Chapter 12 : Entering Grand Line!
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Meanwhile in the Marine Headquarters.

“What did you say?” asked Sengoku to the marine who was reporting him.

“S-Sir, the Marine Base in Loguetown was completely massacred, Captain Smoker lost his life and only a few marines survived thanks to a Marine named Tashigi,” said the Marine nervously.

“He caused a massacre in Loguetown and killed most of the marines and wiped out a Marine Base. Do you know how important this city is for the marines? AND YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS NOW?” he shouted.

“Give me everything about this guy, everything he has done,” said Sengoku as he rubbed his head at this nuisance and calmed down slightly.

“ He arrived in East Blue and took the three big pirate crews , Buggy Pirates, Arlong Pirates and Kreig Pirates , he apparently only has two crew members , both of them are female. First is a woman named Lala with brown hair , she can apparently control the winds and use them to cut anyone into pieces. “ said the Marine as he checked his documents.

“A Paramecia Wind Fruit huh?” thought Sengoku.

“The Second is a woman named Nami, she doesn’t have any devil fruit from what we have been informed but uses a Lance instead to butcher her enemies.” said the Marine.

“Hm, both of them are strong, this is not good. Tell me about this Captain, this Jonathan Star” asked Sengoku

“Jonathan Star , has long flowing red hair, uses a sword and from the recent sources from Loguetown has eaten the Mythical Zoan Ice Phoenix Devil Fruit. Apparently, he is very proficient in using both the sword and his devil fruit as people described him fighting effortlessly against late Captain Smoker” said the Marine.

“Where in the hell does this guy in fucking Paradise got his hands on a Mythical Zoan?!” said Sengoku as he slammed his desk scaring everyone.

“There’s also the power of turning dead bodies into nothing , they vanish like they weren't there leaving only blood and clothing. At first, we thought it was a Devil Fruit ability but from our reports, we realized his subordinates also have this ability so it must be trained or transferrable.” said the Marine.

“It's just a kid that lucked out with a devil fruit, the moment he comes here he will be crushed,” said Akainu as he leaned back on the side.

“That would be the best-case scenario of course, but we can’t not do anything, especially someone with a Mythical Zoan who has the potential to become very strong,” said Sengoku seriously.

“Someone like that will most definitely come to the New World, someone who is high on power, as soon he steps in here we’ll just crush him,” said Aokiji.

“How Scary,” laughed Borsalino.

“For now, raise his bounty and hope he gets crushed before he crosses the redline,” said Sengoku

It had been a week since they left Loguetown and went onwards towards the Grandline.

While normally they would have to go through the reverse mountain due to the calm belts surrounding the grand line, but they had a human propellor so there was no need for that.

Of course, that human propellor was Lala-chan who was now huffing as she was blasting wind at the sails as they were crossing the Calm Belt.

“Wow, she really is a human fan” laughed Yuna as she looked at Lala.

“Shut up you little bitch, I’ll spank you so hard you’ll never shit” said Lala with her blood-red eyes looking like a demon.

“Waaa, save me” said Yuna as she hid behind Jonathan and teased her.

The three were getting along well , as well as it was possible at least. He was just glad they weren’t at each other’s throats.

“Oh, a newspaper?” said Jonathan as he saw a seagull drop something.

“Ohh, do we have bounties now?” asked Nami curiously.

“Did they say anything about us?” asked Lala as she came over.

“Haha, now you two also have a bounty, how wonderful,” said Jonathan as he laughed and showed them.

Wind Reaper Lala : Bounty - 70 Million Beli

Lance Crusher Nami : Bounty - 50 Million Beli

Ice Phoenix Jonathan Star - 100 Million Beli

“Wow, that’s a lot,” said Nami.

“Hehe, I have a higher bounty than you” said Lala gloating.

“Yuna wants a bounty too” said Yuna as she pouted.

Jonathan just laughed as he realized he broke 100 Million before crossing the Grand Line.

“Getting in the way of the World Government is truly the fastest way to gain infamy” laughed Jonathan.

Of course, having a high bounty didn't necessarily mean he was as strong as some other people with similar bounties yet. A bounty was based not just on pure strength but also on how much does a Pirate affect the perception of the Marines and the World Government among the people.

Which, in his short time that he spent in East Blue had turned to very negative and weak as they couldn’t stop a single Pirate Crew.

As they crossed the Calm Belt they were attacked by Sea Kings, they weren’t super strong in these waters as they could still take them down as at most they were Level 15 and after killing a few the rest stopped approaching the ship.

This is also the first time he saw Yuna in action as this little loli literally vanished from the spot and got on top of the Sea King and literally stabbed it to death with her dagger as it screamed in agony while she laughed like a child playing with a toy.

It was a good way to farm experience as Jonathan leveled up to Level 16 , Lala and Nami both reached Level 13 and Yuna reached Level 10.

“Master, Master , did I do good?” asked Yuna after killing a Sea King wiggling her head.

“Yes, you did good” said Jonathan as he laughed and patted her head as the loli smiled.

While Nami and Lala looked at this scene and thought it was absolute nightmare fuel.

Jonathan had also unlocked Armament Haki after his fight with Smoker and had been trying to get a hang of it.

He had managed to get it up to Level 4 in the Novice Stage as he only managed to cover the tip of his sword in haki and only the front of his fist.

“This is harder than I thought” sighed Jonathan as he continued to practice Armament Haki.

After a few days they had finally crossed the calm belt and were now in the Grand Line.

“WOOOHOO, WE DID IT” screamed Lala as she huffed and was finally relieved of propeller duty.

“This is it , the Grand Line” smiled Nami as she looked at the vast turbulent ocean.

As they want forward they saw two people in a tiny boat

“The fuck are these people doing in grand line on rowing boat?” said Lala.

“Help, please help” they screamed as they saw the Blood Lotus Pirate ship.

“Hahahaha, of course, I’ll help” laughed Jonathan as he got excited about what was about to happen.