[Vol.4] Chapter 8 – The Hollow
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I am immobilized as if in a trance when I look at this monster, Onegawara wakes me up to reality shaking me.


-Onegawara: Hey Domo, did you hear what I said?


-Domo: I'm sorry I was distracted, you could repeat.


-Onegawara: I said let's keep an eye out for now, everything seems quiet.


We see that it seems that the magicians have everything under control, they are using mirrors along with a magic light to arrest the monster, only that my thought proves to be wrong when I hear some of the magicians screaming.


-Mage of light: Put more strength in it, the hollow will end up breaking free that way.


-Domo: So this is a hollow, what a beauty from an isekai I went to the world of Bleach.


-Onegawara: Domo concentrates, they are not succeeding, maybe we should interfere.


-Domo: It's not a good idea, you can think I'm a little coward but the reason is different, if we show up now it can make them lose focus and so the monster ends up with them and then with us.


-Onegawara: I think you're right, I'm glad you told me I hadn't considered that possibility.


But even if we don't get in the way, humans fail and the hollow breaks free and starts attacking them now it's time to get in on the action, ahead Kato who instinctively thinks I use his light attack on the hollow, the light seems to burn he sees him fleeing through the fog.


Let's go after it right away, if that's not going to be a problem, I think I made a storm in the glass of water with this mission, except that when we chase, I end up distancing myself from everyone and I'm alone in the middle of nowhere.


I deserve to start getting excited and out of nowhere I take a cloak of the world, that must be how Rino feels, and I still make fun, it’s not cool when it happens to us, by the way I hope he and the others are well in the swamp.


Now I have to find the others I just hope I don't find the hollow, as I fly slowly in the air I have a strange impression, I look back and I don't see anything, but when my head turns back forward I see him with his huge open mouth




I end up screaming unintentionally, fast diversion and fly as far as I can, while he starts chasing me now it's wings I want you for.


My bird's cry ended up attracting the Persimmon's attention, he throws the shield hoping to stun or hinder the hollow except that the shield goes right through it, it doesn't matter even if any weapon passed through it would need to be some kind of enchanted magic weapon, I follow on Khaki's direction and insurance, while we continue to escape, he looks a little uncomfortable while I secure him, so I put him on my back but he keeps pulling me.


-Domo: What was it, Khaki, don't you see that I'm trying to run away from the monster.


He is pointing backwards, I think it’s because of the monster, but I think he’s pointing at the shield, I think he wants it back.


-Domo: Then we'll come back and get your shield.


It didn't work, I think that because Rino isn't here so much Kato, as Caqui doesn't come as a reason to obey us, if he continues like this he will jump on his own, I turn and use my light orbs, the hollow hits them and the touching it it starts to burn, I take the chance to go back and go towards the shield, as soon as I catch it I try to go up.


It is at this time that the hollow reveals one of its powers, it extends part of its body like a rope and throws it at me, it grabs one of my paws and starts to pull, I throw more orbs of light and it ignores the pain and continues bringing me close so i won't be able to escape and his skeletal hands will end up catching me.


My effort to free myself over time proves useless in the face of the hollow force, when I was almost telling Caqui to flee, a light appears is Kato along with Onegawara, who help me to free myself.


The monster once again runs away.


-Domo: You saved me right in the nick of time, I thought he was going to devour me with that mouth in the middle of the stomach.


-Onegawara: No, that is unlikely, as he was a spirit at most, he would strangle you to death.


-Domo: It wasn't funny.


-Onegawara: It was bad, just kidding you, but you discovered some way or weakness of it.


-Domo: For now I only know that the light hurts him, and when it hurts a lot he tries to escape to where it is dark and as we can't touch him I don't see much way out.


-Onegawara: Even so, there must be a way, we have to find a way to make the light stay on all sides without giving him a chance to escape, as those magicians were doing.


-Domo: It's just that apart from Kato and my light orbs, there's not much to do, just wait, I'm having an idea it's kind of crazy but it can work.


-Onegawara: You have an idea now I'm afraid.


-Domo: Trust me, go to where the light magicians were with Khaki and put their mirrors in a circle and leave Kato in the middle of the circle, I'll attract the attention of the hollow.


-Onegawara: Don't tell me that you ...


-Domo: That's right, let's do a light show to send this ghost project to another dimension.


With the plan in place Onegawara and Caqui begin to position the mirrors and Kato is prepared, now it is my turn.


I can't believe that I volunteered to be the bait myself, I start surrounding the cemetery tombstones alone, come here hollowzinho, Uncle Domo doesn't want to hurt you.


I spoke and he appeared, I started to dodge his attacks, and when he throws his black rope I hold it, this time it wasn't you who caught me I caught you, I flap my wings with everything I can in the direction of others, he resists well only now that I'm not holding Khaki the extra weight is gone so I can go full strength, I drag him, to a certain extent he stops the tug of war and comes towards me.


It's too late for you hollow when he reaches me we are already inside the circle, Kato starts to shine and the mirrors start to reflect the glow in all directions he starts to burn and I see him falling apart, he tries to escape but we are tied, he loosens the tie we held and to prevent his escape I use my light orbs to stop him, I go over to him and secure him with my claws, he starts to squirm.




I see a huge flash rise even more, and the hollow will come dust in my claws.


 (You went up to Lvl 29)

(You went up to Lvl 30)

(You went up to Lvl 31)

(You went up to Lvl 32)

(You went up to Lvl 33)

(You went up to Lvl 34)

(You went up to Lvl 35)


Golden eagle is ready to evolve.


OH REALLY!!! Hard, now I will be able to get even stronger, I don't know why but Kato seems strange too, he is still shining only weaker.


We take a minute to catch our breath, and we see that the fog begins to disappear, and a green shade of trees and plants next to the sun comes back to light, we see some fallen humans and we are going to help them.


When they see us they show fear, but Kato shines again and starts to heal them, some get on their knees and start to pray and I tell them that we came to help them, after making sure that they are all right, I put Persimmon on my back and I secure Onegawara and I fly with Kato back home while the humans watch us, I will think about my evolution when we get back, I think it was good to make this trip alone here, I now know that we can always fix it, I think which is what Rino has been wanting to tell us.


-Onegawara: Nice work back there, it surprised me a lot, how did you think about that?


-Domo: It was easy I just thought what Rino would do.