day 17
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{timer: 272 days till universes destruction}

You're sipping from a glass filled with fruit juice.

It's good but a little too sweet for you.

Not human meat sweet, just regular old sweet.

Kay is drinking some bitter bean water and reading the ki book.

It seems that she's finally making some progress.

Ruby is eating some chips, barbeque flavored and drinking a soda.

And Marcel is drinking some wine.

Kay eyes Marcel and then looks at the clock which says it's 10 am.

Kay decides not to say anything and just silently judge Marcel.

You go from staring at your friends to staring at the other people in this bar.

Every single one of them looks away.

Hmmm........this has been happening since you got to this town.

Marcel wanted to make a pit stop so you stopped here.

Marcel told you it's name, but you weren't really listening.

Also, you don't really care.

It's weird, just seeing a bunch of humans close together used to wow you.

But now it's just kind of mundane...

But to your surprise, something new started to happen.

When the guard in front of town saw you, he started shaking violently.

When he noticed you staring at him, he tried to make himself as small as possible.

You wake past him as he jumps out of the way.

The same happened with everyone else in this town, they would stare at you for a second then their eyes would bulge then they would run away.

How strange.

When you entered the bar, everyone stopped talking and stared at while you and your friends made your way to the table.

The waitress who came to take your order looked like she was about to pee her self.

The only person who was calm was the owner.

A really old guy who didn't to give a shit about anything.

And here you are now.

............hmm maybe you should have gone over the how you got here first before the bar part...

Nah! you're super good at storytelling so you know what you're doing!


You spin your teeth around, you guess this is kind of cool.

especially if you give yourself sharpteeth!

[Tell Kay "But who was phone?"]

"hey, kay who was phone?"

Kay chokes on her bean water.

"cough! cough! ahhhh Kthanid! It's "who was on the phone" silly!!!"(Kay)

Kay pats you back and sticks her head in her book dodging the question.

Marcel sips their wine while staring at her.

Ruby throws another chip in her mouth, not really caring.

"soooooO wherE wE goinG afteR thiS?"(Ruby)

"We're going to the empire of Roland~~"(Marcel)

"never heard of it"(Kay)

"it's an empire whose citizens mostly consists of humans and dwarves~~"(Marcel)

"that's..........specific, why are we going there?"(Kay)

"Roland has some of the best craftsmen and factories in the continent~There's some stuff I want to pick up~"(Marcel)

"Well ok but why is there a country with humans and dwarves that seems so random!"(kay)

"well there are a lot of theories~ but I like the goblin tale about it best~"(Marcel)

You snap to attention.


Marcel looks at you surprised.

"you said Goblin!"

"umm yeah~ Goblins are a mythical race of beings, they are mostly used in children stories~but they are not real~ so when people say  goblin tale they mean it's a fabricated story~~"(Marcel)

But goblins are real! Jinx felt real.....

[It seems that you forgot you can combine items, try combining some]

Hmmm, that's a good idea, but you don't have a lot of good stuff right now.

Maybe you should wait till you get to Roland first and just pick up a bunch of stuff.

[""Hahahahaha...hey kthanid. You seem to be getting stronger. This is good!!!
Become even stronger 'BROTHER'!!!
Once you reach the Top WE will make you the GoD of the NeW WorlD after it's DestructioN. Wahahahaha....!!!""]

Oh yeah, that's right!

You wanted to become a wonder why you forgot about that.

So many things happen in quick succession.

You forgot all your old goals.

[Practice your control over your magic by manipulating and changing it in different forms. Magic is something you must Control. Just using it won't do else you will become its slave.]

I wouldn't mind being your slave.

The creatures in the void stay silent, not knowing how to respond with darkness being like this.

You scratch your head you're pretty sure you got void and especially darkness down.

It's just fire that's a problem.........

you don't need it. just use me.

The creatures in the void start sighing, darkness had been their only ally but's only because darkness is the only thing void can't destroy. 

They were able to take advantage of this but........darkness has been acting strange recently.....

Darkness and The creatures in the void talk to you a lot 

Well, The creatures in the void scream at you.

But Fire hasn't said or did anything after it was suppressed.


You snap to attention. 

It looks like some people are talking again, but they are whispering so you can't really hear them.

You make your self one bat ear on your leg and listen.

"OK, I'm out of the fucking loop who are these people??"(guy1)

"shut the fuck up! they might hear you!"(guy2)

Guy 1 sneaks a look at you.

Guy 2 bring his head back.

"These guys made names for themselves recently, they're bad guys who kill people!"(guy2)

"even the elf? but she's just a kid!"(guy1)

"shhhhh! the Keya the Kid! she's a sharpshooter who can blow the brains of someone a mile away!"(guy2)

"I feel like you're exaggerating..."(guy1)

"I'm not! my cousin lives in the kingdom of roses she told me!"(guy2)

"ummm.....ok....what about that half devil"(guy2) 

"that's Red Ruby! she can cut your throat in a millisecond the last thing you'll see is red!"(guy2)

"brutal..................hey you ever notice a lot of girls are named ruby"(guy1)

"Just shut up! ok look, that person-"(guy2)

"I know who Marcel the Merciless is! give me some credit! sigh....what about that one! let me guess he's called pretty boy!"(guy1)

Guy 1 point at you.

Guy 2 grabs his hand and pushes it down!

 "Hey! what the hell-"(guy1)

He stops talking, Guy 2 is sweating bullets his eyes bulging and bloodshot.

"don't move.................that's Kthanid the Monstrous...."(guy2)

".......Monstrous......why.....why is he..."(guy1)

They are now whispering under their breath.

"the guy's a cannibal......and not the kidnap someone and eat them in your basement kind, he's more like cut your arm off and eat it in front of you kind"(guy2)

"holy shit........."(guy1)

"The guy is ruthless he does horrible shit for no reason! the guy even has an army of orcs and a giant pet spider...."(guy2)

"are........are we going to be ok....."(guy1)

"I..........I don't know........"(guy2)


The men are cut off by the door opening.

A woman walks in.

"the Baroness?!"(guy1)

The woman has black hair and brown eyes and is dressed in a fancy robe.

But the most noticeable part of her is her long ears and longhorn.

Unlike all the other elves you've seen so far who had small nuby horns.

Her horn very long and sharp and pointed upwards.

The woman scans the room with a poker face before stopping at your table.

She slowly makes her way across the bar and stands in front of you glaring.

"Welcome to my town. I'm the lord here, my name is Baroness Emily of the Russell family, as you can see I take great pride in what I have accomplished and all the hard work I've done to maintain this town"(Emily)

Emily puts a bag on the table and slowly slides it toward you.

You open the bag to see it's filled with copper and iron coins.

10 copper and 10 iron.

"let's keep it that way"(Emily)

Marcel takes the bag and swings it from side to side.

"hehe~~well we can only promise to try~~after all~~who knows how many heathens are running about like rats~~~"(Marcel)

Emily keeps her poker face but her brows get slightly closer and almost unnoticeable frown forms on her face.

"good day"(Emily)

Emily turns around and walks, but you notice her legs are slightly shaking.

The woman walks out.

"woW whaT A bitcH"(Ruby)

"like coward bitch or bitch bitch?"(kay)


After a couple of minutes the door to the bar slams open!

A man walks in, the man is human with blond hair and green eyes, he seems to be an adventure, on his back is a great sword.

He scans the room before stopping at your table.

Hmm, you feel like you've seen this before....

The man storms through taking large steps toward you.

"What the hell is Leon doing!"(guy2)

He slams his hand on the table!.

"look here! you can't just come to our town and make trouble! I've never seen Emily like this! return the money now! or-"(Leon)


Leon is interrupted by a sudden pain in his hand.

He looks down see Marcel's hammer.

Under it is what's left of his hand.

Leon slowly pulls his hand out and stares at the mangled remains of it, then he starts screaming.


Leon passes out on the ground.

A bunch of townsfolk grab him and get out as fast as they can.

Kay who was reading her book this whole time looks up for a second.

"what a pussy"(Kay)

"DammiT, MarceL! yoU goT blooD oN mY chipS!!"(Ruby)

"just eat around it~~"(Marcel)

"Can I have the blood chips?"

"SurE jusT saY ahH~"(Ruby)

Ruby feeds you the blood chips.

The owner sighs and tells you he's sorry for what happened and your order is on the house.

You walk out of the bar, there is still some blood on the ground from that guy, you forget his name.

"welp~you fuck around for a while there is some cult business I have to take care off~"(Marcel)

Marcel brandishes their hammer and walks away while humming.

"HmM I caN neveR reaD MarceL "(Ruby)

Kay rolls her eyes.

"that's because there's nothing TO read Ruby....."(Kay)



Dust is flying everywhere!

It seems that something landed close to you!

That something starts to get up.

The dust slowly settles and reveals the slammer.

"it's's a metal man!"

"It'S A roboT dummY!"(Ruby)

The metal robot slowly starts to walk towards you.

The robot kind of looks like it has a butler uniform but made out of metal! and on its face is a red mask.

"OH mY goD! someonE calleD A reD boT oN uS!"(Ruby)

"Red bot???"(Kay)

"yeaH! AnyonE caN ordeR A ordeR A reD boT tO kilL someonE foR theM! I saW thiS onE iN lasT year's ReD masK cataloG! thiS onE haS A metaL bladE A machinE guN anD onE missilE!"(Ruby)

"What the hell!! did the Baroness send this thing!?"(Kay)

"I doubT iT, EveN iF yoU paY foR extrA fasT shipinG iT stilL takeS A daY, anD thesE thingS havE guaranteeD anonymitY sO wE can'T reallY tracE thiS bacK tO anyonE"(Ruby)

"sigh...fucking marcel just had to leave now!!!"(Kay)

Kay loads bullets into her gun.

The Red Bot eyes turn red and it takes out a blade and a machine gun on each hand.

"Let'S fuckinG dO thiS!"(Ruby)

Ruby sets her knives on fire.

You take out your weapons.

The Red Bot charges at you!

To attack 

start with attack: the attack

hey everyone for a while now I've been thinking if I should change the cover image, I still like it, but it was always just supposed to be a temporary cover, do you think I should keep it or change it, vote here--->