[Vol.4] Chapter 16 – Towards Carnage Island!
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Two days passed after what happened I chose to rest in that time, after that Sukani and I are back to routine, we saw notices being placed in the square next to the guild, he says the day of the heroes' banquet was scheduled for two months from now time, but it goes by fast, we need to find a way to make progress in preparing for the mission.



I need to improve my hypnosis but I don't know how to do this, nor if it will be necessary to implant ideas in my mind, I need some knowledge about it.



And when it comes to knowledge, we need information, and a good place to start looking is at the book store of that man who sold the books we use to improve Sukani's skills.



On the way we passed again the guy who passed us at the entrance of the guild the other day, before he had two girls accompanying him, now there are four girls and one guy carrying weapons, I think his equipment is also better as he goes down the street many are admiring it and looking at him, wow, it must be cool if popular, I don't even know why I also admire him, he seems to be the type of guy that I tend to avoid the most convinced, but this guy is so familiar to me, I feel like I know him from elsewhere .



Better not to think about it until we get there at the book store.



Book seller: Good morning, how long can I help?



He says smiling, I see that this guy is really cool I kind of have an instinct to judge people and I know that he certainly is not evil or is not pretending.



Rino: Ask him if he has any hypnosis books.



Sukani: Wouldn't you have hypnosis books? The subject kind of catches my attention.



Salesman: I only have a moment, let me see ...... where I had put it .... the hypnosis book is here: secrets of the mind, I must say it is an excellent read.



Rino: Sukani ask him about fixing ideas.



Sukani: It is really very interesting, at what level you need to be able to fix ideas in people's minds.



Salesman: It's an interesting question, and the answer is none, hypnosis is a temporary control over people's minds, its improvement is not in quality but to hypnotize a greater number of beings.



Rino: Crap! With that the plan goes down the drain, we are back to square one, all right Sukani has nothing to do about it we better go home for today, and let the others know.



Sukani: Mr. Salesman, there is no way to control someone's mind to the point of implanting ideas that they think are their own.



Rino: It's okay, we don't need to insist so much, we will find a way to ...



Salesman: Actually, there is a way, there is a skill for this, it is called brainwashing, only that only a few are able to learn it, differently from the hypnosis that controls the person for a certain period of time, this does what you say changes the person's mind completely.



Sukani: And how do you get it, do you know just to know?



Salesman: Because this ability is so powerful and has devastating effects in the past, it has become banned, and the people who used it were hunted and imprisoned in addition to the vast majority having been executed, little is known about it today, if out of curiosity you want to know. , if there is any information about it it will still be where this skill was created on Carnage Island, but I do not recommend going there, because first who has this ability discovered will become a huge target and secondly Carnage Island is infested with everything there is of bad, monsters, wizards, assassins and things that even logic itself would doubt.



Sukani: Understood thanks for the information.



Rino: Sukani we are going to buy a book otherwise it would be very suspicious.



Sukani: Okay.



We leave the store with the book on hypnosis and go home, on the way I talk to Sukani.



Rino: Not that I'm complaining, but you need to be careful with the questions that the man asks are good people, but other people would be suspicious, I know you want to help us just that you don't have to take so much risk.



Sukani: I'm sorry, just that you know, you are always so nice to me, you gave me food clothes and saved me, you are monsters I mean wonderful people and I want others to see you the same way as I do.



Rino: Thanks Sukani, I had already given up on the idea and you were insistent and managed to give us light on this issue, I wanted everyone in this world to be like you.



We continue until we get home and we give the good and the bad news, we say that we will have to go to that island everyone gets a little nervous with what the seller said, only we know that there is no other way.



The next day Sukani goes to where the boats are close to the sea and discovers that a ship goes to Carnage Island every week, that is, once there we will have to wait seven days to return.



Our luck is that he goes out at night, Kato and I, while invisible, created some situations to make the crew distracted for the others to enter and hide, it takes a while for the events we caused, but the ship starts moving already forgotten how to sail, Carnage Island here we go.