Chapter 17: Path of Satori
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“Are you looking down on me, Deimos?” Hermesia asks. Domination is a duel system that lets both fighters choose their desired weapons.

“I don’t have to.” Deimos replies to the shorter woman. He knows he is putting himself at a disadvantage at letting his opponent pick her favorite weapon.

“You have sixty seconds to arm yourselves.” Ashegrim says to the duelists and they went to their opposite corners where an assortment of training gear is prepared for them.  

“Keep your distance and use your speed. Let him come to you.” Hektor says to Hermesia as she returns to her corner.

“That asshole! He thinks he is better than me? I will put a hole in his head.” Hermesia curses as her right hand snatched a blunted spear but in her but in her ire accidentally drops the GaussShield, a standard energy shield, into to the ground. The spear is her favored weapon as it provided reach and distance. During her time in the Agōgē, she was constantly beaten by her male peers who used their physical strength to dominate her. In her desperation, she resorted to using the spear which is considered secondary to the sword. She discovered its effectiveness when she gouged out her opponent’s eye and the Banshee was born.

“Hermesia, get a hold of yourself. Deimos is trying to rattle you. Do not let him.” Hektor says , cupping her contorted face in his huge hands.

“I know. You are always the steady one in the family, big brother. So, what is the Brave Hektor think I should do?” Hermesia smiles at her brother and relaxes her shoulders. Hektor picks up her shield.

“Deimos picked a Shiv and a Gausshield. He is confident that he can evade your attacks while closing the distance to strike you with the short blade.” Brave Hektor advises ,hands her the shield.  

“He will try to blitz attack you in some form. A sharp thrust at his head would send him reeling back. Then , he will probe your defenses and try a feint. To counter that pick your strikes carefully. Once he realizes that can’t breach you, advance steadily forward.”  Hektor tells her the plan , commanding like a general at war.

“Aye, aye. I am fully aware how fast Deimos can be.” Hermesia remembers the night Deimos pricked her skin. She dons her Banshee-shaped helm and exhales, releasing the tension from her body.

Samādhi? Deimos guesses as he observes Hermesia’s body language relax, entering a state of meditative consciousness. He thought he could unbalance her with that snarky remark but she shows her mettle as an Initiate who aims to become a Pilgrim. The Pilgrims are the rare few who has started the Path of Satori, the Awakening.

This will be a difficult battle. Deimos thought. You can never underestimate a Knight.

“Duelists, it is time.” Ashegrim says. Deimos slowly walked towards the center where Ashegrim is but stops a few meters away as Hermesia did the same. Both fighters are ready.



Deimos lunges immediately hoping to catch Hermesia off-guard. He lowers his stance as he digs his legs to the ground like a sprinter. The burst of leg power launches him towards Hermesia at great speed. Deimos aims to attack her base by lowering his stance to confuse her. Then sharp whiz from above slices through the air, Deimos twisted his neck at the last moment as the spear penetrates his helm almost taking out his eyes. He evades the succeeding strikes before jumping back to his original position, meters away from Hermesia.

I owe you one, brother. Hermesia thinks as she sees Deimos bleeds from his right eye brow, obscuring his vision. It unfolded exactly like his brother predicted.

Keep it up, Hermesia. Hektor thinks as he observes the duel. Hektor knows how much she has sacrificed to become a Knight. He was there when her hands bled from torn skin brought on by the endless repetition that she did every day and night. Hektor watched her pass out many times from exhaustion as she pushed herself beyond her limits. Her sharp attacks puts Deimos on the defensive.

Hermesia shows no opening. Damn you, Hektor. It seems that she lives up to her reputation as the Banshee. Deimos thought his opening move would work but she remained calm and almost blinded him. Normally, his provocations are effective on hot tempered individuals like Hermesia. Hektor must have told her what would happen. Compliments, Hektor, you are a truly gifted warrior. 

Deimos seeing his opening gambit failed switch to different tactics.

He started to attack in a pattern to lull Hermesia into a false sense of security but when he left an opening to bait her, she did not fall for it. Instead, before he can retreat she nicked him the abdomen with a twisting strike. Deimos reels from the attack, almost stumbling before regaining his balance. It is the opening Hermesia is waiting for. 

I got you now. After sizing him up, Hermesia advances. The speed of her attacks is dizzying, one mistake would be deadly. Deimos side steps hoping to take advantage of the spear’s inability to change direction. Hermesia anticipated this and used her shield to bash Deimos. The shield bash would’ve knocked him to the ground making him easy target for the spear. Deimos jumped back mid movement to avoid the shield bash. He stands back, heart racing from the skirmish.

She is the real deal. Deimos  surmises. Hermesia’s attacks are measured and precise, not wasting energy and keeping him on edge. She may have questionable taste in men and haughty attitude but war is her calling. It would take more than his usual moves to take her down.

Deimos discards his shield which confused the crowd but didn't affect Hermesia's focus. He lowers his stance.

I am the Great Shark. Death follows in my wake. My ocean of blood. Deimos recites his Trigger.

Deimos exhales, removing all the tension in his body. He empties his mind of emotions and void of discernible intent yet full of force like a benign waterfall. The state of Śūnyatā or Emptiness.

Like a Great Shark on the hunt, he moves with frightening violence to overwhelm his prey.

"What the fuck?" Hermesia shouts as she tries to puncture him but misses badly. She can no longer read his movements. Deimos lazily avoided her barrage of strikes , flowing around them.  Hermesia tries to bash him again but the bastard saw it coming, he weaves and steps inside her guard to point his Shiv at her throat. In that instant, Hermesia saw a mirage of a gigantic shark filled with blood lust. She has fought many capable Knights and warriors but Deimos is a unique terror. 

“I yield.” Hermesia says and dropped her weapon.

“Hermesia has yielded, Deimos is the victor.” Ashegrim proclaims as the crowd finally breathes.




An early chapter release for a friend.

This chapter marks the debut of the power system called the Path of Satori. It is not really a level system but a degree of self mastery. Let me know in the comments what you think about it. 


Should I retain the original world (Śūnyatā) or the translation (Emptiness)?
  • Original word Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Translation Votes: 2 66.7%
Total voters: 3