[Vol. 5] Chapter 8 – Flight of fear
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Continuing my fight against the succubus, there are still two monsters left to defeat, it doesn't take long for me to see the wyrm worm and the cockroach dragon coming to attack me, also after the burst I made using Zeus rays it is easy for anyone to me meet.


Who comes in front is the cheap dragon, he is certainly the ugliest and weirdest monster I have ever faced, in addition to being disgusting of course, I was sick of the vomit just looking at him.


I will eliminate it from afar with mine, Flaming spines!


The attack is accurate, but the worm appears just in time and protects it, my biggest weapon is being used against me, teamwork, getting rid of these two will not be easy as it was to defeat the fly and the dragonfly, and I I also don't know what the power of this cockroach is.


I think it is better to get rid of the worm first, he is very defensive only that I know how to end him is just using the same strategy the other time, he is not very smart.


I decide to ignore the cockroach and focus only on defeating the wyrm worm, soon I would regret making that decision, because when the worm starts chasing me and we run in front of the cockroach when looking back it starts flying very fast in my direction even goes beyond the worm now it is he who is being left behind.


I don't even complain because now there is nothing that can protect the cockroach, just use my flaming spikes and it is over, but when I turn to attack for some reason my body starts to shake, my heart races I get unresponsive and I start to run desperate of the cockroach.


Before everything was fine then because I'm scared, the cockroach is disgusting and disgusting, but I wasn't afraid to fight it before, because I'm running scared then, it will be because maybe she is flying, yes this may be her skill , one in which those who use it begin to fly, intimidating anyone around them.


It's like the saying 'There is no man when the cockroach flies', in my case it charges, I think that less and less the dictations start to serve me because I still waste time thinking about it.


It gets closer and closer and in front of me there is no way out I get closer and closer to a hole, there is no time to turn around, I start to get desperate and instinctively starts flapping my wings very quickly, it takes a while so I can get the hang of it, but with you I’m flying.


Wow for you to see what fear does to us, it reminded me of when I was running away from the rabbit and I managed to climb the tree, good times, I mean bad times, I still get angry at the fighting rabbits because of that.


But now that I can fly I can get out of this pile of tunnels and come back up, I start to climb with the cockroach on my trail, it won't be long before I find the cave where the pangolin came down while digging, now just go up the others must be waiting for me, as I climb up I realize that the hole I used is not so big for me to fly, I will have to crawl up the tunnel.


So I flinch and start to climb upwards, what does that remind me of, today is not a good day for me to be remembering old memories, I feel like the cockroach keeps following me, but I'm almost making it, but a little and I go back to where I was previously.


Caqui: Why did it take so long, boss?


I almost out of breath I reply to Kaki and the others.


Rino: I won't even tell you Khaki, but beware an enemy is climbing.


When the cockroach dragon appears Caqui with a quick movement smashes it using its shield.


Onegawara: Is that a cockroach?


Rino: Yes, I kind of ran into a succubus that summoned her and other monsters to attack me.


Onegawara: Seriously, even after everything you've faced, you're still afraid of cockroaches.


Now in my mind came the thought of Onegawara running away from the wyrm worm asking me for help, it must be the desire that I have to give him in the face.