2.32.5 – Announcement
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I've considered it, and we will resume tomorrow, although I have to tell everyone a few things about what to expect! <3 Thanks for voting!

Firstly, going forward the arcs will be considerably shorter than the last. This makes for a great opportunity to broach an important subject.  I’ve used a ton of energy for the sake of trending with this special story, and I’m very happy that we have. We were #1!!! <3

Secondly, going forward, the releases will be slower.  How much? Let’s start with one per day. Yes, that’s considerably less than you’re used to, and yes, I’m capable of going faster, although I’ve been getting headaches more frequently, which told me clearly that I’m pushing myself too hard, too quickly.

Thirdly, let’s have fun! 

Lastly, again it is an as-is story with limited or no editing, and the chapters will be released as I write them, nya! <3 If I didn't post a chapter, it's probably because I didn't feel well!

Now, with those things mentioned, all that's left to say is, this story is a passenger, not the plane. You're all its wings!  How high we fly going forward is up to everyone! <3 Some say, 'you're the wind beneath my wings', but I say, 'you're literally the wings'! *purrs*

Thanks for reading and supporting me and the story! <3

*purrs and lots of huggles*