Chapter 10 – Battle of Asrord (Part one)
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I woke up in my bed that was set up by Drox, today the Empire will know despair. The plan was to send the 3 silver knights to confront the army and my black squad, a group of 5 that has maxed out stealth and sneak attacks, they can do almost anything if they are not spotted. In a one on one fight they are pretty bad but on sneaky quick attacks they are the best. So the plan is to send the black squad to take out the cannons and once they are down, the 3 silver knights together with Drox as back up will take down the army. And while they take down the army I’ll fly to the castle to confront the King. 


The spies that was sent out by Drox also reported that they have summoned a Hero from another world that’s apparently quite strong..


Another world huh, is he from my old world..? My memories are vague, I need to capture him. 


I took it chill in the morning, eating something for the first time in a couple of days, dragons doesn’t need to eat everyday but today I thought I would stock up on some food to be in top shape for the fight. I ate some orc meat that I had stocked up on, it tastes like bacon and who doesn’t like bacon?  


What is bacon..? I need to get to the bottom of this.. But for now.


“Silver Knights and Drox, it’s time for you to fly to the Empires army and bring them down. The black squad is already on their way to destroy their cannons. Once you get there they will probably be gone, if not just smash them up yourself.”

“””Yes! Leave the army to us!””” The 3 silver knights said in sync. 

“Understood, my Queen. Just as they said leave them to us.” 

“Good, now go.” 



Leader of Black squad POV. 


We departed from the camp just now to destroy those cannons so that the 3 silver knights can focus on the army. We got word from Drox’s spies that they have 50 cannons, so 10 each. We’ll set up delaying spells and then activate all of them at the same time, hopefully we can bring every cannon down before the silver knights come. 


“Just as we discussed, take the 10 cannons you have been given and then set up delayed fire explosive spells. 30 minutes from now we meet back here and activate them at the same time. Now go, don’t disappoint Queen Libelle!” 


I flew off to get to the first cannon and set up the delayed spell but.. it didn’t go as planned, the spells didn’t work on the cannons..


Why doesn’t the magic work on them!? There’s no way! Are the cannons God Realm!? This isn’t good, we can’t destroy them, damn! I need to fly back to the meeting place right now and hope that the others have realized it too and that they do the same as me. 


I flew back to the meeting place, I didn’t have to wait long before everyone else was back, looks like they thought the same as me. Good. 


“The cannons are God Realm, only other God Realm items can bring them down. We need to notify Queen Libelle, she’s the only one that has such items. Let’s fly back, quickly!” 

“Yes, sounds good.”


“Understood, cap.”



10 minutes later. 


“Queen Libelle.” 

“Palco? Why are you here?” Yes, my name is Palco. 

“I’m sorry but we can’t destroy the cannons, they apparently are God Realm, so our spells just bounced off of them.”

“What! God Realm!? How can they have 50 cannons with God Realm rarity!?” 

“I don’t know, but only you can destroy those cannons.”

“I know... so if my army marches in they’ll get massacred by the cannons, the Silver Knights or you guys can’t destroy them and they have a strong Hero. Looks like I’ll need to take down the army and the cannons by myself. And I’ll need to send the Silver Knights together with Drox to confront the Hero so I can focus on my task. But just where the heck did they get those cannons from!?” 


I don’t like that the Queen will take on 300 000 humans and 50 God Realm cannons by herself, me and my team should go with her to protect her back.. Yes that sounds good. 


“Queen Libelle.” 


“Please allow the black squad to assist you in battle, even though we aren’t good in battle, we can stay hidden and attack the stupid humans that tries to sneak up on you.” 

“Fine, but don’t stand in my way.” 


Yes, Queen Libelle allowed it. Me and my team will not disappoint you! We will squash every worm that tries to wiggle up behind you! Just stay focus on the threat before you. 


“Leave your back to us.” I have a rather wide smile on my face because now I can show her exactly how loyal and trustworthy I really am. 

“Lets go!”

“Yes! Queen Libelle!”


My squad and Queen Libelle then quickly flew off to the battlefield were the 3 Silver Knights and commander Drox had already started battling the enemy, they had entered their dragon forms. The 3 Silver Knights looked almost the same with shiny silver scales and all of them were 10 meters high with sharp teeth and big silver horns. The only difference between them were the eyes, one of them had green, one red and one blue, they all shined brightly on the battlefield. Commander Drox was 6 meters high with black and grey scales and black horns, his eyes had turned red too. 


They all were slicing humans, burning them, eating them. Hundreds of humans were already dead, but the God Realm cannons had injured them, the Silver Knights have Mythical rarity and commander Drox Legendary which is still really good but if you want to protect yourself from God Realm weapons you need God Realm armor. 


Where the heck did they even get those cannons, it’s like some Gods gave them to them.. I don’t understand..


Me and the rest of the black squad entered our stealth forms and landed a bit away from the battle. Queen Libelle, she stayed in her humanoid form and landed next to the silver knights. Surrounded by humans. But she didn’t care about them, they can’t hurt her even a little bit. 


“Silver Knights!” Queen Libelle spoke to them. They all bowed their heads to her, even though multiple humans were attacking and stabbing them, they didn’t care. The only thing they care about is their Queen. 


“Go and occupy the Hero, the cannons are God Realm you guys won't be able to take them down. I will take care of this.” Queen Libelle spoke to them. She was serious so the Silver Knights nodded and flew away to take care of the Hero.


First of all, thank you all for reading! ...I have a lot of schoolwork right now so I'll upload twice a week from now on instead of 3. I don't know for how long but, yeah.. now you know