The Witch of the Meadows
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Aleo ran a paw through his fur quickly and adjusted his clothes, trying to make himself presentable. As a Kobold pup, he had heard of stories of Witches and their great magical power.

As he attended the academy, he had learned of the stereotype of Witches being nothing more than crackpot magicians living in the woods, experimenting with stupid ideas, ideas fueled just because they can do some magic. But instead of established facts, ones that made sense to all laypeople they go with the latest cone-hat gossip and get themselves blown up with their magic or poisoned with their own potions.

Not that Aleo was any wizard himself but his education had taught him the fundamentals well enough that he could read off a scroll or use an enchanted item properly.

So when Aleo was tasked with visiting the Witch of the Meadow he wondered what sort of novelty the King was asking for. The King Radomix was reaching 376 years of age and for a Lizard-Folk, it probably had something to do with making more hatchlings with the Queen. An idea that had caused more than a few ministers to bury their heads in their books and hope by all the Gods they manage to stifle their laughter. And it didn't help when Aleo would be coming to the Witch's house all by his lonesome.

It almost was like a very small town, having more than one structure. He figured one was some kind of shed and that the laboratories were separated for obvious safety reasons.

Aleo felt even more nervous, he'd heard of stories of people coming over to see their Witch friend only to see said witch running the opposite direction and frantically telling them to run even faster because she's set off some kind of massive explosion, but everything seemed calm.

The Witch didn't seem at all eccentric when she answered the door. She only took a look at his liveried clothing, briefly glancing at the rolled letter with the seal. She seemed to giggle a bit and mentioned something about a Kobold fetching her a rolled piece of paper and invited him in.

As far as witches go he's only seen a few of them but she was in both ways the strangest yet most normal of all of them. For one thing, she looked like a malformed elf, and probably was one. In fact, that could be why she lived like a hermit away from civilization, her ears were horribly malformed, just round stubs instead of the elegant and long ears of an elf. Her eyes were dull and brown, none of that multi-faceted look elvish eyes took on.

Aleo figured that she must've been the unwanted child of some elvish couple, hidden away to live in obscurity with the occasional relative coming over furtively to give her money. She also wasn't wearing any familiar witch garb, just some comfortable-looking clothes of unknown origin.

The two briefly talked to each other over tea and then she began reviewing the written orders from the King.

Sarah, as the Witch called herself, read it out loud.

"...we need you to deal with the enemy as soon as possible. Our knights are currently holding the line at Naxon Ridge, Our mutual friend Ser Jadzar is currently in command of the front lines. We reckon that he could hold for another three days but no more."

The revelation made Aleo's blood run cold. As far as he knew The Kingdom was waging a successful campaign, but for Naxon Ridge to fall into enemy hands? Did that have anything to do with what he heard before he left for Sarah's house, about the flood of refugees at Tellmont's End, and the contingent of the Red Riders; the Kingdom's finest Cavalry, having arrived at The Fork.

The next document brought a smile to Sarah's face, it was a certificate from the Royal Treasury with the King's Seal authorizing the Royal Bank to pay upon demand the amount of ten thousand Gold Talons to one Sarah Jones, Witch of the Meadow.

The third document was a few maps. Sarah retrieved from a table what looked like a stubby wand but it was some kind of writing implement. She twisted one's end off, revealing a felt-tipped nib. Conferring with the King's letter, she made a series of circles, lines, as well as scribbled in a few runes of unknown script before capping it.


The next day, Aleo accompanied the King and a few of his advisers as they stood atop the highest tower in the Kingdom. A servant carried a strange box and laid it on a nearby table, With a wave of his hand, the king dismissed him.

"Isn't that one of those weird artifacts that disfigured elf-witch gave you?" asked one of the ministers snidely.

The King sighed, shaking his head. "Sarah's not an Elf... she's from a completely different plane of existence. Due to the circumstances of bringing her here, she's developed the ability to bring weapons from her world to ours."

"She's not an elf?" asked another.

"No," The King replied, as he manipulated various moving parts on the face of the artifact. "She's from a world called Earth, and her species is called Human."

With a click, the strange box began speaking.

"Oppenheimer to Godzilla, how copy?" came the voice of Sarah from the box.

Everyone but the King jumped in surprise on hearing the box talk. The King picked up a round protrusion from the box and spoke to it. "Godzilla Copies, Send traffic. Over." he said evenly.

"Emm Ell Ar-Ess armed. Awaiting authorization. Target: enemy kingdom of Dramathia. Over." said the box in Sarah's voice.

"Godzilla Authorizes. Over." intoned King gravely.

There was a pause.

"Nuclear Launch Confirmed." came Sarah's voice one last time and the box fell silent.

"May the Gods have mercy on us all." Said the King, more to himself than anybody in particular.

Aleo saw a streak of light and smoke from where the Witch of the Meadow lived, he and the rest of the King's delegation watched in awe as the ominous light headed towards the direction of the Dramathia Capital, far, far away in the horizon.

A few minutes later, there came a blinding flash of light over the distant city, It was like a second sun had appeared over the mountains where Dramathia nestled under. Even from this distance, the explosion was heard and a huge column of smoke and dust rose, forming the shape of a mushroom.

The King sighed and turned to his ministers, here comes the long list of things to do next, he thought to himself "Issue my royal decree. The lands of Dramathia have been struck with a terrible curse. No one shall approach those lands for the next ten years unless they want to become afflicted. Pay, another five thousand Gold Talons to the Witch of the Meadows and ask for medical…”


