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{timer: 230 days till universes destruction}

{Current form: human male}

The slot machine.

Also known as the one arm bandit.

Is one of the oldest gambling machines.

Unlike older games of chance such as dice and cards.

Slot machines odds are determined by the owner of it.

As such the chances of winning are impossible to predict.

The machine has three reels that spin when the machine is activated.

You pull a lever and pray to a god that doesn’t want you to gamble in the first place that three things match.

The arm of a slot machine is pulled by a red hand.

The reels spin and spin.

After bated breath.

They stop.

| 7 | ♥ | BAR |


"yoU havE tO bE shittinG mE!!"(Ruby)

Ruby stares at the slot machine which greedily ate her money.

She slams her fist down.

"I haven'T woN shiT sincE I goT herE!!"(Ruby)

Ruby looks at the time.

A very small clock is set in a corner like it was hidden.

She's been here for 3 hours!!

Here being.

The Copper Casino.

After getting some rest it was about midnight.

This is when the 4th district really comes alive.

This is when most shows and nightclubs open.

And the crown jewel of the 4th district is The Copper Casino.

It was built to look like a giant copper coin.

As such it’s only two floors but its floor space was massive.

The building had 8 entrances and even then, you had to wait a few minutes to get in.

It was Marcel’s idea to come to this place.

They could get “fast cash~~~” as they would put it.

Of course, Kay was against this.

But they did need money so she relented in the end.

Ruby stands up.

The lights and music and beer and pretty decor managed to warp her perception of time.

Causing her to spend far more time on the slots than she intended.

She opens up her coin pouch.

50 iron coins……..a far cry from the 250 she only had a few hours ago….

She would lose so much but then get one win.

In fact, she even got back to 250 at some point but then wasted it again……

Ruby lets out a sigh and then walks away from the slots.

She grabs a Margarita that was 40 iron coins.

She’s at even less now, but she needs the drink too much.

As she’s walking around she spots Kay.

She’s at the roulette table.

Ruby decides to stand behind Kay and watch.

Roulette is a simple game when compared to other gambling games.

There’s not much to it.

You bet on a number which also has a color.

Red or black.

Of course, there are other aspects such as if the number is high or low or if it’s even or odd.

A ball is spun on a wheel or as it is called roulette.

And once it stops the bet money goes to the winner who guessed right.

Of course, the game is more complicated than that but this is the gist of it.

Kay has her money on 23 red.

It seems she managed to gain about 10 copper coins and 30 iron coins.

And now she bet it all.

If she wins she will get 30 copper coins and 100 iron coins.

The Roulette table is filled with bets.

The players are still adding to it.

Kay adds some to some other numbers, just to make sure.

Then….the wheel spins.

Kay looks on with sweat on her brow.

Ruby's drink hovers near her mouth but she hasn’t taken a single sip.

The ball stops.

…………………………...on black 35.


Kay clutches her hair.

She didn’t lose all her money but now she has less than what she started with.

Ruby finally takes a sip.

“woW yoU goT fuckeD reaL harD!”(Ruby)

Kay spins her head to face Ruby so fast it almost pops off her body.


Kay points a finger at Ruby.

“whaT....whY thE fucK arE yoU pointinG aT mE???”(Ruby)

“You just HAD to stand behind me didn’t you!!!!”(Kay)

“whaT thE fucK iS thaT supposeD tO meaN??”(Ruby)

Kay exhales.

“It’s an elf thing…..if someone is watching behind your shoulder you’ll lose all bets….”(Kay)

“oooH! I thoughT iT waS likE A racE thinG!”(Ruby)

Kay eyes Ruby.

“You know I would never-”(Kay)

“yeaH yeaH yeaH I knoW…...I knoW.......I'M sorrY...”(Ruby)

Ruby sips on her drink some more.

Kay doesn’t stop eyeing her.

“Are you okay?”(Kay)

“I'M finE, jusT losT A loT oF moneY that'S alL”(Ruby)

“Join the club”(Kay)

Kay stands up and takes whatever she has left.

“1 copper coin and 60 iron coins…….sigh..we should stop here…”(Kay)

Ruby raises an eyebrow.

“heY...arE wE fuckeD??”(Ruby)

“What?? No! No! God no! I used my own money, the party money is with Marcel, we should still have money to get by”(Kay)

“whY don'T wE geT somE partY fundS anD gamblE thaT!”(Ruby)


“jusT somE iroN anD sliveR coinS! we'lL turN thosE intO A feW coppeR coinS anD eveN iF wE losE iT won'T hurT uS toO mucH!”(Ruby)

Kay sighs.

“.........why are you guys so good at convincing me to do shit…..”(Kay)

Ruby puts a hand on Kay’s shoulder.

“becausE you'rE sO reasonablE!”(Ruby)


“sO telL mE whY yoU lefT thE moneY witH marceL oF alL peoplE, I woulD havE accepteD kathnaiD beforE marceL”(Ruby)

Ruby didn't even bother to ask why she didn't get it.

She knows she can't handle that type of responsibility. 

“I didn’t want to carry so much money around and as for Kathy…...I’m kind of scared of what might happen……they're still a bit naive...and some shady characters might take advantage of that”(Kay)

Ruby imagines what would happen….







“yeaH........ that'S probablY A gooD ideA”(Ruby)

“Why do I just feel like you thought of something incredibly rude just now- ah!”(Kay)

Kay points somewhere.

“There they are!”(Kay)

The thing she’s pointing towards is Marcel.

They were looking all over for them and were about to consider calling them.

As they walked up to Marcel.

Kay noticed something strange.

Marcel was sitting with their head down and hand clasped together.

They had a smile like a plastic doll.

Marcel looked like a child who was sent to sit in a corner.

Kay walks up to them.

Ruby stays back and sips on her drink.

“Huh, I’m guessing you had some bad luck too”(Kay)

Marcel didn’t say anything.

“Yeah I thought so, don’t worry about it, look Ruby and I have an idea to just bet with smaller coins from the party funds so at least the party funds will be bigger than we got here so it won’t be a complete waste, we just need a few iron and silver coins, nothing too much”(Kay)

Marcel was still motionless.

But then a few words leak out of their mouth.

“....that’s not possible….”(Marcerl)

Kay stares at him.


Marcel doesn’t repeat themselves. 

“umm...Loam to Marcel! Did you hear me! Look I get it, I’m the one who said we should never even think about touching the party funds but at this point-”(Kay)

Marcel finally looks up.

“I can’t do that Kay….”(Marcel)

“Why not!? Look just let me know exactly how much we have and I’ll take out any extra-”(Kay)

“I bet it all”(Marcel)

“.............................I’m sorry…………..what?…..”(Kay)

“I sort of….maybe………….bet our party funds…..”(Marcel)


“I was winning…..and umm...I bet all my money….but...I was so sure I would win…….so I bet the party funds…”(Marcel)

“...................and you won, that’s why you can’t give me the money because you're waiting for them to give you the winnings…………..right”(Kay)

Marcel looked right into Kay’s eyes.

A beautiful smile was on their face.

One that could make anyone fall in love just by looking at it.

“Nope, I lost all our money~~~~~~~”(Marcel)

Now it was Kay’s turn to smile.

Her smile rivaled Marcel’s in its beauty.

Slowly Kay raises her arms, in a way a mother would to hug her child after a long day at school.

Marcel raises their arms as well to receive this hug.

Then slowly Kay's hands.

Wrap around Marcel’s throat.


“Im...iucgh...sorgh sorghy sghory……..I’mghj sorjuyhi”(Marcel)



Everyone turns their head to booming voice.

It came from a table.

Around the table were 6 players and one dealer.

They were playing the most complicated gambling game in history.

Headspin Jackson!

I will not even attempt to explain the rules.

All you need to know is to play this game you need four sets of dice, two sets of cards, three wooden blocks, five game boards, one man with no will to live, 20 plastic balls, and one loaded gun.

Only after years and years of practice and experience could you ever begin to understand the basic rules of the game let alone the deeper strategies.

If you master the game you win large amounts of money, more than you can ever imagine in any other gambling game.

The dealer grabs the 20 coins and puts them in front of the 1st round winner.

You stare at the 20 coins stacked on top of each other.

“........all in!”

You push all 20 coins forward.


“He keeps going all in every single fucking time! How is he winning!?!?!?”(Player 2)

“I’m pretty sure he has no idea what the fuck we’re even playing!”(Player 3)

The other players grumble as they put their bets.

“Okay play your cards!’(dealer)

You look at your cards.

You choose 7 3 0.

You put the cards out.

Afterward, the blocks were set, the balls were thrown, and the gun was shot and the game board pieces were moved,

“Let’s see! The winning numbers are…...7!....3!....0!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU’VE WON 40 COPPER COINS!!”(dealer)

All the other players grab their hair in despair.


You notice Kay running up to you.

“Hi, Kay! Look! I won!”

“I...I can see that….”(Kay)

Now Marcel and Ruby caught up.

“holY shiT looK aT alL thiS moneY!!”(Ruby)

Marcel taps your shoulder.

“ummm~~~Kathy~~~dearest~~~how did you win so much~~~~”(Marcel)

“Well, you see!”

All the other players open their ears, hoping to hear your secret.

“I put down 7 3 0, because 7 kind of looks like a snake and 3 kind of looks like grr teeth, so the grr eats the snake and the 0 is like the snake was pooped out!”

If this was a shitty gag manga everyone would fall on their backs in comedic fashion.

But this only makes the other players more existed.

This was just a fluke! Beginners luck!

You weren’t some sort of genius.

They could all beat you in the next round.

Every single one goes all in!


That night you would walk out with 90 copper, coins 200 iron coins, 500 silver coins, and 1000 gold coins.

Out of all the buildings in the 4th district.

One stands out, which says a lot.

It’s not built on the tallest point of the 4th district but it’s so big you can see it from anywhere anyway.

This building has big walls with guards all around it.

On top of the walls is the best anti-magic tools money can buy.

Of course, all of this belongs to the mob boss of this district.

Halve the superfluous.

Halve got his name from his consistent spending on useless things.

He would buy things he would never need like desert and snow equipment for all his men.

He would also buy all kinds of animals then look at them once before forgetting about them.

The worst one was when he bought rocks from a ruin belonging to the era of the ancients.

Because of this.

Halve was extremely popular with merchants, as he would buy anything from them.

One such merchant is visiting Halve right now.

He was sitting in the visitor's room.

He was given fine wine and aged to perfection cheese the moment he got here.

The merchant whose name was Pijoen.

Was feeling pretty important right now.

He sipped on his wine and ate cheese platter after cheese platter.

Pijoen was quite fat, obese even.

He had a small mustache that curled up.

He was wearing his finest clothes.

And he was extremely ugly.

Halve was keeping him waiting but he was still enjoying himself.

He takes a look at his merchandise.

It was a boy.

No older than 16.

He was quite good looking, he wore a simple white robe.

On his throat.

Was a collar.

Pijoen was a slave trader.

Specifically sex slaves.

Pijoen finishes another glass of wine while eyeing the slave.

He almost brought a girl, but you can never really know.

It's best to play it safe and bring a feminine male.

He wonders if he’ll ever get this one back.

He was one of Pijoen’s best products.

He trained him himself.

But he lost many like him before.

Sometimes their new masters are not very kind.

Pijoen lets out a laugh that sounded more like a pig squeal.

He didn’t care.

As long as he gets his money, the buyer can do whatever he wants.

He can just kidnap some more.

Pijoen hears the door open.

He turns his head and sees a servant.

The servant bows and tells him that Halve is here now.

Pijoen quickly cleans himself and makes sure there are no pieces of cheese on him.

Just as he’s done Halve walks in. 

Halve was large.

All the doors in the building were made to be 12 feet tall so he wouldn’t have a problem going through them.

Halve walked around and then sat in front of Pijoen.

“Sorry for making you wait”(Halve)

As Halve talked, his big fangs and sharp teeth were visible.

Pijoen gulped.

This was the first time he met a half-orc.

“No no no! It’s fine! I was enjoying this wine and cheese and the time flew by!”(Pijoen)

For some reason, Pijoen felt Halve staring at him.

Like...he was burning a hole through him…..did…..did he do something wrong???

“That’s good……..and this is….”(Halve)

“Oh! Oh yes! I brought him here for you! I hope he’s to your taste if he’s not I have many more for you to choose from”(Pijoen)

Halve stands up and stares at the slave.

“This…...this won’t do……......................I don’t want no little boy”(Halve)

“Oh that’s fine-”(Pijoen)


Pijoen….felt something…

He looked down.

To see a hand on his fat thigh.

He slowly looks up.

And sees that Halve was inches away from his face.

“..........I want a man”(Halve)

“I….I...I could get”(Pijoen)

Halve sticks his face into Pijoen's neck and takes a big sniff.

“You smell...real..real...real bad……..perfect”(Halve)

Pijoen started shaking.

For the first time in his life.

He felt like every one of his slaves did.

After 12 hours.

Halve comes out of the shower with just a towel on.

He sits on his one of a kind dragon bone chair.

After that, he lights a cigarette with a lighter that uses endangered animals' blood as fuel.

Behind him on the bed is a fat quivering mass covered in a blanket.

Every now and then a few sobs can be heard.

Halve ignores this.

This is how it always starts but he will learn to love him, just like all the others.

As you can see Halve has very…….specific tastes.

He’s the kind of guy that masturbates TO the ugly bastard in hentai.

This has to do with his upbringing.

His father was human and his mother was an orc.

As you can glean from that…...he got his tastes from his father.

When no human could possibly hold up to his father’s standards he went after orcs.

It’s the same thinking as a man wanting to marry someone beautiful so they go after elves.

Except instead of beautiful orcs were fat and ugly.

Halve lights another cigarette.

In front of him are reports he has to read through.

The security in the 4th district was tight, far more so than any other district 

That was because Halve relied on rich people to come here.

They would spend and spend on shit they could never get their hands any other place and at the same time, they feel safe enough.

All the while Halve’s pockets were lined up, which he would use to buy crap he doesn’t need.

As he reads through the reports he finds the same old things.

Muggings, robberies, assault, murder, kidnaping the same old shit.

But as he’s flipping through something new comes up.

Someone won a lot of money in the copper coin.

It was a big amount so that caught his eye immediately.

Halve felt a bit bad for this chump.

Getting a big winning is basically putting a target on your back.

 Halves read the name of the winner.

Just to sort of mourn him early.

“…..wait…..THAT Kthanid??”(Halve)

The guy that snatched every grandma in a city, chop them all up, made them into a soup then feed them to their grandchildren!

THAT Kthanid!?

Halve raises an eyebrow and takes out the latest Red Mask catalog.

Kthanid was still in the top 100 red danger list.

Of course, this didn’t mean anything.

You can buy yourself a spot on the red danger list.

It’s how long you keep that spot that matters.

An easy way to get into the red danger list is just killing someone on it, so if you buy a spot that’s too high, every motherfucker is going to try and kill you, and then every mother fucker will try to kill them and so on and so forth until someone who actually deserves the number has it.

It’s why the top 10 rarely change.

And why the number 1 never changed.

“Hmmmm….should I contact him…...probably not...I still don’t know much about him...except for those rumors….who even knows if they’re real…”(Halve)

Rumors about Kthanid seemed to spring up overnight.

All of a sudden one day people were talking about him and all the fucked shit he did.

And every story seemed more ridiculous than the last.

As Halve tries to think about it he notices one more report.

The reason why this one stood out was because it came from outside the 4th district.

As he read through it, his eyes bulged out.

“This can’t be! How!? How can demons be in Unlaw!? that wall even working anymore…….sigh…..someone must have brought them here….but why!?......demons can’t be controlled…..hmmm….though...if demons where to show up in Unlaw….it makes sense that they would be in the-”(Halve) 

Behind the smog and black smoke.

A sound can be heard all over the 3rd district.

It was a single phrase.

It was repeated over and over again.

It sounded like it was coming out of a rusty old speaker.

It would echo all around and reach even the mouse holes.

It sounded like the voice of an announcer, welcoming people into a grand opening. 

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

In a dark alleyway, hidden deep.

Two figures can be seen.

The darkness around them seems to try its very best to hide them from the world.

So no one has to see them.

And live with the fact that they exist.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 


The sound of something very sharp being run across a hard surface fills the alley.

After that, two sets of footsteps can be heard.

One very light.

And the other heavy.

The light one would take a few steps and then wait.

After that, the heavy one would take a few steps then stop.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

This pattern goes on for a while.

Until finally.

A scream can be heard.

It's a scream of a girl...

She was a woman, but not anymore.

The fear in her has brought her back till even her screams sounded like that of a newborn child.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

The girl stands at the dead-end of the alleyway.

She was hiding.

But she's been found now.

She was able to run away by only moving when the speaker goes on.

But not anymore.

All she can do now is cry and scream.

She wants to run.

She can run, her legs are fine, they aren't stuck in place.

In fact, she feels like she can run to the edge of the continent.

But.....she can't.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

They're blocking her path.

A lamp sways on top of her.

The light barely letting her see her own hands.

But it's enough.

Enough to let her see what's beyond the darkness.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

The first one was tall.

It was hard to tell if that thing was 14 feet tall or 20 feet tall.

It had long hair that covered it's face and reached all the way to the ground.

It was thin.

Way too thin.

It was skin and bones, there was no muscle or fat.

Its legs were far apart.

So far apart the girl could probably run through them.

But she couldn't do it.

That's because this thing had arms longer than its body.

Its fingernails were long and curled, they looked like sickles.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

The other one can just be described as the complete opposite of the first.

It was short, shorter than the girl.

About 5 feet.

It was fat.

In fact, it was more stomach than anything.

It was like a ball with arms and legs attached.

Its head was bald, it had tiny eyes that were covered up in fat.

Its mouth was just as small, it was like someone took a needle punctured a hole for it.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

There was one last thing.

One last thing that stopped the girl from running in between them. coming out between the legs of the tall one.

It ran all the way to the small one.

And connected into its stomach where its belly button would be.

These two creatures were connected.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

The tall one raises a hand.

The girl tries to dodge.

To run.

To do something.

Just not to die.

But that was never possible.


Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

The first one's nails stab into her stomach.

Its curled nails scoop up her organs and meat till she's nothing but a shell.

Then it brings it to its mouth and starts to swallow it without even chewing.

The food makes its way through its body very easily and quickly.

And then something happens.

The tube between its legs starts to convulse.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

Something was going through it.

It was the food.

It makes its way through the tube.

All the way to the small one's stomach.

The small one starts to burb.

Some kind of green liquid comes out of its mouth.

Its mouth was so small that it was pushed out like a pressure hose.

The green liquid falls on a trash can.

The trash can melts into nothing in seconds.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

A bit of green liquid was spilled on its stomach.

Seeing this, the tall one grabs the girl's clothes.

A skirt.

She holds it with a delicacy you would never imagine a creature like this can ever have.

And with that same delicacy, it slowly uses the skirt to wipe the green liquid off the small one.

It makes sure not to accidentally scratch it.

The small lets out a hellish sound.

One that could be mistaken.


For a giggle.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

The tall one looks up.

As the sound of the speaker echoes through the 3rd district.

Again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

To the people of the 3rd district.

This is a reminder that will never go away.

This place was built to bring joy but since the first day, all it did was take people's lives.

They will never escape their past.

In the hell on loam.

Only known as.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 
Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the third district! 

You’re back in your hotel room.

And you’re filled with good feelings.

For some reason, everyone seemed really happy with you.

You were blushing the whole way back as your friends kept praising you.

Right now you’re on the bed.

For some reason you find yourself looking out the window.

It's almost......pulling you there.

You're pretty sure you can hear something echoing out.

Something being repeated over and over again.....

You can kind of hear it on the tip of your ear.

You would go to the balcony and try to hear it but you can't move right now. 

Ruby is laying next to you while wrapping herself on your arm.

She took off her hoodie so your arm is in between her chest.

She pushes her face into your shoulder.

“hehehE! yoU werE soO cooL! thE lookS oN thE fuckerS faceS wheN theY losT alL theiR moneY waS hilariouS!”(Ruby)

Ruby starts to trace some shapes on your chest with her finger.

“HeY....KathnaiD ♥"(Ruby)


Ruby pushes her bosom up.

"caN yoU givE mE somE moneY...I'M brokE....pleeeeasE ♥"(Ruby)

Kay who was meditating in the corner breaks her concentration easily.

"what are you a fucking gold digger now? I don't want someone like that to be with Kathy!"(Kay)

 Ruby snaps.

"it'S hiS money! katnaiD caN dO whateveR hE wants, righT babY!"(Ruby)

"you really are a bitch...."(Kay)

"oH woW looK whO jusT founD thaT out, whY don'T yoU gO bacK tO youR kaI traininG oR whateveR"(Ruby)

"Ok that's enough"

You get up while rubbing Ruby's head, your hand brushes her horns.

"I don't really need all this money so I'll just split it with everyone"


Ruby rubs her head on your chest.

Her horns hurt a lot.

Kay lets out a sigh and smiles.

"you don't have to do that Kathy, you know that right"(Kay)

"yeah, but I want to"

Kay's smile gets bigger.

"hehe! my boy has a pretty big heart!"(Kay)

Kay goes back to meditating.

She floats a few inches off the ground.

 You look at the bed on the other side of the room.

You made some noise, and you're kind of scared you woke up Marcel.

For some reason, Marcel seemed exhausted when you got back.

They got pretty drunk just as you got to your room, then they tried to kiss you before falling asleep.

You put them on the bed so they can rest.

You stand up and check on them real quick.

They seemed to be sleeping fine.

While awake, Marcel always seemed hard to approach, they have this big personality and that can sometimes feel intimidating.

But now seeing them sleeping and defenseless.

Their beautiful face looking so vulnerable.

Well....that gives you some weird feelings.

and some ideas that you push out of your head real quick.

You should probably do something to get your mind off this.

 [ ok, so mind doesn't work due to empathy issues... Use air magic to subliminally message someone outside the party to do things. Close enough to mind magic, right?]

The only thing you can think of right now is that piece of you that's following Atlas right now.

You try to sort of use air....but you don't really understand how you would do something like this.

You go outside to the balcony.

The air around you is cold.

And no matter how much you try and don't really know how to send a message.

You try to think really hard while having air go through you but that doesn't work..

You start to get bad feelings.

wow...I knew you were

And then there's this asshole.....

do you know how sound works?

Well...sound is like.....sound just works!

do you know what sound is? the sound you' of.

let me put you out of your misery, all you need to know is, sound travels through air, you talk, then you make the air carry your voice try it out.


You make the voice travel through for a bit then come back to you.


You hear your voice again!

Now to send a message to your piece.............................

But where is it???


You get some bad feelings.......

You use space to try and find where it is.

It's somewhere in Unlaw you know that.

But's not close...but it's not too far.....

It could be two or three districts away.....

You try really hard to find it.

……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..……..…… found it!!

Or at least you think you did.

You send out a simple message.

“Hi it’s me”

You use air to send it out.

After waiting for 20 minutes you almost give up.

You turn to go back inside.

That's when.

"oh hey, did something happen, also, why do I know how to do this?"

The piece of you got the message!!!

You chat for a bit, there was a 5 minute delay between each message.

You end your conversation in only 4 messages.

It seems the piece was following Atlas as a Lizard.

It seems Atlas is in some trouble but you don't know for what.

You consider helping him but the piece of you tells you no.

It says that it will observe him more and that you should only move when you know what's going on.

It seems that the more a piece of you is away, the more independent it can start to act.

But it's not another person, it's just a part of you.

It won't act differently than you and at the end of the day, it wants to be back inside of you again.

Which this piece of you has made very clear.

You go back inside after your chat with the piece.

You don't really care about the sound you were hearing a bit ago.

So you just don't bother.

As you go back inside you notice that Ruby has fallen asleep too.

Next to her is an empty plate that used to be a steak dinner.

You must have been outside for a while if Ruby could call room service, wait for the food and eat it then fall asleep before you were done.

Now the only one that's up is Kay.

She's still meditating.

[try practicing Ki]

You walk up to Kay and poke her on the shoulder.

She slowly sinks down and gives you a stink eye before she realizes it's you.

"oh! Kathy! I'm sorry! did you need something?"(Kay)

Kay smiles at you.

"how do you do that? that ki thing"

Kay taps her chin.

" need a strong mind for this...and have your mind open all the you think you can do that?"(Kay)

"absolutely not"

Kay chuckles.

"yeah I didn't want to say it'(Kay)

Kay leans on your shoulder.

"but you know Kathy! the first step to improving yourself is admitting your faults! you just took the first step to being better!"(Kay)

"oh that's cool! many steps are there?"

"ummm....well....I.........WANT TO SEE SOMETHING COOL!!"(Kay)

Kay struggles for a bit before blurting that out.


"Check this out!"(Kay)

Kay takes out one of her bullets.

She then builds up Ki in her hands.

"ok look at this!"(Kay)

Kay uses her finger to flick the bullet.

The bullet flies through and embeds itself into a chair.

"it's not as strong as a gun but it could do some damage! hehe, your mom is pretty cool huh!"(Kay)

"yeah! that was awesome!"

Kay scratches her nose with a smug smile that all mothers get when their children call them cool.

"I want to try!"

"well, Kathy you have to practice a lot for this! so don't worry if you can't do this in your first try"(Kay)

You put the bullet in your hand and flick it.

It penetrates the chair and embeds in the wall behind it!

"wow did you see that!"

"...........................I'm going to sleep now"(Kay)

Kay kisses you on the forehead.

"good night Kathy"(Kay)

"good night"

Now everyone is asleep.

And you are very bored.

You look outside.

It's still night time.

Maybe you should go out and do something.

[party hard!!!!!!]

[eat the rich]

[turn into your monster mash form and do the most despicable thing any monster can do... LITTER

p.s. use the coupon you got for litter]

You go back to the balcony and jump off it.

On the way down you turn into your monster mash form.

Tentacles and eyeballs come out.

Before you reach the ground you send out a tentacle and grab onto a nearby building.

You then swing off into an alleyway.

Well, it was less of an alleyway and more of a space between a building and a wall with nothing in it.

You climb the building using your claws and start jumping from roof to roof.

Sometimes you’ll jump down random places and scare people for fun.

If you see someone that looks rich you'll eat them.

[eat the brains of people while destroying unlaw so you get big brain]

You'll eat the whole person so that should work itself out.

You do want the big brains.

You only ate one guy so far, he had a bunch of iron jewelry on him.

And of course.

You don’t forget to litter.

You grab the coupon and then you!

Another voice is echoing in your head.

‘"Kthanid! don't litter! just keep trash in your pocket till you find a trash can, ok!"(Kay)’



Your hand is hovering.

You want to let go….but…..Kay said you can’t litter…….

What...what do you….what do you do!?

You stare at it for a while before you hear a scream.

You look back to see a woman pointing at you.


You quickly put the coupon in your flap and run off.

You climb up to a random roof and keep running till you’re a good distance away.

As you sit down.

You wonder if you should have littered. already put it in your pocket (flap).

So you guess that… kind of made your choice already....right?

You won’t do it.

You will not litter.

Littering is bad!!

You turn your head, and see a woman wearing furr, she has a ring with gems on every finger.

Now murder…..that’s not bad at all!

After murdering the fifth rich person you're kind of bored.

You tried killing the ones with bodyguards but it turns out they were all for show.

They looked tough but they ran away real quick.

Also, it seems after all your shenanigans, the urban legend of monster mash is probably going to grow.

You're a little bit far off in the 4th district.

So far you can actually see some grass here.

Hell, there's even a few flowers here.

Dirty flowers no one would ever want.

But flowers none the less.

You're sitting in a field right now.

The sun should be coming up in a bit.......

[smoothies!, smoothies!, smoothies!, get your smoothies from the nearest mob boss]

Smoothies are those gooey drink things that aren't really drinks right?

You're not sure you like those very much.

You enjoy juice way more.

In fact, the first drink you ever had was juice.

A juiced up human, but still the same.

Now if that mob boss had juice! you'd be there in a second.

[Eat the dirt in the ground and acquire earth magic]

You grab some dirt off the ground and throw it into your chest mouth.


You earned the new title!

Dirt eater.

You eat dirt off the ground! you should probably just kill yourself now before the shame kicks in!



You kind of regret a lot of things right now.....

[Try to combine all magic you know to one see what happen]

Yeah, maybe this will kill you......

You try to mix all your magic together but then you just end up with void and darkness.

Void just eats up everything except for darkness.

So you're only left with these two.

You try it again without void this time, fire just burns everything.

You try it without fire and you and you get nothing.

Just a jumbled mess.

The only two combinations you know works are.

Air and Fire: air makes fire attacks far easier to control and shape.

Void and Darkness: death magic.

That's about it.

Maybe there are more combinations but you're not aware of any.

As you're fucking around the sun starts to come up.

Filling the black world red.

[Practice your singing if successful get Banshee Scream Lv2]

You sing for a bit.

Just the simple Miracle man song.

"DiD yOu KnOw! ThErE iS a MaN tHaT lIvEs In ThE cEnTeR oF tHe EaRtH!"

Your chest mouth is not the best at singing.

You use the Banshee scream while singing.

But this time you try to sort of control your voice.

You try to make it softer, then louder, then deeper.

It seems this gives the Banshee scream different effects.

If you make it deeper it travels farther.

But if you make it higher it's more powerful.


You have unlocked Banshee Scream Lv2!

You can now freely control the scream!

You unlock it just as the sun fully comes out.

It shines through the cracks of the city.

You enjoy the sun.

The warm feeling on your body........

You've been doing this lately.

Just letting the sun burn you away...

You want to go back but they're probably not awake yet.

You'll sit here for a little while more.


"ok, what the fuck"

You're walking around Unlaw now.

Your friends sleep for about 8 hours most of the time.

And they slept pretty late, so you don't see them walking up anytime soon.

You're back in your human form.

Though this form seems to get you the same amount of fear as monster mash you wonder why you even bother.

As you wander around you find yourself out of the 4rth district and into the main street.

In front of you is the assassin's guild.

They seem as busy as ever.

[use illegal goods to hire an assassin to leave a dead rat in a red suit on the bed of the sage who must eventually be killed. Ask for proof of delivery with coordinates]

You pull out the drugs.

You only took one bag, who knows how much this thing even costs.

As you enter the assassins guild.

You notice…...a shack?

It’s like a small wooden…...thing… almost looks like a bathroom or something.

There is a sign on it that looks like it’s going to fall off.

You can barely read it.

{Adventurer's guild}

You blink at this a few times before going inside the assassin's guild.

The assassin's guild was very pleasant.

The lobby was very clean.

And the workers had smiling faces.

This all made up a very welcoming place.

You walk up to the counter.

A man with a scar on his nose smiles and greets you behind the desk.

"Welcome to assassin's guild! My name is Hart, how may I help you!"(Hart)

"oh hey Hart, I was wondering if you do intimidation things here, like just sort leave something on some guy's bed"

"of course!! we do those all the time!!!"(Hart)

"oh cool! umm, do you take this?"

You give them the coupon.

"it's not an assassination so I don't-"

"don't worry! we'll take it!"(Hart)

Hart continues giving out perfect customer service.

 "who's the target!"(Hart)

"oh...umm....the great sage"

Hart stops for a bit.

" sure about that? that's going to cost you a lot! even then it's not a guarantee that it will work! what do you want us to do anyway?"(Hart)

"I want you to leave a dead rat in a red suit on the bed of the sage"

"that's.....specific....must have some meaning to him though.....if it's just a mouse....then that's be honest, I thought you wanted to leave someone's body there or something! that's what we usually get anyway"(Hart)

"ok you take this?"

You put the bag of drugs on the table.

Hart looks at it.

"oh yes! we take this!"(Hart)

Hart looks it over.

"This is some good stuff you got here, but it's not enough you need to throw a few coins in there"(Hart)

In the end you pay the bag of drugs and 5 copper coins.

"welp! that should be it! we'll get someone right on it!"(Hart)

"can I get proof of delivery when it's done?"

"of course! we'll contact you when that happens, just leave your phone and name here"(Hart)

As you finish up.

Hart leans in to talk to you.

"you're THAT Kthanid right?"(Hart)

"I don't know of any other one"

Hart smiles.

"hey is it true? do you force feed humans cheese and bacon and then force feed cows those humans and then cover the cow in batter and then deep fry it and then eat the whole thing on a stick?"(Hart)

You blink for a couple of seconds.

"no...........................but I would very much like to do that"

Hart starts laughing.

"you're crazy man!"(Hart)

[Get someone to teach you water magic]

"Hey Hart"


"is there someone around here that can teach me water magic"

Hart scratches his head.

"last time I checked Magic isn't something you just learn, you just sometimes get it when you change......tell you what"(Hart)

Hart writes something down.

"there's this girl in the 7th district, she's a prostitute, she just got water magic out of nowhere, uses it in her play, it's amazing you should try it!, any way you should ask her how she got it, her name is Stephanie"(Hart)

You take the paper and walk out while saying goodbye to Hart.

On the paper is the name of the brothel.

{All the good times}

You're back in the hotel.

It seems Marcel is awake.

But Kay and Ruby are still asleep.

Marcel was talking on the phone.

"I understand......I'll get rid of them right it's know....that kind of seemed like you were doubting my faith....................yeah you better fucking apologise before I rip your-"(Marcel)

They turn to you as you come in.

"Hey Kathy~~~~~~~~~~good morning~~~~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel closes their phone.

"good morning"


Marcel stands up.

You notice they have their Warhammer in their hands.

"You want to do something fun~~~~~"(Marcel)


"you see there are two demons running about~~~~~~but they're not dead~~~~~and that's a pretty big fucking problem~~~~~and I swear by the demon god~~~I'm going to slaughter them~~~~~"(Marcel)

"...........I'll want to come with you...NO...I AM coming with you!"

"oooooh~~~~~~~~I like it when you're assertive~~~~~~it makes you so hot~~~~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel kisses your neck.

"but first~~~~~let's have some breakfast~~~we can't cleanse loam on an empty stomach~~~~"(Marcel)

"what about Kay and Ruby?"

"fuck em~~~~"(Marcel)

You make sure to leave a note for Kay before you leave.

You and Marcel enjoy a nice breakfast before heading towards the 3rd distract.

Marcel stuffs their mouth with strawberry cake.

"you see Kathy~~~~these fucks~~~are pretty good at hiding~~~only the demon god knows how~~~~~~~so we need to find them first"(Marcel)

"find them? where we do we look"

Marcel pulls out a really old map.

The map looks it used to be very colorful but over time it faded. 

 "you see Kathy~~~~a long time ago~~~~someone tried to open a theme park here~~~~~~it didn't end well at all~~~~"(Marcel)

"why would someone open a theme park here?"

"because there were no rules~~~~they could build whatever they want~~~and they didn't have to care how many people died~~~"(Marcel)

"that.....makes sense?"

"The problem is ~~~~something happened~~~no one really knows what~~~~but everything went to shit~~~~and now even the old workers just sort of walk about being crazy~~~~they attack people around them~~~so we should be careful~~~it's for the best only the two of us are going~~~it's better as a stealth mission~~~~"(Marcel)

" do we look"

You stare at the map.

There are quite a few places around.

It seems that each section of the park has a mascot which is named after it.

First is Scary Larry:

  • hunted house.
  • maze
  • elevator of doom.

Second is Water Suzy:

  • water slides
  • Lazy river
  • The water shoot

Third is Mad Mike:

  • the roller coaster from hell
  • The death dome
  • Mad mike bumper cars (now with real guns)

Fourth is Baby boom:

  • horse carousel
  • Baby bumpers
  • Magic teddy's joy joy joy joy joy, are you joyful yet?

Finally, there's is the main place.

The castle of dreams and nightmares:

  • It's a world that exists
  • History of Unlaw
  • Meet the creature


"We don't have time to look through all of them~~~~we just need to find some clues~~~~~~~~you know kathy~~"(Marcel)

Marcel wipes cream of their mouth.

"One of the most popular dating spots are theme parks~~~~~~you want to know why~~~~"(Marcel)

You stare at Marcel as they're licking their lips.

Gone is the defenseless Marcel from last night.

Now they're fully on the attack.

"you can have lots of fun~~~~~~~then you can go to a hidden place~~~~~~and have a very different type of fun~~~~"(Marcel)

You swallow.

"so.............should we go now"

Marcel just smiles.

"hehehe~~~~~~yep~~~~~~it's a date~~~~~"(Marcel)

In a small bunker bearly big enough for one person.

Weeping can be heard.

A hand brushes a tear soaked picture of a woman and a man.

The hand was covered in tattoos of cartoon characters 

Every now and then they mumble "I'm sorry".

This hand belongs to the mob boss of the 3rd district.

Formerly known as Walt the Joyful.

Now known as Walt the Mournful.

Write commands in the comments.

Start with Search: Place: what you want to search: what to do.

Example= Search: Baby boom: horse carousel : check the horses.


Write a command.

start with command: your command