tone dripping with doubts.
I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her sudden concern with her age. "And what's that got to do with anything?" I asked, trying to sound casual.
Delia's face turned pink, her eyes flashing with embarrassment. "I'm a mother, for crying out loud! What would people say if they found out I was traipsing around the country with... with a Pokémon?" She waved her hand at me, as if I was some kind of embarrassing secret.
I chuckled, trying to put her at ease. "People would say you're living your best life, that's what," I said, grinning.
Delia's expression turned skeptical, her brow furrowing. "You think so, huh?" she said, her tone laced with sarcasm.
I shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. "I mean, who cares what people think? It's your life, your choices."
Delia's expression softened, her eyes searching mine as if looking for reassurance. She seemed to be a little bit convinced, but some pushing was still needed.
I leaned in, my voice taking on a persuasive tone. "So, do you have something to do here? Any business, any relatives around?"
Delia shook her head, her ponytail bobbing behind her. "No, not really. Nothing that I can't leave behind."
I nodded, sensing an opening. "And have you ever traveled to distant places?"
Delia's eyes gazed off into the distance, her voice taking on a wistful tone. "Oh, when I was young, I went to some nearby towns, but not more than that. After Ash, I never got the chance..."
I pounced on her words, my eyes sparkling with excitement. "Exactly! You've been stuck in one place for too long, Delia. Imagine how fun it would be to travel around the world, discover new places, meet strange Pokémon... "
I let my words trail off, letting the possibilities hang in the air like a tantalizing promise. Delia's eyes began to light up, her face reflecting a distant memory of adventure.
"Now that Ash is also gone on his adventure, what would you do here?" I asked, my voice gentle but probing.
Delia's expression faltered, her eyes dropping as she struggled to come up with an answer. "I... I don't know. I just sort of... exist, I suppose."
I leaned in closer, my voice taking on a persuasive tone. "Exactly. You exist, but you don't live. You don't experience the thrill of the unknown, the rush of adrenaline when you're facing the unexpected."
I paused, letting my words sink in. "Imagine leaving all this behind and seeing what the world has to offer. You could be more than just a mother, more than just a name in Pallet Town."
Delia's lips parted, her eyes locked on mine as she considered my words
But then I backed off, my tone becoming gentle. "You don't need to rush, Delia. This isn't a small decision, and I'm not expecting you to make it on the spot. Take some time to think about it, weigh your options..."
Delia hummed, her eyes still locked on mine, her expression thoughtful.
"You remember the trainer I talked about?" I asked, trying to sound casual.
Delia's eyes narrowed slightly. "The one whose Pokémon you would pretend to be?"
I nodded, trying to seem nonchalant. "Yeah, that one. I'll travel with her for some time, check out how her personality is and all."
Through I was quite sure that wouldn't be a problem between Misty and Delia - both were good-natured people, what could possibly go wrong?
Delia's face remained straight, betraying no emotion. "Her? You didn't tell me earlier that it was a girl?"
Oh boy.
(Death Spirit hovering in the background, whispering in my ear: "Omae wa mou shinderu")
"Yeeeah!" I exclaimed, quickly burying my face in Delia's stomach to hide.
"Meanwhile, you can decide, and then if you're sure, we can all go together!", I said, pretending to be excited, trying to ignore Delia's piercing stare boring down on the back of my head.
I could feel her eyes burning holes into my scalp, but I refused to look up, instead opting to nuzzle her belly like a guilty cat.
So an minor thing I gotta correct in last chapters I forgot to announce earlier. So nearest city to Pallet Town is Viridian City, not Pewter City. I had mistaken that, and have used that in many chapters so I hope you guys overlook that.
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