5.37 – Apologies and sharing
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<3 Thank you, Patrons: AlliterativeArts, Leonguard, David, Joseph, Icewing <3
Edited by: Rellawing, Raleon 1/22/2021


“Well,” Dynamech said shrugging, “we might be able to make some kind of a deal with Extensive Enterprises. Look, I have to get going soon, otherwise I’ll need to deodorize this armor. I’ve been inside this one for over sixteen hours, and I could’ve used a shower before we came out here. If you guys want to go through with my plan, just give me a call.”


Aurora looked pointedly at the hall leading to the bathroom that was equipped with a shower and towels. She shrugged as he ignored her look. “I’ll sweet-talk Dr. Tesla over there into making an offer to settle this, but I’d like to get back to HQ so I can spend some time OUT of my armor. And, I might add, it’ll probably help salve my wounded ego to get away from this ray of sunshine,” he said as he stepped over to Mocha to pinch her cheek.


Mocha angrily slapped his hand away. “You armored fop!”


“See what I mean?” Dynamech shrugged. “Avenger, may I be excused?”


“Yes,” the Midnight Avenger said, nodding. “I think we can handle things here. Do you want to go back too, Redline?”


Redline shook her head negatively. “I’d like to stay until things have been worked out, but I might step out to let my family know that I’m okay.”


Avenger looked at Aurora. “You should do the same. Do you want a moment alone?”


Aurora blushed. Of course he would know that she hadn’t yet contacted her mama about the day’s events. “I’ll just go make the call in the bathroom where the sadly ignored shower is.” Aurora laughed, looking at Dynamech. “Thanks for helping everyone. Mocha’s a bit hostile, but she’ll warm up to everyone in time. By the way… I’ll shoot you some technical schematics of my new ship. Can you fabricate what I’d need to get my ship up to tip-top shape?”


Dynamech waggled his fingers, extending his hands towards Aurora. “I can’t promise anything, but I’ll take a look and run it by the Doc. I just want to get out of my suit for the moment, though. No offense, but I’m out,” he said as he exited.


The Avenger walked to Aurora. “No matter how you put it, this is your base. We should leave if by definition, we’re troubling you.” He clapped her on her shoulder and leaned close to whisper, “We should also talk a little when you’re done.”


Aurora nodded, hoping it was a ‘good’ talk he wanted to have. “Sure thing.” 


Aurora stepped into the rear hallway and went to the bathroom to close the door and finally dial her mom.


Goonie picked up after scarcely a ring, “Oh, thank goodness! I was getting worried!!! One of your super-friends called me a little bit ago to let me know you were doing well, just that you were on a secret mission that was a high priority thing.” She let out a sigh in obvious relief.


“I’m so happy to hear from you, though. He said your life was more at risk than ever. Are you coming home soon?”


Aurora sighed and sat on the toilet to lean against the tank. “I’d like to bring some friends over for dinner. They’re helping me with a huge issue…”


She proceeded to tell Goonie everything that happened since they last saw each other. She went from her investigation that led to discovering Mechanica’s base to find that she was actually trapped into becoming the next biggest villain when she never asked for or wanted it. She described their flight from Seaside City on the ground, across the gondola, and how they hid themselves in the clubhouse-to-be that the Sentinels had set up for her. That led to explaining how she got to know most of the rest of the Sentinels when they decided to help Aurora clear Mocha’s name so she could have a happy life.


That led to explaining how Sarah had been arrested before the bridge was destroyed and how some time later she’d escaped with some of Mr. Mechanical’s robots. Goonie gasped after hearing that. “She’s with a murderer when she’s out of her mind?! You have to find her!”


“I can’t, Mom. We have no idea where she’s hiding right now. She could be anywhere. I want to fly all over the both of the cities, but the legal issues surrounding saving Mocha from Extensive Enterprises are still hovering over our heads and I can’t be too visible until that’s settled.”


Aurora explained how she fought some high profile villains and a new one who was every bit as much of a threat that Onslaught was. Finally she mentioned how she claimed a flying saucer to fix up and use, since it was a part of her Empyrean legacy.


When Aurora finished telling her everything that came to mind, Goonie exhaled. “Even my busiest days at Au Naturale pales in comparison. You even had to sleep while flying. That’s incredibly reckless! What possessed you to risk yourself like that when you’d already accomplished so much?!”


Aurora sighed. “I’m sorry… I have to do it, even if it means pushing myself beyond what any normal human could do. I give everything to whatever I do.”


Goonie sighed again. “I know you do, and I’m very proud of you, but try to go a little easier on me.” She ruefully chuckled.


“I’ll try… but… few can do what I can. You know, even though it was exhausting… I’m still happy, because I went to new places. Got a spaceship. Fought some big villains… It's been an amazing day to cut things short. Right now we’re wrapping up the day by working out a way that Mocha can live the life she wants. I think for all the help, everyone deserves a healthy meal.”


Goonie laughed. “So… should I meet you at the cafe? Or are you actually going to bring them here?”


Aurora considered the matter and smiled. “Home. It’s cozier. I’ve made some choices today that I have to stand by. Vanguard and the Midnight Avenger already know my identity.”


“All right,” Goonie said. “Make sure you’re careful and your friends aren’t wearing gaudy costumes for it, right? And by the way, there’s a special surprise waiting here for you.”


Aurora wondered at what she was hinting about. “Sure. I’ll run it past everyone. If they’re willing, I’ll let you know if we’re going forward with it. These people are really everything I thought. I can finally relax a little around them. There will be four of us, by the way, though since I don’t know for sure if Mocha eats, you might wanna make a plate for her.”


“Okay, then,” Goonie said and there was pride in her voice. “I’m so proud of you. You’re already one of their peers. Oh sure, I know you’re not on their main team, but if you’re already this cozy with them, well we both know what that means. See you all soon.”


Aurora emerged from the bathroom, grinning from ear-to-ear and when she emerged, the Avenger nodded at her.


“Okay!” Aurora announced with a clapping of her hands. “No arguments from anyone! Everyone who’s staying here to resolve Mocha’s issue and clearing my name is coming to my house for dinner.”


The Midnight Avenger chuckled softly. “Listen to you, giving us orders. Okay, but won’t we be…  incredibly visible going to a condo together?”


“Well,” Aurora said with a smile. “I was hoping that we could all go in civilian identities…” Aurora looked as cute as possible when she said that last bit.


The Midnight Avenger blinked when she fluttered her eyelashes at him. “Tell you what… I can sneak into your house and I’ll put on a bit of a disguise. Just let your mother know that I’ll be coming downstairs after everyone arrives, agreed?”


“You got it!” Aurora said. “I’ll give Redline my address and I’ll fly Mocha there. It’s a much nicer place for her to relax and unwind than the secret base, anyhow.” Aurora winked.


“We’ll wait until Redline gets back… and…. You had something you wanted to talk about?” Aurora asked, looking at the Midnight Avenger.


M.A. put a hand on Aurora’s shoulder. “I want you to know that I was watching Mocha while she was sleeping. She exhibits a few sleep behaviors… but when she’s asleep she talks a little. She’s concerned enough about you that she talks about you while asleep.” He shook his head. “I think this bond that you’ve formed with her is very real. I would've expected to hear something about her father… but she expresses concern not just for your well-being, but that she’s worried she’ll lose you. Just so you know.”


Aurora smiled warmly at the Avenger, nodding. She turned towards Mocha who sat across the room. “You’re the sweetest little girl ever!” Aurora threw her arms around the girl and gave her a tight hug. Aurora’s eyes moistened.


“You sure are a hug machine,” Mocha complained but smiled.


“It’s been a heck of a day.” Aurora laughed.
