[Vol.1] Chapter 1 – Reincarnated
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Hello I would like to introduce myself, I'm from Brazil and I don't speak your language very well, I use Google translator to translate the story so there may be some parts that are difficult to understand, but I hope you like it anyway.


Well, my name is Rinkashi Mikimo, today, when I was on the way to my school, I was run over, and it was completely my fault, I didn't look at the traffic light at the time.

I just remember feeling my body being thrown and right after an intense pain hit me, I didn't die at the time because of my unhappiness.
I see people looking scared at my fallen body, I could feel my blood coming out of the body and, along with it, my conscience disappears, then I close my eyes dying.

A feeling passes through me and I feel like I can open my eyes again.

When I open them, I come across a strange woman in front of me, the place I was in was pitch black and I couldn't feel my body.

The strange woman looked at me for a few seconds and started talking to me.

-Weird woman: your old life is over, you will have a new life in another world, but that life will be according to the old one.

Before I can say anything, a light starts to cover my body and I go out.

I feel my conscience slowly return, I open my eyes slowly, I have a strange sensation, I try to get up because my face is on the floor, but I can't, I don't feel my arms and legs anymore, the only sensation I have is that of my torso, it is difficult to move.

I start to crawl forward, apparently, I'm in some kind of cave.

Looking ahead I see a light, I approach it, I see that it is the exit of the cave, passing the entrance I see trees I am in a forested area.

Looking ahead but ahead I see what appears to be a puddle of water, I drag myself to the puddle of water, I want to see my appearance, as I approach I am perplexed to see my reflection because all I see is the face of a snake, I panic and get apprehensive, take a breath trying to calm myself and remember what the mysterious woman said about my life being over.

It means that I died and, besides, she said that this life would be in agreement with the old one, but that shouldn't mean that I would be a human again, so why am I a snake?

Meanwhile, at the bottom of my view, some kind of icon appeared, looking more closely at him. I saw that it was written, I speak automatically, check Status, and a screen appears in front of me.




Species: Small brown snake / Level 1 / Untitled

HP: 15/15 / MP: 10/10 / Condition: Normal


- (Poisonous sting level 1)

- (Dig level 1)

- (Voice beyond level 1)

- (Poison resistance level 1)]


I don't believe what I'm seeing, I became a snake.