Ch. 11 F: Sers and Sirs
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Patch Notes Ch. 9 S: A Sore Smile - removed references to the age of the corpse
Previous Fena Chapter summary: Fena bought some new swords from a shady black market, then checked on her quest at the Adventurers Guild. She found out the girl Tami had gone missing. Wracked with frustration and guilt, she decided to change her ways and accepted Montegrie's offer to escort the Princess

“Stop squirming so much, you look weird,” muttered the Crow into Fena’s ear. She couldn’t help herself; everything about this situation was unpleasant, from the clothes Montegrie had forced her into to the people they were about to meet.

I’ve made a huge mistake.

Despite the fight she put up, Fena still found herself in front of the royal palace wearing the Mercenary Guild’s official uniform. It consisted of a charcoal grey high neck tunic, with gold buttons and a white belt and sash. The heavy woolen skirt was the same grey colour, with a yellow stripe trimming the edge. However, the true offender was the canary yellow frock coat that made them stick out like a sore thumb; with the other top members of the Guild wearing the same, she felt like she was part of a carnival troupe. Expressing as much to Montegrie had earned her a sharp rap on the head but in the hot sun she was glad she was wearing the skirt instead of the woolen pants that the men had; she could practically see the sweat pooling around their ankles.


“We’re about to meet our clients, the Royal Family of the entire city-state. They will be choosing who will be the princess’ personal bodyguards, or in other words, who gets paid the most. I want each and every one of you to be on your best behaviour, especially Oswald. And don’t think I don’t see you glaring at me Fena!” snapped Lady Montegrie.


Fena and the other four members of the Mercenary Guild were standing in the courtyard of the Royal Palace, an enormous ancient fortress that sat at the top of a hill in the city centre. Having not seen combat for several centuries, the fortress had long since been converted into a comfortable living space for the Royal family but its structure still betrayed its original purpose. 

Lady Montegrie had been lecturing them for almost the entire day on proper etiquette in the presence of royalty. Fena was already familiar with most of it and the lessons had left a bad taste in her mouth. As for the other mercenaries, they reacted accordingly. Antony, a 6.9ft male anweiran with a stupidly handsome grin and tousled brown hair, had taken the whole thing in stride as he did with everything. He was an annoying fellow that always insisted on following her around whenever he caught wind of her. Catching her gaze, Antony gave Fena a wink and adjusted his frock. 

“Don’t we look like proper tin can soldiers?” he snickered as Lady Montegrie’s back was turned. 

Fena rolled her eyes and glanced at the person next to him; a surprisingly short female elf with a rounded face that looked even more uncomfortable in the uniform than Fena felt. Fena didn’t know much about her, only that her name was Avairy and that she had a rather ruthless reputation. She also seemed to be obsessed with her hair, constantly running its extensive silvery length through nervous fingers. Next to her stood an older male human with a bushy black beard named Devurst. He seemed to be trying to put on a tough expression, but the effect was slightly ruined by the fact that he kept sneaking jealous glances at Antony’s enormous height. Lastly, on Fena’s left stood a man only known as Shadow. He was known for never showing his face and being a master in assassination techniques. However, like everyone else, Lady Montegrie had forced him into the uniform which unfortunately did not include a hood. As such everyone was surprised to see pale faced, acne covered and gawky-looking seventeen year old named Oswald. He looked absolutely miserable that his cover was blown and kept glaring at the rest of them, daring them to say anything. 


Having successfully made everyone present uncomfortable in some form or another, Lady Montegrie continued her speech. 

“Everyone who was offered the contract will be present, so expect to see the top adventurers in there as well.”

“Bah, they don’t have anything on us,” sneered Shadow ne. Oswald. “Do we need to protect those guys as well?”

“And that is exactly why you will stick next to Fena and keep your mouth shut. Fena, step on his foot if he opens his mouth uninvited. And Antony, step on Fena’s if she starts to lose her temper. I won’t have a repeat of last time.”

“What happened last time?” asked Shadow ne. Oswald and Fena stomped on his foot. 

“Perfect, you’re getting the hang of this already. As for Devurst, make sure Avairy doesn’t stab someone. We’re professionals people, let’s act like it!”

Fena quickly swatted the Crow as it tried to pry off a golden button from her uniform. It squawked then looked up to see a new group of people approaching. 

“Speak of the devil.”


They all turned to see a group of approximately twenty adventurers approaching the area they were waiting in. At the head stood the leader of the Adventurers Guild, Guildmaster Gendric. He was a tall older man, with salt and pepper whiskers and a sunburnt face. But he still wasn’t quite as tall as Lady Montegrie and Fena could see him suppress a wince as he and Montegrie tried to crush each other’s hands in a handshake.


“Guildmaster Montegrie! A surprise to see you here!” he said as he rubbed his bloodless hand. 

“The same to you. I see you’ve gathered your little heroes?” answered Lady Montegrie with a hungry smile and blazing eyes. 

“And you, your tin soldiers. So few?” he answered, unintimidated.

Fena suppressed a snort as Antony gave her a nudge and a knowing grin. 

“I prefer quality over quantity my good friend.” replied Lady Montegrie. 

“Well, we have plenty of both! And we don’t force our fellows into silly outfits.”

“Hmm, I can’t wait to see the King’s expression when he sees you all waltz in there in your armour and weapons. If you even get that far.”

“Practicality over propriety, that’s our motto!”

Montegrie let out a smirk past her porcelain mask.

“Or you simply don’t know how to deal with noble clients. Oh, what am I saying, of course you don’t! You never get them.”

“And how is that working out for you, hmmm Monty? Recruitment sinking a bit perhaps? Evidently so, since this is all you could scrape together. Oh, but don’t worry; we’ll do all the heavy lifting so you folks don’t have to get your nice outfits dirty. But we have a meeting to get to, so if you’ll excuse us…”

With that Guildmaster Gendric pushed past Montegrie and deeper into the castle, muttering “Pompous twat,” as he went. The adventurers followed him, all young, good looking men and women, though the ugly faces they made at the mercenaries ruined the effect somewhat. 

“Bloody idiot,” answered Montegrie as soon the last of them vanished. “Regardless, just ignore them. I have a plan, and I don’t need you fools ruining it by opening your mouths. Especially you Oswald.”

“My name is Shadow,” muttered the teen.


At that moment, a butler appeared and gestured for them to approach. “The king will see you now.”

Fena took a deep breath as she followed the group into the castle. The Crow shifted from side to side on her shoulder in anxiety, though Fena was amused by the sight of the adventurers being made to strip their weapons and armour by guards as they turned the corner. Finally they stopped before two golden rectangular doors that slowly swung open. The butler stepped forward and bellowed out, “Announcing the Guildmaster of the Mercenary Guild, Lady Andrea Montegrie, and representatives.”


They followed Montegrie into a wide audience chamber, covered in tapestries and a thick blue carpet. On a slightly raised dais at the far end of the room sat the Royal Family of Aquitania. The King was an older man who looked around sixty, with shoulder-length fading grey hair and a prickly chin. His wife was at least thirty years younger, with long black hair and an expression so stiff she looked like a doll. Lastly was the Princess, a fourteen year old girl in a frilly pink dress that was ten years too young for her. With curly brown hair and an upturned nose, she looked incredibly bored with the situation.


“My Lady Montegrie,” said the King in a slightly nasally voice that grated Fena’s nerves. “So good to see you again! I’m so pleased you were able to respond to my request.”

“It was my pleasure, Your Majesty,” answered Montegrie with a graceful bow. The mercenaries quickly followed suit. “I have gathered some of the finest warriors in the land to answer your call.”

“Please, introduce your compatriots,” said the King with a gesture. 

Pointing to Antony, Montegrie continued.

“This is Sir Antony, a brave and powerful anweiran warrior. He is a master of the spear and shield, perfect for defending an escort. He has even saved my life, though that is a story for another day.”

Moving on, Montegrie turned to the next in line. “This is Ser Avairy, a highly experienced dual blade wielder. Though she may appear small, her speed and gracefulness in combat is not to be underestimated.”

“Next to her we have Sir Devurst, a master of elemental magecraft. His expertise lies in fire magic, and he can destroy a rampaging troll in seconds.” 

Devurst gave a slight bow. 

“Next to Sir Devurst is a man only known as Shadow. He hides amongst the shadows, delivering quick and precise attacks against foes. He is perfect for counter assassination.”

Finally, she came to Fena.

“And last, but not least I present Ser Fena. Though her appearance may cause one to underestimate her, her unrivaled bravery and hidden strength cannot be found anywhere else. She possesses a unique quality to her abilities, and will lay down her life to see her work complete.”

Fena expression turned stony as the Guildmaster spoke, and the Crow stuck out its tongue at her as soon as she turned around.

“A mighty group of warriors indeed. I see you have thought carefully about this Lady Montegrie. Levitia, what do you think?” said the King to his beloved daughter. 

“They seem fine. As long as I can choose my personal escorts,” answered the princess in a slightly irritated tone. 

“But of course my dear. Would you like anyone from here in particular? Or would you rather wait to meet the adventurers first?”

“Well…” A slight blush crept onto the girl’s face as she eyed the muscular Antony. “The tall fellow seems like he could take good care of me.”


Fena could not stop a snort from escaping as yet another hormonal teenager fell for that idiot’s looks. Unfortunately, the princess noticed.

“Excuse me! Are you making fun of me?!” shouted the self-conscious young girl.

Damn it. Fena gave a humble bow. 

“Not at all Your Highness. I was merely coughing.”

“You were laughing! Daddy, she was making fun of me!”

The King tried to calm his spoiled little princess. 

“Now, now dear, I’m sure it was just a little misunderstanding.”

But the girl was having none of it.

“I’m the princess! You can’t laugh at me just because I happened to choose someone good looking!”


Fena couldn’t stop her temper from rising, despite Antony’s shoe that was now pressing down on her foot.

“If you did not choose for such a reason, perhaps you’d be as equally willing to choose someone else?”

The Princess stared at her with anger blazing in her eyes and Fena knew she had gone too far.

“Fine! If that’s what you think, then I’ll pick you as well!”

“Hah?!” Fena couldn’t stop her jaw from dropping as the Crow fell off her shoulder in shock.

The Princess gave her a sudden smug smile, seemingly pleased with her reasoning. 

“See? I proved you wrong! Now you have to serve me as well.”

“That actually works out quite nicely,” said the King, rubbing his chin. “I would not feel comfortable surrounding my daughter with male bodyguards.”


Lady Montegrie quickly stepped forward, opportunity blazing in her greedy eyes. 

“If I may suggest Your Majesty, why not assign all my soldiers as personal bodyguards? They have the advantage of knowing each other well and Sers Fena and Avairy can guarantee Her Highness’ honor.”

Fena stared at Montegrie, shocked at her opportunism as the King pondered.

“Hmmm, should we not meet the adventurers before deciding that...?”

“Trust me when I say you will not find anyone better amongst those uncivilized commoners,” responded Montegrie in a surprisingly arrogant tone. “Unlike the adventurers, we understand how to treat our noble clients correctly.”

“Very well… what do you think my dear?”

The Princess still was wearing her smug expression, evidently feeling pleased over somehow winning the argument.  “That’s fine.”

“Very well. Ser Fena and Ser Avairy, I entrust my daughter’s honor to you. You will stay by her side at all times, during the night and day and ensure that it is never put into question. As for the rest of you, you will be her last line of defense in case the adventurers fall. And Lady Montegrie…”

Montegrie offered a pleased smile. “Yes?”

“We have been friends for a long time and I trust your judgement but… it will be both your and Gendric’s heads if anything happens to her.”

Lady Montegrie bowed in response and answered, “I swear upon my life we shall not betray you.”

“Good! Now send in the adventurers; it is time I meet the rest of those protecting my daughter.”




Once clear of the royal audience chamber, Lady Montegrie practically skipped with joy with no regard for her image. The rest of them followed along quietly, still confused about what just happened. 

“Haha, I knew stuffing you all into those clothes would be worth it! Royalty always trust a uniform over some slapdash armour. I can’t wait to see Gendric’s face when he realized he lost the best part of the escort mission!”

Antony raised a hand in confusion.

“Umm, I don’t know about the rest of these guys, but I’m not a noble. Did you just tell the King we were knights?”

“Semantics, my dear handsome anweiran. I stretched the truth a bit. Who is the King going to entrust his precious daughter to; a bunch of rowdy commoners or the uniformed noblemen of our guild? It’s all about setting an image when dealing with the powerful.”

“You said I could be far away from the VIP. Now I suddenly have to sleep in her tent?!” spat Fena in anger.

“Antony, would you…?”

Fena suppressed a yelp as the foot stomped down on her own.

“Thank you. Truth be told, I was expecting the King to choose a combination of adventurers and mercenaries, but I guess my little dress-up scheme was more effective than I expected. You’re all her personal escorts now so deal with it Fena; I honestly don’t care about your insecurities.”

Montegrie suddenly spun around and gave Fena a rare grin. 

“Besides, the pay is much better, I get a bigger cut, our Guild’s reputation will increase and you get to order the adventurers around. What could be better?”

“We get to order the adventurers around?” asked Shadow ne. Oswald.

“Of course. You’re the princess’ personal bodyguards now. While they’re accompanying you on this mission, they’ll have to listen to your orders.”

Catching a glimpse of Oswald’s ominous expression she quickly added, “Except for you. I don’t want you even talking to them, just in case you start something.”

“Forget the adventurers, I barely even know you assholes. How am I supposed to work with you if I don’t know anything about you?” interrupted Avairy with a foul expression.

Antony suddenly brightened up. “Oh, I know a good place! I’ll buy the first round too.”

“Right,”  whispered the Crow. “What’s a better way to get to know a bunch of lying, socially awkward freaks than over a bottle of alcohol?”


I went back and snuck in a couple of edits in previous chapters. Hmm, I wonder why?

This chapter was both fun and unfun to write, and as a result I'm not super happy with it. Still, at least we have some new characters to play with! Next chapter will most likely be out on the 5th or 6th, as I'm bad at schedules and need more time to write. Please forgive this trashy author.

Hope you guys are enjoying the free entertainment. Stay safe and love each other; it's a scary world out there.