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"RANT!!!" Tada screamed as he saw Ran's body breaking through the wall.
{Damn it...I knew I couldn't count on you...}
He was angry, looking at how weak Ran was.
But as much he would love it to turn out differently, reality was always there.
That ponytail matter how confident Tada was, it didn't change the fact that the enemy was stronger than him... stronger than both of them.
{God Damn it!!! If only Chiaki or Hideyoshi were here...what am I even trying for? There's no way I'm beating this guy! Especially since I'm babysitting as well...}
The young master glared at his foe while swearing from inside.
{Calm down Tada you're better than this! Let's see it took him...briefly three seconds to strike Rant...come on... calculate!!}
"Okay let's, the cutie pie with the braids! Let's see what you're worth. Brace yourself!!"  The swordsman took a step forward and disappeared again as Tada closed his eyes and sighed.
{I definitely can't let this creep get me!!} He thought with confidence as he started counting.
At that moment it happened. He suddenly heard something.
It was faint but he definitely did! Something like a sound, the small faint sound of a slash.
By the count of two, Tada opened his eyes and jumped to his right side dodging the attack that would have definitely blown him away.
"Oh? I see we got a talented one here don't we?" The ponytail guy looked impressed, unlike Tada who was freaked out.
{What just happened?? What was that? } Tada then held his head as the ponytail guy lowered his sword and turned his face towards his opponent.
"I have to say I'm impressed sweetie! Unlike your friend there on the wall, you actually have some skills! OH! How much I want to hug you and pet you!! That said, now that I know about your talent, I won't let you go easily"
{GOD DAMN IT HE'S CREEPY!!} Tada thought as he started sweating from his anxiety.
"And should I be happy hearing that?? Who would be happy by impressing a creep like you?"
"Don't worry my little macaron, I'll tell you. I'm Dougami Shiki! The leader of the BEAUTIFUL group you know as Sound Waves. You see I always like searching for new recruits! Especially pretty boys like you, so I have to say, congrats! You are a potential winner."
Tada felt a chill on his spine, looking at Shiki who was facing towards him and was undressing him in his mind.
"Those are good news, my name is Tada Matsuri and I have to thank you Shiki, at least now I know who needs to get his ass kicked so we can continue our trip" 
Shiki laughed.
"Be nice little kitten, I always like them nice, but now that I think about it, naughty boys aren't bad either...OHO!! W-what is this feeling? This ecstasyyyyy~"
Tada stopped looking at him and started sweating again.
No matter what he tried, he didn't have a chance against that guy! 
If by any chance got grabbed by him...he didn't even want to imagine that. 
He didn't even have a weapon, but one thing was certain, something had to be done about the Little miss known as Tsubaki.
"Alright, let's see what you can do, but first I have one condition."
"Which is?" The terrorist raised an eyebrow.
"Let the little miss over there go, you said your interest is only about those who are worthy of a fight and a little girl wouldn't be much of one now would it?"
Hearing his condition, Shiki's expression changed.
Tada could tell he was angry only by looking at his eyebrows.
" know what? I'll let your condition pass since you're so adorable! Just looking at you made my day! And you see...I don't have any interest in girls. But! Though I'll have you know that usually, I'm the one that makes the deals" Groaned the terrorist as Tada turned towards Tsubaki.
"You heard him little miss, go away, leave, get out of here"
"T-thank you" Tsubaki nodded and left the room.

"And now! it's the two of us finally...ALONE!"
Tada looked towards his enemy trying to think a way to buy time.
{I can't just face this guy! Not without a weapon... please Chiaki, Hideyoshi...hurry!}
"I'm Coming~" The terrorist moaned, the young master screamed, getting ready to buy as much time as possible!
Nothing other than that mattered.
Shiki was the first to act. He leaped forward and grabbed the sword in a draw stance as he got close to his opponent.
{As much as I would love to dodge his attack again like that, I can't trust my fate in a mere coincidence... I'll have to put my own skills on use.}
Tada could tell he wasn't thinking much of him, seeing the blow Ran took, Shiki wouldn't be that obvious if he took the fight seriously.
"Show me that GORGEOUS trick of yours again" Swinging his sword towards Tada's left side, he expected it to happen again.
The braided master dodged his attack easily by evading towards the right, and it looked like there was an expression of disappointment on Shiki's face.
It seems he didn't met his expectations.
{Wait!!} Immediately then Tada ran and jumped behind one of the metal boxes.
"Don't be hiding now honey poo!! It spoils all the fun! Come on out, wherever you are!"
Shiki was searching for him which seemed nonsensical.

{Why does he have his eyes closed? I would have been dead if I didn't take advantage of that}
"Come on don't make me harder than I am already, the anticipation is killing me~...In the end, I will find you either way"
Tada was anxious, needed to think fast.
By placing his hands on his head and closing his eyes, Tada tried to concentrate.
But the sound of a metallic box getting pierced behind him caused his body to start shaking.
Tada was shocked.
{THE HELL??? Just what kind of force can a single terrorist have that could pierce a freaking box made of metal??}
The young master started coughing and not long after he realized the slash wound on the right side of his torso.
He couldn't move, there was not enough time for him to hide somewhere.
Cornered, without any options left.
Tada was at his mercy...or that was what he thought at least.
As Shiki was ready to leap towards his opponent, he was surprised to see two servants appear out of nowhere.

"Master Tada are you alright?"
Although he was hurt, looking at his servants, Tada felt all the sadness and the sorrow fading, knowing he bought them enough time at least.
"But...of course...just who do you take me for? I'm the great Tada Matsuri after all..."
Trying to play it cool didn't help much. Anyone could see Tada wasn't at his best, and all the bleeding didn't help either.
Chiaki was exceptionally angry.
"Oh come on! Who is it this time??" Shiki complained but that didn't mean he dropped his guard, as a powerful piercing blow was heading towards him.
He guarded it easily by putting his katana in front of him.
"Well well, what do we have here? Pretty interesting choice of weapon girlfriend, although I'd say that I prefer swords"
"Stay away from master Tada!" Chiaki was furious as she would never let anyone hurt her master.
Seeing his side bleeding, was the worst insult she could imagine.
An insult to her honor as Tada's maid and an insult to the goal of her life.
A goal she always dreamed to achieve, and whoever hurt her beloved master, that person is her target.
"Okay okay, gee... I see that more cuties appeared...and then is her...but anyway that's perfect! Then let's start over right away!"
He pointed at Tada's direction, as both Chiaki and the Terrorist known as Shiki, got ready for their battle.