day 11
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{timer: 330 days till universes destruction} 

[Congrats on the new partner anyway, You have now acquired the title: Devirginator]

You spend the entire night staring at Ruby's face.

A normal person would think this is weird.

Good thing you're not a normal person.

["I am proud of you. As such, I must reward you. Take this {Gives you an Emblem}. >>Emblem: the crest of the 4th Demon King of Hell. Use unknown as of now.

Command: Congrats—You obtained the titles:

•Assassin: Effect— 'Power of Concealment' and an increase in 'Agility and Stamina'.

•Halberd Saint: Effect—Because someone downloaded an incredible amount of experience in your body you are now a genius in using a halberd, now you can stab and slash people to death like an 'expert or Legendary Spearman'.]

A crest appears in your hand, it slowly sinks into your flesh.

You would be celebrating but you don't want to wake up Ruby.

 [Gift ability: PISS OF WANKA!: when you say the words PISS OF WANKA! to a command or one of the voices, the voices command ~~~MAGICALLY DISAPPEARS~~~ and is replaced by another can only be used twice a day due to the sheer amount (-!AUSTRALIANCOCKNEYSUPERBRITISHACCENT!-) contained within those words

- the term AUSTRALIANCOCKNEYSUPERBRITISHACCENT is coined by the cursed use of this in ANYTHING is cause for the suing of the party using it, the party may be fined up to and including one arm and one leg, their consciousness, their existence in use of whatever the fining party wishes and their soul.]

That's umm cool....

You don't think you'll ever use this in your life though.

Why would you not do what the voices tell you?

Only good things happen to you when you listen to the voices!

Even when they punish you, good things happen.

Speaking of good things...

[after ending with the half devil think what happens / +5 wisdom]

You think about last night..........You get amazing feelings~ 

[figure out what the number 18 tastes like]

You think it might taste like iron and hot sauce.

Light starts to shine through the curtain and hits Ruby's eyes.

Ruby starts to wake up and rubs her eyes.

She brings her face closer and kisses you.

"HmmmM....gooD morninG ♥.............................werE yoU watchinG mE sleeP?"(Ruby)


"That'S fuckinG weirD dudE.......diD yoU eveN sleeP?"(Ruby)

You turn your head, slightly annoyed.

"Why do people sleep anyway? It's a waste of time! and what if you start dreaming??? it's just not worth it!"

"hehehehehE you'rE weirdlY cutE ♥"(Ruby)

Ruby hugs you tighter.

"I can'T belivE I diD thiS.......I don'T eveN knoW yoU thaT welL"(Ruby)

"Do you want to know me?"

"YeaH I'D likE thaT...."(Ruby)

You spend some time telling Ruby random and incoherent stories about your adventures so far.

"....Hmm I onlY goT somE oF thaT, you'rE noT verY gooD aT storytellinG arE yoU"

You shrug.

"DO yoU wanT tO knoW anythinG abouT mE"(Ruby)

Ruby winks at you.

[Ask ruby how old is she when where is her house]

"How old are you?"


Ruby presses her finger against your cheek and turns her face.

"YoU don'T asK A ladY thaT KthaniD...............buT I'M 18"(Ruby)


Ruby stares at you from the corner of her eye.

"NoW yoU havE tO telL mE youR agE"(Ruby)

"Oh I'm..."

Ruby's face Flips to face you!

"NO waiT leT mE guesS!"(Ruby)


"21! nO 22! no 23!"(Ruby)

"I'm younger"

"Oh you'R 20!!!!!"(Ruby)

You shake your head

"TheN hoW olD arE yoU??"(Ruby)

"11 days old"

not legal...

Ruby's eyes bulge slightly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! goD you'rE A funnY guY KthaniD!!"(Ruby)

Ruby kisses your cheek and gets up.

She picks up some clothes, she wears a black t-shirt with a heart on it and black shorts.

While you were busy staring at her change..........CRASH!

A box crashes through the window!

You look outside to see some flying metal box thing.

The metal box flays away after delivering its package.

"OH SWEET! I ordereD thiS froM reD masK A montH agO. it'S abouT timE!"(Ruby)

Ruby opens the box and pulls out two red army knives!

The Knives quickly catch on fire.

Ruby starts to make practice swings!

Her swings are faster than your eye can keep up, and she moves across the room in seconds!

"You're really fast"

Ruby stops and scratches her head.

"YeaH it'S onE oF thE onlY gooD thingS abouT beinG A half-deviL I caN decreasE mY densitY sO I caN movE fasteR!"(Ruby)

"That's soo cool!"


Ruby puts on her hoodie.

"Hey where is this place anyway"

"oH uM thiS waS goinG tO bE A neW expansioN tO thE towN buT theY raN ouT oF moneY sO it'S jusT abandoneD noW, A buncH ofF outlawS livE herE"(Ruby)

You stare at the box.

"How did the red mask thing deliver here"

"OH reD masK deliverS everyhwherE dudE, eveN iN thE mosT secluded parts of the world! it'S theiR guaranteE!"(Ruby)

Buzz! buzz! buzz!

You feel something buzzing!

You take it out to see it was your phone goggles thingmabob.

"whaT thE helL iS thaT?"(Ruby)

"my phone goggles thing"


You put the goggles on.



⌈OH Hey!.........wait no! not hey! where the hell are you!!!!!⌋

⌈Um one sec....... ruby where are we?........ok thanks!.......we're in the abandoned part of the 4th district! ⌋

⌈Kath...........who was that...⌋

⌈oh that's Ruby⌋

⌈..................what's your relationship with this Ruby......?⌋

⌈one sec................. what's our relationship..................she's my girlfriend.⌋


You take the goggles off and plug your ears! geez, she sounds angry...

You put the goggles back in the flap thing.

"..............I meanT tO asK, whaT helL arE yoU?"(Ruby)

"I'd like to know that my self"

"WaS thaT onE oF youR friendS?"(Ruby)


[Command: take Ruby to Marcel and Kay, but be sneaky about it, your both probably wanted.]

"Let's go see them, but we probably have to be sneaky about it"

"I shoulD probablY introducE mY selF"(Ruby)

Ruby stuffs the knives in her hoodie pocket, puts on some sneakers and pulls down her hood.

You put your clothes on and walk out with her.

Ruby holds your hand the whole way while asking random questions.

"SO what'S youR favoritE coloR? minE iS blacK bY thE waY"(Ruby)

"Um flesh color"

"OkayyyY...uM what'S youR favoritE fooD?"(Ruby)


"HmM I neveR hearD oF thaT beforE?"(Ruby)

after a couple of more questions, you get to the inn.

Kay and Marcel are standing in front of it.

Kay has her arms crossed her face grim.

Marcel just smiles and waves at you.

"I'm back"


"This is Ruby"


Ruby waves back at Marcel.

A vain appears on Kay's forehead.

"........Kthanid where were you last night....."(Kay)

"Oh I made these cool items, then I went to the bar, then I broke Ruby out of jail, then I took Ruby's virginity"

Marcel is laughing their ass off.

Ruby keeps punching you in the arm, her face glowing red.

Kay's face turns red from anger.

"Kthanid............where the hell do I even start......"(Kay)

Kay puts her hand to her face.

Marcel high fives you.

"Good job~"(Marcel)

"WHAT! didn't you want to get with Kthanid! you got NTRed! And you're okay with it!!!!"(Kay)

"Woah! woah! calm down~I was only teasing when I said I wanted a relationship with Kathy, Members of the Cult can't be in relationships at most we can have sex friend~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel turns towards you and winks~

Kay pulls at her hair, she then points at Ruby!

"I'm Kath's mother! and I don't approve of your relationship!!"(Kay)

Ruby eyes Kay and then chuckles at her.

"whaT thE helL arE oN abouT! He lookS likE youR fatheR!"(Ruby)

Ruby narrows her eyes and smirks at Kay.

"AnD eveN iF yoU werE, AfteR LasT nighT I mighT bE A motheR"(Ruby)

Kay's face turns grim, she puts her hand on her gun!

Ruby grabs hold of her new knives!

Kay then closes her eyes.......and takes her hand off her gun.

"sigh........Fine...If Kath wants to date you then it's fine...I trust Kath's judgment"(Kay)

Ruby's face glows for a second, she hangs her head down.

"woW uM...I'M sorrY I waS beinG A bitcH, KthaniD talkeD a loT abouT yoU, I felT a littlE intimidateD..."(Ruby)

Kay and Ruby smile at each other and shake hands. 

[Make Ruby member of your group]

"does that mean Ruby can travel with us from now on"

"Well, your both criminals now so I don't see any other option..."(Kay)

"YeaH whaT arE wE gonnA dO abouT thaT?"(Ruby)

"Don't worry about it~ the kingdom of roses barely has any power~if we just leave soon~ we'll be okay~plus the cult of outliers will probably use this as a way to call the government's power into question~topple it~and then take over~"(Marcel)

"That's okay to be telling us that?"(Kay)

"Meh~~they've done it before~"(Marcel)

Ruby takes off her hood.

"you're a member of a cult of outliers"(Ruby)

Marcel was just wearing unisex clothes today so it wasn't obvious.

Marcel's eyes narrow a little when they see Ruby's face and horns.

Ruby and Marcel have a long staredown.

" your half devil~~~~"(Marcel)

"half devil?"(Kay)

"When a woman or anything with a womb really~makes a deal with a devil~one of the things the devil can ask for~is bearing his child~usually after the deal the baby is thrown in the forest to die~and every time~the baby will survive and kill it's mother~~~~"(Marcel)

Ruby is now glaring at Marcel.

Marcel just smiles.

Kay looks back and forth between them worried that something will happen.

"That'S A mytH......"(Ruby)

"hey it's not my fault~the parents throwing a child they hate in the forest is a stereotype for a reason~~"(Marcel)

Ruby looks like she's ready to scream.

".....................he wanted me to die.............."

Kay, Marcel, and Ruby snap their heads to face you, their faces turn pale.

For some reason water is coming out of your eyes........are you broken now too.....


"The person who made me...ran away....and they left me in the forest...........he.....wanted me to die...............he hated me..........."

More and more water keeps coming out of your eyes! no matter how much you try you can't make it stop!

Bad feelings! Bad feelings! Bad feelings! Bad feelings!

Ruby and Kay glare at Marcel.

Marcel's face filles with fear!


Marcel hugs and water starts to come out of his eyes too.

Kay and Ruby start to hug you too.

People are kind of staring at you, but none of you care.

After a few minutes, the water stops.

"sigh I'm sorry Kathy it's just bullshit people spit out, I like making people angry so I just said it...I never wanted to make you upset.."(Marcel)

"KthaniD I haD to deaL witH thiS shiT mT wholE lifE, afteR a whilE you won'T eveN givE A shiT I sweaR!"(Ruby)

"Yeah Kath, and today we're going to see the great sage's student! maybe it's just a misunderstanding!"(Kay)

"...............thanks, guys..........."

Marcel apologies to Ruby.

"HehehE it'S thE firsT timE anyonE froM thE culT waS nicE tO mE sO I'lL leT iT slidE"(Ruby)

"Hey, Ruby did you have breakfast yet!"(Kay)

"nO noT yeT"(Ruby)

"Hehehe~this place has amazing food come on my treat~"(Marcel)

You all walk into the inn.

[mix the two spells you have learned and create the magic of death]

"Oh um, guys, I have to do something real quick!"

"OK don't be late!"(Kay)

You go into the courtyard.

You put your hands apart.

In one hand you fill it with darkness.

With the other void.

[try to invoke me (I the god of death)]

The darkness is getting sucked up by the void.

It all meets in the middle.

You hear voices in the void.

They seem to speak to the darkness.

They get closer and closer until....


You can now use level one death magic!

You can turn dead insects into undead!!!

They are contacted to you and can be used as scouts!

After a big breakfast where Marcel let you eat whatever you want.

Your group starts walking toward the great sage's student.

You arrive at a small house in the fancy part of town.

Marcel knocks at the door.

"Hello~I'm from the cult~"(Marcel)

The door opens to reveal a little girl!

The little girl is in a lab coat that is too big for her, she has white hair and big round glasses.

"Hello professor Rina~~"(Marcel)

"sigh.........come in"(Rina)

Write commands in the comments.

start with command: your command

there's a new ko-fi goal! If we get enough money we'll use it for some really nice character art! so if you want that please donate to my ko-fi!