Chapter 18 : Beginnings
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It was a different world, times were different. But the heart of humans was the same, so easy to corrupt, what made their strength could suddenly turn into weakness, or even become a weapon.

Thousands of years ago Men and gods lived in harmony. The gods and goddesses loved the world of humans and its beauty, many of them regularly descended from the world of the gods to enjoy the one of humans. Life was peaceful and humans like gods were satisfied.

     Sometimes during their stay in the human world, some even interfered with the lives of humans. Although it was forbidden for a god to reveal his presence among humans, some still caused terrible events out of rage or joy. The gods loved Men and when they liked a human that one was blessed and would never suffer.

     But they couldn't stay in the human world for long. To maintain the balance between the worlds, they had to leave this one before the 77 days, and they were only allowed to go there every 365 years. The power of the gods was too strong for the world of Men, every time a god descended on earth the universal balance was shacked, for this reason their time among Men was limited.

     Many Gods because of their love for certain humans tried to break the rules but the consequences of such an act were immense. The god who had tried to break the rule as well as the human for whom he had tried to do so was condemning to wander in the endless world. He had to wander in the void without being able to see each other until the natural death of the human, caused by age, each could hear the cries of the other but even if they tried to follow the sound of the other's voice they would never managed to find each other. 

     For the gods the lifespan of a human was only a fraction of a second of his life but for the human, the punishment was just inconceivable, especially since most were not aware that the person near them was a god.

     Because of these laws, the gods decided to find a solution, if humans could receive some of their power they could thus be in constant contact with the person they desire to protect. But the human heart was too impure only a few humans could maintain their power, for the rest, the impurity of their hearts would sometimes caused their death if they tried to retain the power of the gods by force. It was then that one of the goddesses of the earth 'Gaia' created the contract, so that a fraction of their power could be transmitted by blood to the descendants of the people they had chosen to bless, so that they would later receive their blessing without having to be compatible with their hearts.

     When a god's heart was compatible with that of a human, and he wanted to bless him and his offspring, to be in his life until his death, he made a contract with the human and the god became his protector. the human could use some of his powers and satisfy all his desires until his death, and the could be in contact with with him without having to leave the kingdom of gods. These humans were called contractors, the first super humans, their numbers were minim but their powers were immense and their offspring were blessed by them. 


     The years passed and many descendants of the people blessed by the gods were born but their powers were small compared to that of a person who received direct blessing. Jealousy began to corrupt their hearts and even affected their powers. 

Some of them began to seek for a solution, since it was impossible for them to know if a god was among them to try to obtain his blessing, they decided to directly to seek their blessings in the kingdom of gods.

They then began to build a tower that was supposed to lead them to the kingdom of the gods, but this one after the 365th level collapsed. They tested all kinds of materials, but to no avail, the tower collapsed each time. After several attempts and research they discovered that the blood of contractors could strengthen the stone they used and that by using these stones they could finally finish the tower and gain access to the kingdom of the gods.