Chapter-7 Divine court
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Side1 martial divit with armor said: “so when are we going to hijack their ship”

Side2 scholar divit: “you fool, do you think that's easy. There are 10 small guards in the late shackled realm, and the big one probably surpasses even that. how are we supposed to kill them with our mid harmonizing realm cultivation? And even if some miracle did happen then we would die because of our blood”.

Side1: “so what do you want to do, isn't it best to bet all on them rather than dying here slowly”

Side 3: the judge said, “before any further planning let me get some facts straight.”

1) Fighting a warrior which surpasses the shackled realm is a no go.

2)Saving megh, Kumbh, and vibish is our priority.

3) We shouldn't kill anyone on this island until attacked first.

4)Fighting proper battles with the fighting power of the shackled realm will massive  cost life span which will exponentially increase every time

Side 1: my lord how much life span will it cost to beat the 20 kids of the same realm as us.

Side3: the judge “hmm it might take 5 to 10 years of life span. But like I said we shouldn't attack them”

Side 1 and 2 talked to each other for a while and finally reached an agreement

Side 2: scholarly divit: my lord we have a solution but the cost can be a bit high.

Side 3, the judge: “will it save our friends in the shortest time possible?” 

 Side 1: yes!

Side  3: do we have to attack innocents?

Side 2: attack yes! kill no!

After a while

Side 3: as we have no other choice …. I will approve.

Side 3: now what about the blue qi, it feels familiar but also strange

Side 1: yes, probably related to our blood

Side 2: But something as big as a continent having the same qi as ours? Wouldn't our family know of that beforehand? There was nothing in the family records about this


Side 1: does it matters, the qi is making us strong

Side 2: it's also killing us, not only us but every human on this island,

Side 1: I am damn sure that the effect on us is stronger, so the bonus strength on us is stronger too

Side 2: like I said, idiot, this is killing us faster too.

Side 3: in conclusion, there is a big secret on this island

Outside...the real divit

Divit was feeling amazed about this thinking ability, in seconds he found the most suitable options available

He still remembers 1 year ago,

He was practicing his families fist movement and was stuck at a level and thinking very hard on how to improve

He doesn’t know why he didn't ask for guidance from his dad, but after 2 months of thinking, a court with his small avatars appeared in his mind

Which he named the divine court 


Divit: “why is our family blood and techniques so mysterious?

“Not even father knew about this thinking ability”

Only Divit knew how incredible this ability was without it he would have never been able to learn the number of things that he has learned.

The divine court not only helped to make decisions quickly but also learning and understanding new things 

He has studied many qi techniques available to him

Warfare methods, the uses of herbs and plants

Different type of beasts

Surviving tools, different ways to cultivate, body cultivation 

He has been quenching his thirst for knowledge, which was aided by his family’s mysterious background and the divine court.


“Well those things can be solved as long as I am alive, Now I at least have a chance to temporarily save myself and Kumbh,vibish and megh, ..let's do what I can”

 After a while Some kilometers away from where divit was

 Someone was getting out of the ocean, and just literally dragging his body on the island

“Fu*k shit fu*k shit fu*k shit fu*k, I swear to god I will kill those bastards,f*king aholes, throwing this father in the ocean, nearly killing me”

“hmm wait, aren't those other prisoners kids?”

“Are they making a group?”

“But I’m sure, I heard something about killing each other”

Well, For now, let’s just mix in and fish for some benefits


He approached the group 

With a hippie smile on his face “hey guys take me in too, let's survive together”



“Fu*k shit fu*k, why are u hitting me”

The guy who was hitting him said 

“I'm your boss from now”

“Wait...what no, don't hit me”

“ I’m your boss”

“Fu*k shit fu*k stop it, I will fight it out with you”

He tried to attack but what he got was a punch in his stomach”

“I'm your boss” the guy hitting him said again 

After 5 or 6 repetitions of this same routine

“Ok ...ok  boss, you are my boss”

“Good, and from now on your name is fu*k shit fu*k”
