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< Tokito’s POV>

‘Only when I’m on my back keeled over from this stupid stomach virus, do you decide to show your ugly mug!’

“Get off me!” I groan at seeing Amahtes eyes smirking at me.

“Aaaww! You didn’t miss me my tall one. Well I certainly missed you,” Amahte kneels next to me and lifts my Tigon skull mask , “I, unfortunately, was detained by some other business with my father’s wives. But as soon as I was freed I rushed over so we can carry out our wonderful deal. And by your countenance it looks like I arrived just in time.” Amahte stares at my face and stomach. “If I was gone any longer than the karma retribution would’ve been the least of your worries.” Amahte stretches me out and replaces my hands with his, placing them on my stomach and chest.

Seriously! This fucker is trying to take advantage of me when I’m almost about to puke my guts out! I swear when I’m better I’m gonna smash my club into your freaking balls! No man or woman has the right to touch me like this unless it-

And then a warm current rushed throughout my torso. The biting of electric pins left my body, the pain that traveled along my veins no longer there. I never thought this stalker to be nice, and I almost thanked him…., until the jerk wad started leaning his face towards my lips.

And to think for a second that you weren’t a douche bag!  If my body wasn’t still weak from being malnourished and experiencing that stinging just now, you would be in a world of hurt! Hey don’t come closer! I’m not ready for this level of intimacy!  Someone stop this pedophile!

As Amahte’s face brushes my lips, a slimy grey soft kitty paw steps in stopping him from taking further liberties of my weakened state.

Thank you my precious one!


Earlier, when the tigon cub was released from the chaos space.

 Alarmed, not understanding why its master would collapse the second it appeared. It perceived from their tamer link its master’s body plagued by a disturbance in his chaos energy, but couldn’t think of a way to aid him. And being a recently born undead didn’t help when it came to the healing arts. However, soon after its master fell a familiar scent that accompanied its master before drew near. This familiar scented being helped master before, so the it didn’t put up its guard. It felt the being disbursing the frenzied energy, calming master into a semi-tranquil state. It didn’t want to interrupt the healing procedure and so was duly forgotten in the background. It planned to stay quiet and wait, not realizing its master was in a very uncomfortable position until it noticed its masters’ distress over their connection. Concerned it slowly crept forward until its paw touched something soft and moist, but it couldn’t see where it stepped. Its eyes never finished shaping in its mother’s womb, but it didn’t need its eyes to perceive its masters elation through the bond. It could tell what it did helped its master even. Suddenly though something grabbed it by its’ scruff and started petting it and calling it slimy kit. Angry, the tigon scratched at the familiar scent, only to find its efforts were for not. Since its claws never grew it was laughed for its pathetic attempts to protect its master. However, its efforts were not in vain.


 My cub’s actions are successful in diverting the douche bags attention, and with Amahte no longer holding me down, I had enough time to scoot from underneath him… or at least I tried, but the pain from earlier returned tenfold.

A ripping sundering scream fills the air. It’s me…. It huuuuuuuuuurts! “AAAAAAAAAAuuuuuuugggggghhhhh” Then all I see is darkness.



<Belace POV>

My nanny senses are tingling. Did something happen to Tokito?

“Is something the matter Belace?” Raymos grabs my attention back.

“….I’m not sure…” I face the direction of the entrance gate full of people exiting and entering the country, “I think the boy might’ve gotten himself in a pickle. But it could just be my old noggin playing tricks on me.” I say as I rub my forhead to ease my nerves, “It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been wrong about my instincts. Especially now, in my old age, my intuition seems to have rotten with me. Now, where were we before my mind wandered off?” I ask as we continue walking past crowds of travelers and vehicles.

Raymos and Lila stare at me worriedly. Raymos says, “We were talking about our plans moving forward from here after the disbandment of the team. Both Lila and I will be on our way to the time transport square, then head to the pixie kingdom and report Pragmemes kidnapping.”

Lila finishes Raymos’s answering, “We’ll keep you on the loop about any progress we’ve made in our findings and hope you’ll do the same if you come across any information.”

Then we all look towards Gilbert who’s walking ahead of us. Blatantly ignoring our existence Gilbert keeps going despite our insistent staring.

All three of us sigh at his poor demeanor. Then as if something clicked we all converse silently about the past few days.  Raymos, ‘You think you know someone when you’ve fought by their side for a few years.’

Lila, ‘Plus having the most awkward conversations with them and not judging anything they’ve done would put you in their good books.’

Me, ‘But all it takes is for one religious clash and all those years of friendship flows down the river.’

 “Gilbert, you can’t keep ignoring us like this.” I yell at his piss poor attitude and tempted to put him into a wrestling break back move if he runs.

Instead of running, Gilbert finally turns around only to give a harsh face, retorting, “What reason should I grant you my attention when you’ve ignored everything I’ve said in the past day.” Then turns back around heading further into the city, away from us.

Raymos, Lila, and I run to catch up, the coble stone street wearing down our boots, as we past shops and throngs of noisy pedestrians. I yell in Gilbert direction, trying to cut through the clamor fo the masses so he can hear me. “That’s because you insisted on putting down the lad even though we all agreed that won’t be happenin’.” I manage to grab his shoulder right before we reach an old building that looked as old as time, the Hexus Old Adventure Hall. “Listen, we’re about to split ways, the least you can do is part from us on good terms. ‘nd If you don’t want to tell us yor plans that’d be fine, but don’t disappear on us without least giving a proper goodbye. Trust me when I say you’ll regret doing so. Take it from this old lady, there were times where I’ve left people on bad terms without saying goodbye and came to regret it.”

 Gilbert opens the door of the adventure building, shakes off my hand, then turns to me with his face a bit softer, “Don’t worry about saying our goodbye’s yet. I’ll accompany all of you until tempest square.” Then walks through the door going back to ignore us.

Once inside the guild hall, we find to our surprise that it didn’t have a bustling lively atmosphere the usual adventure guild would have. Seeing dust and a couple of cobwebs in the corners, it’s as if the place hadn’t seen any action within the past month. The request board was filled to the brim, pages almost falling off from how many were stacked upon each other. Hardly anyone in the mess hall to have the usual stint of storytelling and fighting bouts. Only one person was in sight, a short mouse beast folk in a maids outfit sat on a high chair at the receptionist desk. We head to her station and asked what was goin on. She said, “that is confidential information. Please explain your reasons for being here and then be on your way.”

…..Did this mouse just tell me to posy off! Why I ought to give her the worst noogie! Have her lose a couple of more inches of her height to see- You know what Bel old gal your better than that. Don’t stoop to a younglins level. Plus it aint ever worth to fight someone who has a straight shot at your knees.

I showed her my B rank card and explained our situation of the past few days. Her blank expression turns frightful as she quickly called the guild master. Soon a hardy old red owl wearing leather clothes came from the back room and sat us down at a mess hall table. He quickly helped us with the proceedings of disbandment paper work and reports on Pragmemes abduction.

While discussing what going to happen next, the guild master would occasionally glance up at me. Curious about his gaze, and the happenin’s of this place, I asked him why the guild was so empty.

The Guild master sighs, answers, “Nowadays, a lot of the younger generations beast folk and kin are turning to the mercenary guild. And as you may have noticed beast folk are majority of this city’s population. We still have a lot of the older folks and the occasional traveling party come in to take quest. However, if we keep up the pace of no new comers then in a few more months we most likely will have to close this branch.”

  This is too odd… even if a lot of beast folk adolescents nowadays are going to the mercenary guild that shouldn’t stop this place from attracting new people of the other races…. I can’t look over the possibility that there’s more here than meets the eye, but I don’t have time to help.  I have other obligations right now that call for my more immediate attention.

The guild master continued, “Also it seems many beast folk have been discouraging anyone else from joining this guild by saying that we have terrible differences in payments and work ethics when it comes to kin and non-beast folk.”

I was a bit surprised to hear that since a few years ago bills were passed to make sure all races were to be treated equally in regardless of race. What exactly is happening at this branch?

Unable to do anything at the moment I simply tell the Guild master sincere apologies, “I see…. Thank you for your time and help with the situation regarding our absentee party member. Here’s my sandscript sigil if you come across anything. Also while I’m nearby, call if you come across any problems and I’ll lend a hand.” I get up from the table and approach the guild master. Shaking his hand, while avoiding his talons from piercing my skin I say one last thing to him.

“If I see any newbie’s who want to become adventurers, close to the city, I’ll send them your way.”

Once we leave the guild, we head to the city’s center square where crowds of traveling merchants and caravans wait in front of a bell tower. Here there are several intricate astronomical grunge street clock towers circling the bell tower. Each clock face with a different time in accordance to where they’d be sending people. After waiting in line for the pixie kingdom, driving away sly purse hands and shooing off threatening stares from amongst the mob shouting and screaming sellers and buyers of people coming to and fro of the time transport square, it was finally our turn to say goodbyes for what seem to be the last time.

“This is it partners. Here is where we say adios... Anything ya want to say before we part ways?” I asked watching Lila, Raymos, and Gilbert reactions.

Gilbert expressionless says, “Despite the last few days…. I’ll miss you both and pray that you’ll be free from your servitude. Never will I forget the amazing quest, awkward moments, and occasional funny pranks that were pulled off on us by Pragmeme. But now it’s time to depart, so may the moon shine you a path cutting in the darkest of nights.” Gilbert finishes by giving a blessing from his god.

Raymos pats Gilbert shoulder while Lila cries hugging him until eventually his red priestly robe is covered in tears and snot. Letting Gilbert go they turn to me.

“…The Journey has been long and short. It feels like just yesterday ya’ll walked into the guild. And like fresh meat to the wolves you kept choosing quest tha’ made my life feel like I was riding a crazy sheebul. But I will say it was a hell’ove a ride….I’ll always remember our times together. May the land cherish you and nether impede your way.” I then hug Lila and Raymos wishing them luck in life, then hear bickering and gasp from nearby folks, who can’t seem to get it in their darn tootin’ mind not to interrupt a precious moment.

Ignoring all the hoo ha coming in and out of the transports, Gilbert taps my shoulder to point my attention to oncoming guards and Stozo pushing through the crowd towards us. Not sure what was happening I quickly pushed Lila and Raymos in front of the transport clock. Too stunned to react they could not get out from the relocation circle and immediately transferred to the pixie kingdom. Now with only Gilbert by my side I turn to find we’re surrounded by Sila traveling guards and Stozo.

“Sorry old timer, but you need to come with us.” Stozo says. He starts looking around as if searching for someone. “Hey where’s kid and the rest of your group?”





<Tokito Pov>

“UUUUgh what the heck was all that pain-” I stop and notice somethings wrong.

Why is my body cold and wet? Wait no… I’m lying on warm dirt?

I open my eyes and see at my side… a hibiscus tree?

 What’s going on?

I slowly stand up from lying on my stomach and see I’m on a beach that extends for miles on end. What was making me cold were the waves splashing my feet. Huh? My body is back to normal?  Looking down, my eyes travel up my legs to see I’m dressed in leaf anklets, a grass skirt and loan cloth, and flower necklace. How and why am I in hula festival clothing?

“Wow. The chaotic on wasn’t lying when they said you ask too many redundant questions.” A woman voices behind me.

I turn to find the voice, but see no one. The only noticeable object around is the hibiscus tree. Getting closer to the tree I hesitantly peer behind it, but still find nothing.


I jump away from the tree, startled, as it starts to shake.

What the?! Oh fuck! Do I have to deal with another tree spirit?!

 “Xofilipas! Stop that at once!” Another woman’s voice speaks out.  

The tree grows in many flowers until forming the shape of a woman. Beside it another figure of woman in dark clothes darkens into existence.

“…what the heck?” I make a bewildered face. “Who are you, where are we, and where the hell is mango head, my cat, and Cala-” Out of nowhere, my mouth is smashed shut by an invisible force almost causing me to bite my tongue.

Trying to unhinge my jaw, I hear Calamity’s voices far behind me, “If I didn’t know any better Tokito, I’d say you’re trying to bind me to this world.” My jaw unlocks and facing the ocean I see Calamity’s true form along with many other unknown people (?) float from the horizon.

My gosh, sorry! But you didn’t have to shut me up like that. I mumble in my head looking around I turn my attention to the first speakers. Can you tell me where I am at least?

Calamity, “Wait, until we’re all there.”

Seriously…..nah. I look at the two strange looking ladies, who are now playing in the water?

“….um… May I ask, who you two?” I question.

The flower lady says “I’m Xofilipas, the goddess of nature and growth. You recently helped one of my children gain more family, thank you, thank you, thank you! ” Xofilipas says, and with the strength of a bear she suddenly hugs me and spins around like a top toy.

With pollen flying everywhere, I sneeze, and Xofilipas quickly releases me to get the snot off her white rosy head. Shaking off my slight dizzy spell I quickly walk away from the flower lady and towards the Goth chick.

Approaching her, my brain freezes. I recognize her from somewhere, but I know that we have never met before.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” I ask.

Unable to see her face through her black veil I couldn’t confirm who she was, but there was no need to. “hmm…Augh, of course! You’d briefly met me in another form while you were comatose and forgot all about it.” She lifts her veil up to her mouth to reveal a skeletal jaw. She continues, “The version of me in your old world held a scythe and wore a dark cloak.”

I widen my eyes, whishing I had never asked who she was. Hold on is she here to take me back o…. Please for the love of everything tell me I’m not gonna die after all this time…. Welp, I guess I could finally see mom and dad again.

 Lowering the veil back down, she finishes, “I’m Jozlitma, holder of eternal slumber and possible ends. Also before you think any silly thoughts, no, it’s not your time…. yet.”

I stand farther away wary of she what was just said, until Calamity and its company arrives. Calamity’s strange acquaintances circle me, and unable to handle the pressure of these strange looking beings, I plop my butt onto the sand entranced by their blinding array of colors.  

Calamity, seeing my distress, quickly introduces everyone else.

 “ …. This is Kanos, the god of technological advances.” Oh, so he’s not the terminator…. Got it.

“Modues, the father of the winged ones.” So those aren’t just two talking butterfly wings?

Lastly Circe, the god of wishes transactions.” I can’t even…. Are you like Buddha but more colorful and have extra arms.

For some reason Calamities many eye shut and it sighs in exasperation. “Tokito, your thoughts of placing your worldly knowledge here is very unrealistic. Please don’t compare any of the beings here to the small nonsensical imaginative worldly knowledge.” Taking its time Calamity quickly scans me up and down as if perplexed by how I looked.

….Rude… my world isn’t nonsense ….. Just answer my question already!

Calamity sfter giving a thorough scan over our current where about finally answers me, “We are and are not in the special rift that we met before. It seems your attachment to your old world has influenced this place, causing it to change into the place you want to visit the most. I can only surmise this because your soul still has a similar appearance from when we first met. But enough of that now, let’s move on to why you’re here.”

“Child, we first of all want to thank you for coming and apologize for not meeting sooner. Due to certain arrangements we could only meet now…” Circe says.

“We don’t have time for these formalities Circe! Our time grows short! Tokito, the reason why you are here is to make it known the purpose for why you are needed at all,” Jozlitma declares.

“But I already know why-” I am hastily interrupted before I even begin.

“Pssshhh, Shut it. Children should be heard and not speak.” Modues says.

…..Did the guy seriously just shush me?!

“I apologize for my companion’s terrible behavior, but what we have to say is of the upmost importance,” Circe calms everyone down then continues, “Thanks to your presence in just the past couple of weeks, we are already seeing dramatic changes within the numbers of races… But it’s not enough.”

“Not only is the amount of chaos emission inadequate, but in the future the little you do emit will force you into more unpredictable situations. The best analogy the confrontations dealt to you in the past few weeks. As you are now you can’t protect yourself nor anyone else for that matter. The only factor you have going for you is your good luck, which has saved you time and again. But that won’t be sufficient for what is to come.” Kanos says in his robotic voice.

I stare at the robot dude as my mood starts to plummet. “ Then what can I do now? It’s not like I can exactly take my time to get stronger since I have to always be on the move. Isn’t there something that can be done?”

Xofilipas takes over, “Unfortunately we can’t aid more than we have without dire consequences...”

“What do you mean by that? Have you helped me before?” my face scrunching up in confusion.

“In fact we have helped you and you just didn’t know it. Remember how the chaotic one said ‘I pulled a couple of favors’ for getting jobs faster. That was us.” Xofilipas finishes.

Modues flies up to me, “And now it is time the favor was returned.”

“Woah, back up pal. What exactly do you mean by returning the favor?” I ask.

“Do not worry. In return for doing us favors you’ll be granted rewards through the system.” Circe interrupts. “ This will kill two birds with one stone. Keeping you out of the publics eye as well as making you stronger faster.”

Jazlitma angry interrupts shouting, “You’re avoiding telling him the most important reason why he’s here.” Plopping onto the sand, she faces me then takes out an orb from her robe showing the projection of me and Sutra. “Child you’ve nearly h fallen into my embrace several times since entering this world and that must be avoided to the extremes. You don’t realize the importance of your existence here, so let me clarify. If you were to die now, we, the gods would not be able to find someone like you for 500 years. In that time frame it wouldn’t be only the races that rely on chaos that would die, but life itself would become so out of balance the world would be ripped asunder from the abundance of mana and spirit colliding.” She drops her orb and grabs my shoulder to look into the void that was her veil. “You must not allow yourself to die, even if means sacrificing your loved ones and friends that you make in this world. Or all will be lost.”


I stared affixed.

“ No…. I can’t….. I won’t…. You’re telling me to basically be a coward and sacrifice others to save myself! Then what’s the point of it all!” I shove off death hands.

Jazlitma says solemnly, “ I do not ask you to be a coward, but be aware of the possible consequences. You will need to live for a long time for the balance to be fixed….”

When she said that a memory of the list of my choices came to mind. I stood up and walked out of the incirclement to face all the gods. With sweat on my brow I asked nervously, “Why wasn’t human shown on the list of races?”

….No one answered…

“Oh times up!” Circe yells.

I blink in confusion only for the pain from before to return.... and I pass out.


<Calamity POV>

We watch the others in disappointment and relief. Whew, that was a close one. 

  “ He had the right to know.” Xofilipas says.

“I’ll tell him in time…” We reply.

  “I’m more worried now on how he’ll take the negative karma when he sees the result.” Circe says.

“…We’ve been curious about this, but why is he suffering negative karma? He’s not avoiding Amahte so this shouldn’t have happened.” We ask the wish god.

“…. Although he technically hasn’t been avoiding to finish the deal he does want to avoid Amahte. His feelings of reluctance, finishing the deal, and Amahte not be around have caused the system to view it as the child attempting to shirk the contract.  Its surprising how the system has caused only this slight bit of pain right now, but… I fear this pain won’t be the end even if they fulfilled transaction..” Circes many arms fold in contemplation. “What did the boy agree to?”

Calamity eyes swirled into frenzy, “Wishing for children.”

All the gods at once gave Calamity a sympathetic look.

“That poor boy’s going to have the worst stomach pains ever.” Jazlitma says in a hushed voice as build a sand castle around her orb.


<Tokito POV>

I open my eyes no longer in pain…. And find my kitten licking my cheek and Amahte staring down at me. Staring at my cats eyes, I shove the last few minutes of horrible conversation aside, and finally come up with a name to call this grey fur ball.

“I’m okay now Makamae.



Kin= Mixed race