Chapter 2 The mighty Inc..
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Chapter 2

The mighty Inc..

"What! dad doesn't that mean that our ancestor was the first emperor, am I a secret prince or something".

His dad smiled a little but his face still grim "well if our ancestor didn't disappear without telling one day, you might have been a prince but not now. Listen Divit one day after the war with the beasts for the possession of the land, when peace was mostly established throughout the continent. Human life started becoming stable. 'The supreme just left without anyone telling, his children were just 6 small kids each from a different wife. powerless to even survive on their own, wives already dead because of conspiracies or in the war."

"thankfully some of his comrades were the first ones to know that, and they realized that without him they could not be in power and because greedy people will try to gain the secret of his power from his descendants, they quickly left secretly and raised the kids but they were still caught by some unknown people which had features like beasts, half of them were killed and the tablet which recorded our family inheritance was lost.after that our clan has been living around the globe hiddenly with great talent but no way to use it".

"dad what are you saying? Ain't I already harmonized, with my talent I can put all those celebrity kids into dust ".

His dad sighed and said "not you alone, any child from our clan can put those demon geniuses to shame if our blood wasn't accompanied by the curse...or you can say the inability to use the power of our blood."

"I don't understand dad"

"it's like this"

We are destined to have good cultivation but our cultivation can only give us long life, not martial strength, if we use the powers coming from our cultivation, our blood will act up making our body blue and then our blood starts becoming heavy and beating our body from inside, leading us towards a premature death from internal explosions 'a horrifying death' indeed.

Divit: "This ....this...."

"well it's not like we don't have to practice"

We still have a fist art from our ancestor the 'supreme'  with us. by practicing it daily, our cultivation will rise with our age although the starting point is early, the rise in cultivation will be slow. but surely it will rise, your great grandfather is already in the king realm, just one realm less than the 5 emperors.

Divit said suddenly "What... I even have a great grandfather, how is this possible"?

"didn't my grandfather died two years ago, and you say we will have a lifespan to be a great grandfather"

His father "Ah well actually your grandfather didn't die. it was just a pretense to show the world that your grandfather was a normal person and died because of low cultivation and his life span ended.

Here mc started to have some tears "grandpa is alive, you didn't even tell us, didn't you saw how much anuja are so cruel father"(anuja is his little sister's name)

His father not taking his words to heart said "It's not like I wanted her to cry, but you kids were too little. you would have leaked the truth, even right now I shouldn't tell you but you are too much of a freak, even with our blood the normal age to harmonize is 15. but you did it while being 12, leaving me no other choice to tell you the truth.

At this point mc didn't know what to believe and what not

"the moral of the story is, you have to practice the first art that I will show you, pretend to have low cultivation throughout your life, don't fight until your life is in danger, your cultivation will rise slowly but surely until you reach the king realm and what you will get is a long life.and yes don't worry about money we are secretly dealing in many businesses and by now we can sit on home and raise money"

Divit didn't even bat an eye hearing about money and said"dad...there must be something ...anything to cure this curse..."

His father tiredly sighed "Well even with our easy cultivation king realm is our limit but if someone is able to reach empyrean realm by eating some heavenly medicine when being in the king realm or with just enough talent then he can expel the blood out and become like a normal human, also if you surpassed empyrean realm then you can probably cure your clan members too."

"But reaching the empyrean realm is impossible...because cultivation requires fighting and condense martial spirit. battling is necessary for humans to raise their realm, and that's something which we cant".

"But son life is still good, you will have a life like a normal person and that's it, our clan has many contacts and money, an easy life full of riches is awaiting you, what you have to do is just not fight and compete, live leisurely. Scientists are currently in hot demand. Virtual reality is what is popular now, go gain knowledge in other fields be anything other than a fighter.

From seeing Mc face anyone can tell that he was gonna cry

"ok son, I'll leave you alone for now"

After saying this he left the room

"honey is divit okay" a beautiful lady said to Divit's father

"I don't know dear, but he has to bear it, the bigger the talent the harder it is to digest this kind of truth"

"it was the same for us too dear"

Sigh... leave him alone for now

The next day

His dad told him the same thing again

"dad what is it about the clan, I don't really recall meeting any relatives of ours, and what about mom, does she knows about this"

His dad turned his back towards him and said: "our clan and our business is hidden and running secretly through about the globe, and about your mom, we have been practicing inter-clan marriage, your mother is a part of the clan too and our family is one of the 3 main families which have been preserved since 5000 years".

Divit suddenly realized something"fuck what do you mean by 3 families intermarrying, you said yesterday that 'the supreme' has 6 kids.other then inces......oh my god "

"you stupid bastard it is not like that..the marriage system is carefully managed and no one is married to someone not having at least 3 generations of relation. and it's not like we had other choices."

Divit already realized that another bad news was coming and said with buttering tone "oo great father, my dear dad why we have no other choice".

His father said in a grave tone "no weak women are able to become pregnant from us and only the women of our blood can conceive our child."

Divit still being the child he was "shit, it means that I can't marry the girl I will love and will be forced to practice incest. and why do you sound so sure? do you have an affair or something.. I am going to tell mom for sure"

His dad's face was covered with black lines "little demon, even if your mother and I were destined to marry even before marriage. we loved each other deeply. I don't know why but it's a mystery that no one has been unwilling to marry in the family. maybe it's like blood attracts the same blood"

Divit: "I can't take this much information dad.and I will try this pregnant thing by myself."

.his dad didn't show any reaction but just expressionlessly said "with our Nobel blood nobody ever fell in love with those weaklings, our body has an instinct to only have feelings to love strong people, and only our blood can satisfy this tyrant blood".

Divit: "what do you mean by weak people, we can't even fight, tell me who is the week one"

His father harrumphed: "Humph, what do you know kid? It's not like we can't fight, we choose not to in exchange to live long and preserve our bloodline".if we want to fight we can, but then we will be like a shooting star, brighter than anything, stronger than anyone in the same stage but also short-lived."

After saying this his father left after and closed the door shut, but he could barely hear Divit mumbling which almost made him puke blood

Divit mumbling quietly: "he said our surname means mighty, humph more like the mighty incest."