Chapter 236. Impossible, Absolutely Impossible
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Chapter 236. Impossible, Absolutely Impossible


"So that's it? This is the true power of [Star Platinum]?"

"Not just raw strength and precise movements, or rather, the abilities that Star Platinum has always shown only reflect its basic capabilities. Its true Stand ability is actually like [The World]—the ability to stop time!?"

"Although it seems like a bit of deus ex machina, this setup seems to have been hinted at all along..."

"The vine-like Stand that first appeared on DIO, similar to [Hermit Purple], and now this confirmed Stand, [The World], which shares the same power as [Star Platinum]..."

"No wonder there's a strong connection within the Joestar bloodline—they can even share Stand abilities among themselves? If Kujo Holy had been qualified to awaken her Stand, DIO might have even ended up with a third Stand! (laughs)"

"Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous!"

"But for something so absurd, I can only say... Good job!"


Lu Xun once said:

"People's nature is to always seek compromise and balance. If you say the room is too dark and a window should be opened here, everyone will object. But if you suggest tearing off the roof, they'll come to a compromise and agree to open a window."

The same could be applied here.

Has Cujoh Jolyne read the "Stardust Crusaders" script?

Of course she has!

And if you ask her what aspect of "Stardust Crusaders" she's most satisfied with, then up until now, she'd definitely say—she's most pleased with [Star Platinum]'s Stand ability setup!

Until now, [Star Platinum] had never shown a true Stand ability, or audiences almost believed it was a basic, non-ability Stand like [Silver Chariot].

The moment it first demonstrated its true ability was none other than when DIO exposed [The World]'s true power and prepared to use it to kill Jotaro!

Then, in this seemingly hopeless situation...

In the industry, there are works with similar time-stopping abilities, which have taught others how to defeat such enemies.

And Pucci, he actually chose the worst option!

He didn't wait for [The World]'s cooldown period after stopping time, nor did he leverage the fact that DIO's time-stopping doesn't even stop his own clothes or even air—an implication that immobilizes him due to frozen air.

Or any method that involved touching DIO before time stopped, potentially neutralizing the effect.

(PS: Like the method used by Tomoe Mami to counter Akemi Homura's time stop in Madoka Magica.)

... All these possible solutions.

Instead, he decided to let Jotaro and [Star Platinum] also gain the power to stop time!?

I have to say, Pucci truly lives up to his title of "Hidden Dragon" for thinking of such an awful solution while ignoring all other successful cases in the industry!?

Yes, this method is downright terrible!

At best, it means that as long as Jotaro can also stop time, DIO's time stop is no longer a threat, directly solving the issue.

But at worst, this is pure deus ex machina!

This kind of approach, like adding new abilities out of nowhere to salvage a storyline, usually occurs when the creators have no idea how to continue the story properly.

Pucci has no idea what Araki-sensei was thinking at the time. Was he genuinely stuck without a solution, or had he planned this all along?

But Jolyne only had one thought about Pucci daring to write the script this way—"Stardust Crusaders" was doomed!

Although it seemed that "Stardust Crusaders" was quickly recouping its production costs.

But if "Stardust Crusaders" ends on a bad note...

The industry would think although "Stardust Crusaders"'s new technology has potential, it's like the early digital effects that couldn't compete with traditional effects. Only later did digital effects gradually replace traditional ones.

Those in the industry who were attracted by the new Stand technology would back off, canceling their deals with Green Dolphin Studio and stopping the flow of royalties.

And by the time this new technology shines...

Jolyne's system would have already completed its mission, so she wouldn't need to worry if it ever turned profitable!

Moreover, cutting off the patent royalties would naturally reduce BD sales, ensuring "Stardust Crusaders" was a financial loss!

With her system's return-on-investment function, she could lose as much as she invested and get it all back multiplied by a hundredfold!

Such a bright future was just within reach.

How could Jolyne possibly miss watching the new episode of "Stardust Crusaders"?

Unlike the anxious audience members waiting nervously in front of their full-dive helmets, Jolyne felt an unprecedented thrill and excitement waiting for the broadcast of "Stardust Crusaders".

After all, she might not even need to wait for the next "Diamond is Unbreakable" series or the Fate adaptation project by Nasu.

"Stardust Crusaders" could be her opportunity to push the system's limits and embark on the path of financial loss!

This hope lasted... until Jolyne saw the scene where Jotaro successfully used time stop to counterattack DIO...

Of course, don't misunderstand.

Jolyne was actually quite pleased with the filming of this "Stardust Crusaders" scene.

Pucci did an excellent job bringing to life the deus ex machina scene she wanted to see!



Why is it that, despite this plot device, which even audiences strongly dislike for its sudden new abilities, after the airing of "Stardust Crusaders", the audience's reaction is exactly the opposite of what she expected!?

Watching the comments floating by on "Stardust Crusaders".

And even going through the comment section and looking up reviews on 2CH, Cujoh Jolyne continued her search for even one negative review.

In this fruitless search...

It seemed she had realized a universal truth—

This audience's tastes truly seem to go against hers!?

Does that mean her personally directed "Diamond is Unbreakable", where she also cast actors and wrote the storyline, could actually be... a profitable story?

Recalling the recent filming of "Diamond is Unbreakable", Jolyne quickly shook off this thought and shouted, "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

Bonus 20 chapters (5 chapters of them are free) are available at []