day 15
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{timer: 3o1 days till universes destruction}

A man in a trench coat and a fedora is standing in the snow.

As you know only two kinds of people wear trench coats and fedoras, weirdos and detectives.

Thankfully this man is a detective, he was sent on the scene to investigate a murder/ robbery.

The man stands in front of the engine carriage, it's compartment wide open.

To his right are the dead bodies of the drivers left in the snow.

He has already investigated this crime scene, he has his hunches about what happened here  

Over his years of experience, he found that the best thing to do first is cross out what didn't happen.

The man picks up a bar of copper.

They didn't take this so it wasn't for money and many of the containers are open, but nothing was taken from them.

They wanted something specific........and they know it was here.

The man observed the engine carriage.

Hundreds of these go out every day, they all carry very important shipments, yet they only targeted this one.

The man stares at the dead bodies, poor fucks just trying to feed their families who'll be getting a horrible call soon by a recorded voice.



The man's pocket vibrates, he pulls out his phone and sighs very deeply before slowly putting a finger on the accept call button.

⌈MR.Dave Lambert⌋

The voice on the other end is cold and devoid of feeling, just by saying your name she somehow makes this place even colder...

Dave sighs, he worked long enough to know what she wants is a report, it's the only reason she calls him.

He takes one last look at the crime scene before responding

⌈Three dead, one item stolen, no damage to the engine carriage⌋

⌈I see, it's a good thing nothing happened to the engine carriage, we won't have the bill the drivers' families now ⌋

Dave bites his lip, but doesn't say anything, he had this same conversation too many times to think he can change anything.

The engine carriages are very expensive to make as such they are treated as more important than the lives driving them.

⌈now what was stolen⌋

⌈an airlock contaner⌋

⌈I see, I will send I list of suspects you will investigate them⌋

⌈Ok but I need to know how important the item was⌋

⌈importnat enough to stake your job on it⌋

Dave glubs, he wishes she would just say death.

⌈anyway that is all, drones have been set to collect the company assets⌋

⌈wait! wait!⌋


⌈what happened to my last case! it just disappeared from my mission screen that never happened before!⌋

⌈sigh.......what was your last mission again⌋

⌈The missing transformation potion and the land deed! I promised Duke Lonesun I would solve that case!⌋

⌈I don't know⌋


In his 15 years working with this woman, Dave never heard the sentence "I don't know"

⌈wait what...⌋

⌈that discussion was made by red mask⌋

That name reverberates in Dave's head, Red Mask is his boss and owner/CEO of the Red Mask corporation.

Wasn't he the one who made the transformation potion! why would he not want it back!?

Dave holds his head and stops questing it, he knows what happens to people who try to know too much.

⌈.......I understand I'll drop it....but what about Duke Lonesun⌋

⌈what about him, he was always just a pawn, even more, useless than these drivers next to you, which reminds me I need to find there replacement, report back to the information department⌋

The phone call ends.

Dave sighs his hot breath hitting the cold air.

He wonders if anything he'll do will make a difference.

After a big meal, your crew is ready for more action!

Marcel packs everything.

[give the books to kay she needs to get stronger]

"Oh! um, Kay, I found these you should use them"

"Oh! thank youuu Kath! I promise to use these after cleaning whatever the hell is on them"(Kay)

Kay kisses your cheek and puts “Summoning Circles” and “Ki cultivation” in her pack.

[Congrats—you have acquired the Heart of “[?????????]” !!!

Explanation: This heart has caused World Wars between angels, demons, and humanity for thousands of years dude. You having it is better than anyone else.
Effects: Now you have received a Beating Divine Heart inside your body. I hope that it takes you closer to humanity but.... you will probably be more inhuman from now on.]

Oh! so that's where Satan's heart went!

[Congrats: Title “Avenger” has been acquired.
Effects: You are now able to use the Fires of Hell to Judge your enemies.
Note: As long as your desire to for revenge exists, the stronger your Fires will be]

Oh, that's cool!

Too bad you can't use it now, you still have to unlock the fire aptitude first....

[Ask Ruby about, why is there something beating inside your chest???]

You ask Ruby.

"it'S calleD A hearT dipshiT, anD I'M standinG nexT tO yoU sO iT betteR bE beatinG♥"(Ruby)

Ruby kisses you.

You make your way to the town hall.

Not before stopping and looking behind you.

It seems the ghost Grr is still following you.

It doesn't seem like your friends can see him.

[Practice your death magic to have revitalized ghost grr to be a bigger grr like huge]

You throw some death magic at the Grr.

Nothing happens....

"Hmm what is it that a ghost dog"(Kay)

Oh, it seems that your friends can see him now.

"Wow~that dog looks like shit~"(Marcel)

The dog starts to whine.

Ruby punches Marcel's shoulder.

"Don'T saY thaT tO it'S facE!"(Ruby)

[use the dark magician card to help Buff the ghost Grr]

You do the thing.

He looks a bit better now, but he still doesn't look that impressive...

[return to the mayor's lobby and repeatedly steal the infinitely respawning vase]

You enter the town hall and the first thing you do is take the vase, even though you know it will just go back.

[Try to eat a ghost using your magic, maybe something miraculous will happen….]

The ghost just phases through you......................

You stop fucking around and enter the storage.

In the storage, you all stand around the steel plate.

You pull the thing out to reveal a ladder.

One by one you go down.

"what the hell is this place"(Kay)

Kay makes a ball of light to illuminate the place.

You're in an underground tunnel.

The rock walls are being supported by steel beams

But the more you walk the rock wall are being replaced by metal ones.

Each step you take makes the feeling inside you stronger!

As you walk you find a set of stairs.

"FuckinG helL hoW biG iS thiS placE!"(Ruby)

You go down the stairs which seem to go down forever.

Finally, the stairs end, in front of is a broken metal door with the Great sage symbol on it.

Before it was broken it must have stopped a lot of people from going in, but now it's broken form seem to invite all to enter.

"thiS placE musT havE beeN abandoneD"(Ruby)

You go inside, you enter a white corridor every once in while you pass shield walls.

"hmmm~it looks like this place is not to keep people out~but to keep something in~~"(Marcel)

Marcel kicks a gun that was left on the ground.

The corridor stretches on and on until you reach a large room.

You start moving faster!

But then you noticed that your friends are slowing down....

Marcel smile seems more nervous then useful, and Ruby and Kay look downright sacred!

The ghost Grr is nowhere to be found!

"what's wrong come on guys!"

You run into the room.

"Kath wait!"(Kay)

Everyone finally catches up with, their eyes bulging at what they see.

Covered in magic chains and trapped in a magic circle.

Is a giant Black spike.

"We~~~um~ we should probably get the hell out of here!!!"(Marcel)

Marcel is sweating now.

"YoU don'T havE tO saY thaT twicE!"(Ruby)

"Come on let's go, Kath! Kath?..........KATH!!"(Kay)

Kay is screaming to get your attention but you're already in front of the Black spike.

"Kath get back here! we don't know what that thing is!!!"(Kay)

"I know!"


You stare at the Black spike.

This is it! this is what was calling for you!

It was calling for you the moment you were born.

You always felt it but this is the first time you've seen it!

It's the Cancer.

Or at least a part of it. 

You slowly move your hands towards it and 


Kay is desperately screaming now but it's too late, you touch the Black spike.

Everything turns black.....

You can't see anything, but you feel like your falling.

It takes a long time but you finally land.

Slowly your vision starts to come back.

You're in the town..........but it's different.......

The sky looks like a black and purple soup.

All the buildings look broken down.

The paved ground is uneven and some parts of it are gone.

But the biggest change is the town hall, it's gone!

It's been replaced by a.... um one of those small mountain things you forgot the name.

On top the small mountain is Blackball.

You start to walk toward it........................and that's when you see them....

Four creatures are standing around the small mountain

They have humanoid forms but other than that you've never seen anything like them.

The creatures are tall......too tall they tower over you.

The creatures are white almost glowing, they have a white ball for a head with a red circle on it for a head.

They also have giant white balls for the joints in their shoulders elbows and knees.

They don't have hands or legs just weird spike things 

They spot you and start to walk towards you.

You pull out your weapons.........................where are your weapons!?.......where are your items!?!?

All your things are gone!!!

To make things worse you can't even use magic!

No matter how hard you try nothing is happing!.

The creature is now in front of you, you're going to have to use your own power!

You transform one of your arms to a bear arm and prepare to fight.

You slash at the creature! 

A chunk of fly off before stopping in midair and reattaching itself.

The creature slashes at you.

You dodge the slash, only getting a small cut on your arm!

You prepare a-


You clutch your arm and fall to one knee.

For the first time in your feel pain.

The creature prepares to slash at you again.

And for the first time in your feel fear.

This thing can hurt you...............this thing can KILL YOU!

You run for your life and hid in one of the buildings.

You go into the fetal position and squeeze your arm as hard as you can.

Your shaking.

Look at you... you're pathetic you know that



You bring your body closer and try to make yourself as small as possible.


You don't know why but water starts to come out of your eyes....

................sigh....if want a miracle your gonna have to make your look to your left...

You slowly get up and look left.

You see a giant purple flower bud!

The thing is huge isn't even bigger than you.

"was that........always there?"

of course it was


You touch the bud and it starts to open slowly

"what is this"

You see those things outside they are "Chemo" a race of creatures specifically made to kill you, no matter how hard you try you can't fight them, so your gonna need someone else to do it for you

The bud opens fully to reveal!...............some purple guy?

The guy is short and only come up to your waist.

He has large pointy ears that point back.

He is wearing a purple tailcoat.

The guy puts his hand on his chest and bows his head while calling you boss

He has a weird accent. 

And acts like a real wise guy.

This is your first Goblin

"Goblin? what is that"

You see the reason you can't use magic is that this place is outside of the elements influence, Goblins, on the other hand, don't belong to any element they have their own unique brand of magic, so they live out here, This guy's name is Jinx his power is giving people bad luck

You stare at Jinx, he winks at you.

You see that black ball


Well that's your ticket out of here, and if you want to leave your gonna have to rely on Jinx to get around those guys and get the ca- I MEAN the black ball

"Ummm you said he was my first Goblin what do you mean by that"

That's not important right now just try to get to the black ball and I'll explain everything

" one more thing........why are you helping me?"

Becuse this is the tutorial level


Oh and I'll say this one more time, you can't fight those things, they will kill you, try to avoid any conflicts and just focus on making it to the black ball

Write commands in the comments.

start with command: your command for MC

To command Jinx

start with command J: your command for Jinx

Please be specific with your Jinx example: command J: a bucket falls on the enemy's head