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<Tokito POV>


Something snaps next to my ear.

“Excuse me, Tokito Mahoe? Are you okay?” an elderly male voice ask me.


….. Where….

I blink.

 I found myself sitting in an doctors office, across from an old balding doctor, whose been trying to catch my attention. Seeing me react, the doctor returns to his notepad. I felt really off as I stared at him, but couldn’t put my finger on what was causing it. Glimpsing around the room I find it wasn’t only him, before I think about what was so off putting though, the doctor begins asking the usual redundant appointment questions; how old are you, are you feeling sick, etc. Nothing else felt strange, until he ask me something very odd.

Continuing to stare at his board, the old doctor bluntly asks, “So Tokito, why did you jump into that open grave?”

I shrug my shoulders.

 Why are you asking me this? That incident happened so long ag-  

My thoughts are cut off as the doctor inquires, “Did you perhaps go to that old cemetery to find a friend maybe? Are you lonely?

I shake my head no.

"I still have my kupunawahine, kupuna kāne and"-

(wait that’s not right… )

Staring at the doctor, I realize what felt strange.

Hold on, didn’t I meet this guy when I was five- I remember now! It was right after kupuna wahine nui passed a few days after turning 103. Then afterward dad had to go overseas while mom's two jobs became super active.

Grandma and grandpa grew concerned as I didn't talk much after great grandma died. Worse is they thought I was depressed, because I’d constantly visit grave yards. Being five, I didn’t understand that we didn’t burry our dead and assumed she was given a regular funeral.

Everyone thought I was either trying make friend with the goths who hung around the cemeteries or trying to communicate the dead. Honestly, I just wanted to place flowers on great grandma’s grave.  Of course, no one knew what I was trying to do since I became very quiet after her death. She was my living honu1, but when she died a part of me went with her. I don’t remember exactly why, but it around this point I approached life with a more realistic view. 

  While trying understand how and why I was here, the old doctor burrs as my eyes begin to hurt. 

I blink.

  Upon opening my eyes, across from me, a middle aged woman in a secretary suit now sits with a journal in hand .

“How is your arts and crafts club going Tokito? Have you made any friends?” 

I shrug my shoulders in response.

“I’ve made a few acquaintances, but just a few of them  talk to me.” More like at me. I never get a word in once they open their mouth. And I can tell they didn’t want to get to know me…those kids just wanted to use me. But, I probably can’t be picky right now…. Maybe I should just make fake friends-

 My inner monologue's interrupted by the quick loud scratch of the school councilors pen.       

Disappointed, at how didn't make any friends, the councilor exclaims.

“Tokito, you promised you’d try to make two REAL friends while in art club! It’s been a month since you started! If you don’t show more effort in socializing then next week you’ll have to go back to group therapy.”

The councilor smiles, failing terribly to be encouraging.

“Now tell me how is your grandma doing? I hope she’s taking care of her health now more than ever, especially since the heat has been rising of late.”

I contemplate how I even got here.

'Why do I have to go to group therapy? Those only help people who have problems. And I certainly don’t need or want help when I already know how to process when it comes to someone close to me dying--- '

Wait, wasn’t I here when I was in middle school? Why am I here again?...This is...right after grandpa was brought to the hospital? I scratch my head confused, Hhmmm.... This was at the beginning middle school..... mom and dad became concerned I'd shut up for a year like when great grandma Na’au died. So they decided I needed to counseling to help me deal with grandpa’s impending death.  But why and how am I here?)    

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any time to think about what was happening, the school councilor’s face turns fuzzy.

I blink.

A psychiatrist is his early 20's, diagnosing whether I have a disorder or not. Apparently being what my parents wanted and beyond actual made them worry.  

I mean, is it that bad that I managed to force myself to get a couple of friends, plus make the effort to stay up all night to socialize with them that shocking!…… Alright, maybe pushing myself to stay up so long every other night was bad...And taking 3 extracurricular classes while smiling at inopportune times would seem strange since I prefer to do be straight lace about doing stuff by myself. But since I’m now in high school, I thought doing what they wanted  -

 The psychiatrist hands me a slip of paper, snaping out of my thoughts…. This dirtbag’s prescribing me pills to treat schizoaffective disorder2. I deadpan stare at the psychiatrist.

“Why do I have to take this? I don’t have a speech disorder and I’m not delusional. And I’m certainly not freaking depressed, so why?”

The psychiatrist read off his notes.

“Your parents caught you constantly staring at your reflection these past few months. Then at times, you describe hearing and seeing voices of people or animals that aren’t there. This usually connects to hallucinations and catatonic behavior. As for your more recent actions… you’re not sleeping, doing activities you don’t usually do, and being extremely social concludes that you have the manic symptoms of schizoaffective disorder…. Now this could be due to causes of environmental stressful factors (such as child hood traumas) or genetics blah blah blah…."

(I come to a realization of where I am. I’m in my memories??? …..ok! This is getting weird now. How did I get here?! ) 

The doctor inqiures.

“Are you having problems at school?”

I don’t give a response.

Not getting a reply the psychiatrist continues, “How’s your relationship with your family Toktio? I’ve been told by your parents that you don’t seem to mind talking with them, but before now you hardly talked with your classmates or friends." The the psychiatrist takes a letter given to by my old councilor. "Although, from the transfer letter I received, it seems the topics you and your friends discuss aren’t the typical teenage angst and gossips. Sometimes it’s better to converse about certain issues people close to us instead of pushing to socialize with complete strangers on certain concepts, you understand?”

I only folded my arms in response.

The psychiatrist smirks, pushes his glasses with his middle finger, says, “It’s ok if you don’t want to talk now. Hopefully, your attitude will improve once you return from your spring vacation. You can tell me how your camping trip and visit to the *** museum went.”

All of a sudden he puts his hand on my shoulder, starts rubbing up and down my arm sensually. I'm disturbed and nauseated at his touch, not understanding why he was touching me. But it didn’t last long. His face becomes dark …

I blink. 

I open my eyes to see a filthy webbed ceiling. 

What. The. Hell. Happened!?.... Why did I have to see thos-  

As if to tell me to shut up, after several days of being empty, my stomach decides it wanted to be feed. It felt like my stomach was being gnawed on by raging wolves. Not caring about the consequences, I pull out a piece of Tigon meat, ripping it to shreds. 

I'd become an animal, as blood splurges into my mouth. My nails, which remained annoyingly unclipped till now, helps me to easily tear apart the too tough to swallow fat. My mask, with no jaw attached, grants me to indulge in the gruesome carnage unhindered, making me seem even more like a rabid creature. Enthralled with my meal, I neglect to see that three small unfamiliar children watching me.


<3rd POV>


Frightened from the tall ones foul actions, the three kids forget about their argument. Haris swiftly pushes the malnourished boy behind her, while Coyle prepared for battle, in case the uncooked meal wasn’t enough to fill the beast belly.

Their worries were needless though.

“Wha-at, miiiight I ask, a-are you-u-u doing to our gu-e-est while he’s eeeeating?” a robotic voice ask behind them.

The kids turn to finder Hatter had returned. But to be precise, Hatter had yet to leave. The automaton, from his quick programmed observation chose to stay, observe and possibly intervene, in case of any mishaps from the malnourished boy occurred. The automaton, didn’t calculate the interruption of the returning Harris and Coyle. Neither did it calculate to prepare a proper meal for their guest in case of being famished upon awaking. Witnessing their scared faces the automaton decided to mediate before things went to the extremes.

Hatter slowly crosses the room as to not startle the crazed hungry guest into attacking it. Gently putting its metal hand on the strangers shoulders, Hatter ask.

“Siiiir, are you-ou alri-ight?”

The tall strange boy stops eating, looks up. Slowly realizing where he was, the tall boy drops what was left of his meal, then stares at Hatter in contemplation. Waiting for a response, Hatter bends to level with the sitting lad, barely catches the words.

“Why is there a robot wearing a top hat?”

…….Never being asked such a question before, Hatter paralyzes.


 < Belace POV> 

While we got ready for the day, Gilbert who' was neglected at the side last night, saw fit to split off from me and conduct his own investigation.

 “I’ll ask around the churches and temples for clues. It’ll be easier to pry information from the sisters and children gossips if I’m by myself.” Gilbert states, preparing to leave the room.

Before exiting, he leaves a couple of potions, ‘In case you’re harmed in my absence.’ 

Dear Kanos! That boy be confusing! I can’t tell whether he be comin’ or goin'…

I groan at his actions.

…. I’ll sit  him down later an’ have a nice talk. In the meantime, I’ll check up Silas plans and sign Tokito up for a temporary merchant permit- 

Belace plans are interrupted. Someone knocks on her bedroom door.

With getting permission, Stozo enters, only to turn around the next second.

“Damn! Why didn’t that priest say you were changing! Old timer, put on a shirt before I chuck up my breakfast!” Stozo exclaims. Covering his eyes as if he’d been burned, mumbles, “Why when I finally see some elf breast, they’re not the foretold glorious ripe fruit, but soft cracked wood.”

I chuckle irritated, pulling on a short blouse; I sneak behind the fox for thrashing.

If ya called me old hag I would’ve simply laughed it off, but ya’ve gone too far this time foxy. Prepare for a bruisin’!

I slip my arm around Stozo’s head wrestling him to the ground.  


After relieving my stress, me and a very red faced Stozo leave the guild to find Tokito, but come up empty handed. I asks sentries if he took the path passing road or entered the city, but none of them have seen a Quabet traveling the main road or entering through the main gate yesterday.

“Where in tarnation is tha’ boy? I can’t sign him up for a permit if he aint here-” I’m interrupted. Stozo taps me pointing out a mercenary guild official arguing with a cat kin chickadee in front of many caravans trying to enter the city. Wondering, ‘what's going on over there,’ both of us listen in on their conversation.

“What do you mean, ‘We’re currently inspecting for dangerous articles, so entries are to stand by!?’ Don't you understand you’re wasting the mercenary guilds time with these antics! We have schedules to keep!” The mercenary bureaucrat spews.
“For a guild that likes delaying reporting in their monthly dues, I certainly think you won’t mind sparing a moment for a small shipment inspection. Your guild doesn’t want to be known for being uncooperative with the city office, do you? ” The cat kin representative says with righteous indignation. Showing a crest representing the governor, she explains, “Besides these orders come from the head govenor. So if you have any complaints, I’ll be happy to chat about it with your guild leader. Unless, of course, you've a plausible reason for not allowing my team to check over your cargo.” The cat kin smiles mischievously.

The mercenary bureaucrat quirks his eyebrow, displeased with the way the conversation's turned.

“Little lady, no- Lady Cheshis, I assure you, we have nothing to hide. But unless you have an official warrant from the Inspectors Borough (expressively stating the permission to inspect goods and services of transport holders) then it would behoove you to let us through!” The mercenary bureaucrat marches past Cheshis, only to be stopped by the sentries in the last second.
“I may not have a warrant to search you, but I do have permission to stop you from (temporally) entering the city.” Chesus heads to the nearest outpost guard and give him an order. “Until it’s certain whatever you’re carrying is not a threat to the city, you’d best get comfortable with the seeing  the wall from the outside.”
The mercenary bureaucrat curses at the cat until he's dragged away by his colleges.
“Well Antigua, I think we may found ourselves a lead. Let’s go talk with that Cheshis girl. Maybe she’ll help us out with Sila.”

I smile in anticipation of our sudden windfall.

<Tokito POV>
After cleaning up my stained clothing, the robot brings all us upstairs to a dingy office. Sitting down, I perceive the skunk boy, strong armed girl, and malnourished boy from earlier was nowhere in sight.

They must’ve left half way to the office.

 However, the malnourished boy came back, setting down tea and cookies in front of me, the kids, and ele’ele. Without even looking at the food, I go straight to business.

“What is it you want?”
The automaton cackles at the blunt question.

“I-I-I wou-ou-ould liiike to Tha-ank you-ou-u fooor the Jewel. By perrrrcha-a-ance are you-ou in the-e buuusssiness of tra-a-ading. I-I-I’ll be Bluuunt as weeeellll. As you-ou caaan see-ee-e this pla-ace is in disa-a-a-pair. I’ve been he-e-elping the orphans tha-a-at manage to run toooo this pla-a-ace for sanctuaaaary from sla-a-avery. But with each chiiild taken in, our fi-i-inaaaances dwi-i-indle. We ca-a-an only proviiiide food to tho-o-ose who work or at le-e-east briiiing valu-u-uable i-i-items to sell.”
The automaton tells that it was originally a butler unit made for a high wealthy merchant family. But when the newest models (even more) closely resembling humans came out, it was discarded as old trash. A few of the older orphans, scavenging for things to sell, found him in the dump near the outskirts of the city, rusting, but still practically new. Hoping to get a few coins from selling it to a low class noble family, they brought it home and repaired it the best of their ability. After turning it on to test whether it was working properly, they completely changed their mind on selling, since it was better skilled in haggling and negotiate then them. And although it was an older model, no one would suspect orphans owning since there were still many merchants using this unit. From then on, it became the orphans caretaker and mediator.
“If the-e-ere is soooomethi-i-ing you want, we ca-a-an acqu-i-i-ire it for you. Foooor the first trans-a-a-action I’ll get whateeever you waaaant for free, in the ex-ex-exchange that you-ou-u doooon’t haaaaarm this boy.” The automaton points the malnourished kid. “I-I-I’ve already puuuuni-i-ished him for his actions, so plea-ea-ease let hiiiim off.”

The automaton bows its head.
I look at the thieving brat.

I wasn’t really going to do anything to him (except maybe pluck him in the forehead), but… yeah I’m not into the whole ‘No you must be punished to the tenth thousand degree’ bullshit.….

'Before anything's done… please for the sanity's sake! Fix that voice! I know it’s not the your fault, but it’s super annoyi-'
‘Tokito, please stop complaining.. you’re not in the best position to be annoyed with anyone…In matter of fact this is the perfect person you need to ask help from. I suggest you ask for a ride out of here immediately before your caught by authorities!” Calamity butts into my thoughts.
‘Whoa! Hold your tentacles Calamity! Why would I have to worry about being captured by authorities? It’s not like I’ve done anything illegal that would cause them to arrest me.’ Annoyed that my supposedly oh powerful guardian is ordering me around for no reason.
‘….Tokito… I may have neglected to tell you some vital information…. But we don’t have the time for me to explain! It’s best we get out of the city first and then-” Calamity is cut short as  a notification rings off.


[Favor Mission: Fix the Automaton Hatter: Kanos ask you to repair the automaton in the optimism in discovering appreciation for technology.
1. revise  and rework the skeletal frame of an automaton (0/1)
2. Replace power source (0/1)
3. Repair or replace voice box (0/1)
Rewards: Gain five levels in Artisan, Fifty Allocation Points, ?????
Penalty: Lose a level in artisan, ????]




[Mission: Be a Djinn: You’re well on your way on accepting the circumstances of yourself and the universe as it is.  Circe’s wants you to fulfill your duty as a wish elemental by granting some wishes.
1. Trade wishes with the desperate beggars! (0/?)
2. Trade wishes with local wish elementals (0/3)
Reward: Passive; Luck increases by 10 points with each wish fulfilled, Hidden Aura cloak, ????
Penalty: none]




[Favor Mission: Hide in Plain Sight: As a traveling quabet it is best you have an identity that allows you in places without question. Get a dungeon merchant permit!
Dungeon merchant permit (0/1)
Reward: Skill- Decease whisperer


‘…. Why I outa give those gods a piece of my mind!’ Calamity says in exhausted anger as it rambles on about the poor timing of missions.
Ignoring Calamities rant, I stare at the automaton whose been patiently waiting for my answer.
 “Let me study your body…”

The automaton scoots back in alarm at my words.
“…..I-I-I diiidn’t think ooone such as you-ou-urself would be into ooooold clu-u-unky machi-i-ines… I-I-I hoooope you under-er-erstand I doooon’t have ei-ei-ther of those seeeex parts bui-i-ilt into me-e-e…” The automaton says disturbed at what I asked.
Confused at first, I pondered at what I said that made it so upset… then scowl.

What the hell are you thinking! There is no way I would touch a St*r W*rs wannabe rust bucket. But since you have those type of thoughts I might as well make you feel a bit uncomfortable as punishment.

I lean back into the chair not saying a word, waiting for the robots decision. With no other response, Hatter signals the puzzled malnourished boy out the room, as I do the same with my kids.

As soon as the kids leave, I clear off the uneven stained desk, patting Hatter to lay down.

Kupunawahine ~> Grandma
kupuna kāne ~> Granpa
kupuna wahine nui ~> Great Grandma
honu: Wise Guardian Spirit