Chapter 12: Running From Madness
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“Hey you, fluffy animal guy!” The kid jumps back on to my ship.

“My name is Luffy. Join my crew!”


I look at the kid wearing a straw hat, who suddenly declared that, as if I was looking at an idiot.

And I don’t doubt that he is one.

“What are you doing, Luffy!?” A girl with orange hair shouts at the kid and jumps over.

Suddenly the girl, whose face has turned savage, punches the kid and grabs him by the collar.


“Why do you try to recruit everyone that catches your eye without even asking us!”

The girl shakes the kid, who presumably is her captain, and then starts to drag him away.

“Sorry about my captain. He is an idiot.” She apologizes with a smile.

“… Yea, I noticed.” I nod at the girl with a complicated look on my face.


Are these kids even pirates or are they just playing around?

I think I’ll stay away from them and wait for the Log Pose to fix to an islands magnetic field and leave quickly.

“But Namiii~. He can speak to animals! He is like Apis!” The idiot starts complaining while being dragged across the ground.

… Doesn’t that hurt or is he just too stupid to even feel the pain?


I don’t know who or what this Apis is, but it seems like I’m not the only one with an ability to talk to animals.

Well the animals did mention that it was quite rare for humans to understand them.

So, it means I’m definitely not the only one but it’s just so rare that this is the first time I’ve heard of another person able to do that.



Oh for the love of, what now? What happened for the girl to scream like it was the end of the damn world.

Let’s listen in with Enhanced Hearing.

“The compass…! It’s broken! It’s pointing all over the place!”

Huh, the compass is broken? Well they are doomed if their Log Pose is defective…


Wait compass… don’t tell me… These guys don’t know about the Log Pose…

I face palm as the old flowerguy starts explaining to them about the magnetic fields in the Grand Line.

Seems like the girl, who surprisingly is the navigator, noticed how bad the situation is.

And now the long nose starts to panic while the blondie starts praising the navigator with hearts in his eyes…


… Are all of them mental?

Oh! Seems like the idiot captain actually had a Log Pose. Now that is a surprise.

“Why the heck do you have one!?”

And the navigator girl punched him… yep… These guys are definitely mental.


“From this mountain, you’ll choose 1 out of 7 magnetic fields to record, which’ll lead you to different islands.”

“But no matter which island you start with, the paths will all converge into one eventually…”

“And the name of the very last island one can reach in the Grand Line is…”

RAFTEL. The final stop in the Grand Line.”


“The only ones who’ve confirmed its existence in the history is the pirate king and his crew. It is an island of legends.”

“Then does that mean… One Piece is on that island!?”

“Who knows. Although that is the most likely theory. Nobody has ever reached there to confirm it.”

“Enough thinking. We can see for ourselves once we’re there!”


Seems like these kids have a death wish.

There are so many strong people out there trying to get to One Piece.

How could a group of brats like them survive all of that.

*BAM!!* *Smash* *BOM!!”


““………”” The Log Pose broke…

“YOU TWO CAN JUST GO COOL YOUR HEADS DOWN IN THE SEA!” The navigator girl kicks the idiot captain and the dumb blondie down the cliff.

“URGH!” I groan in anguish at the sheer stupidity as I try my best not to claw my face off as I hold my face in my hands.

I can now understand why the girl so… volatile…


If it were me… I think I would be worse than her…

It seems that the old flowerguy has a spare for them…

Are you sure you shouldn’t just send them back to the Blues?

… I need a drink…




Oh no… there are more of them…

How did they multiply while I was downing a few bottles?

Or am I drunk? I shouldn’t be that drunk after a few bottles…

I’m quite certain that those two weirdos are not my imagination.


“Heey~! Fluffy animal guy!”

Oh no… The idiot captain noticed me…

“We are going to Whiskey Peak! Come! Join us!”

Oh hell no… I’m not getting dragged into this!


I’m leaving. RIGHT NOW!

I don’t care if my Log Pose is set or not!

I turn around and start running back towards my ship.

“Hey! Where are you going!?” The kid shouts and starts running after me!


Why is he running after me!? What is wrong with him!?

“I’m not going to go with you madmen!” I shout as I increase my speed.

“I refuse!” The idiot shouts and throws his hands towards me.

Wait his hands stretch!? A devil fruit user!?


“What the fuck do you mean and what the fuck are you!?”

“I refuse to let you get away! I ate the Gum Gum Fruit! I’m a rubber man!”

I dodge to the skies and try to fly to my ship.

“Cool! You can fly!” The idiot starts screaming in amazement.


Oh god… I can see the sparkle in his eyes.

This kid isn’t going to stop until I force him to stop.

I should just throw him into the sea.

I bet his crew will get him out of there.


“You leave me no choise! Life Return: Gods Hands!

I create 4 hands out of hair and fully utilize my Observation Haki.

“Amaziing~ I want you even more!”

… I think I’m just making this worse for myself.


“Let me beat some sense into you, kid.”

“Kid? But aren’t we the same age?”

“I’m 24! I’m definitely older than you!”

Okay, that does it. I don’t even care if he drowns.


With Observation Haki, I can feel where he is going to attack me.

… Right hand towards my chest…

I grab it with my Gods Hands and keep his hand stuck.

Now to get his other arm and legs.


“Let go! Gum Gum…!” His left hand stretches backwards.

This is bad! He is again going towards my chest but this time he is trying to hit hard using momentum.

“Pistol!” The arm rushes forward using the generated momentum.

“Whoa!” Thank god I have Haki. Would’ve been hard to dodge otherwise.


I grab his other arm before it comes back to him.

“Damn it! Let go of my arms!”

“Not before you give up!”

“Never! I’m going to be King of the Pirates!”


“I don’t care! I will do whatever I want, and you won’t stop me!”

“Gum Gum…” A leg sweep. Perfect.

“Whip!” I jump and grab his leg.

“Ah! How are you able to dodge all of them!”


“I’m just better. Now then. Time to finish this!” I pull his limbs and make him trip down to the ground.

I jump again but this time higher and I let the rubber limbs to carry me back to the kid.

I drop kick straight to his face and use my last Gods Hand to restrain his remaining leg.

“Sorry, kid. But looks like it’s my win." I tie his hands and feet together.


I throw the now immobilized kid to the sea.

“”“Luffy!””” His crew shouts and the blondie jumps after him to get him out of the sea.

Now is my chance to finally leave!

I run to the ship and get it moving.


I start sailing away from the Twin Capes.

*Splash* The kid got rescued already but he hasn’t gotten his strength back.

“Haha! So long, kid! You can’t catch me now! HAHAHAHAA!”

I laugh as I managed to escape that mad crew.


Hello World!

Madness is infectious. And this isn't the end... Just the beginning.

Our MC has garnered the interest of Luffy and is now running for his life. How long can he escape Luffy's rubbery clutches... hehehe...

I'm going to be quite busy the whole next week so I'm not sure how much time I will have with writing this... well atleast I already have the ideas about what to write about for atleast... 4 more chapters... I think?

Don't die from the heat, stay hydrated and happy readings to all!