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A rise of excited applause rolled through the gathered crowd in the hall. On stage and nearly shirtless with a humongous sword on his shoulder, Edgar blinked at the crowd in a daze before carefully lifting his trophy in the air and going to rejoin the others. 

Looking down, May smirked at her idol-themed top with dancing, scantily-clad girls on the verge of kissing one another. It was bent, like light by a black hole, by her full, prominent bust. She brushed back a lock of her long, swirling blond hair and looked to her left. Eric was back. He gazed at his normal hands returned in place of his dainty ones. 

Across the aisle, May didn't have to look far to see Miranda grimacing and sharing a concerned glance with Nick. Aside from the three of them, everyone appeared restored. Sinclair adjusted his normal clothes. 

Back at the room a short while later, Miranda plopped on the bed and made light blanket angels like Lodi had done when they first arrived. "This is my punishment", Miranda muttered. "I played around with powers too great for me. And this is the reconciliation of trying to cheat the die."

May fixed the wrinkles in her top and cocked her head. "If this is punishment, then hurt me every day."

Miranda puffed and leaned over as best as her positioning would allow. "Why you though? Was it because of the speech? If we're effectively retconning the fact I pulled a dice roll then you have nothing to do with it."

"Don't know, don't care. I'm here for boobs and I'm glad I get to keep them. For a while, at least."

Scooting up in bed, Miranda gazed down at her own chest. It flattened a little because she was on her back but she could feel ‘them’ restrained by her bra. "The die didn't really give me a fastidious sense about it. Not like the pause I felt with wishing for Lodi to stay, or the timing of this weekend, or even the chaos of what Clair did. But it can't be forever, or else it would be broken again."

May noted that there were effective levels of forever. Miranda mulled, "Like a billion years? Okay. So long as I'm with Lodi." 

Nick wrapped his arms around her from behind. She leaned into him with a sigh. Eric hung around after shaving his face to the point it was raw and red. He asked Miranda nervous questions about her body, which she didn't even want to start thinking about. Sinclair gave his sympathies and scolded May for the impetuous decision which led to this. But he blanched when May reminded him that it was Clair who brought things to a head. 

Sinclair, remembering events outside his control, admitted, "I'm sorry. Not to Simon. She wanted this. But I feel like every childish bone in my body was brought up and it destroyed a beautiful weekend with absolute chaos."

Edgar urged him not to be upset, pressing that he didn't mind Clair's hugs that much, even though he was glad to have his own body back. A bear hug from Edgar and a pat on the shoulder from Miranda and Nick didn't mend everything but it was a first step. 

To Miranda's surprise, Eric actually took charge during their trip back and spent his free time asking Miranda how she felt. She gestured in May's direction a few times but she was also glad to see Eric getting more confident. If only it wasn't about how it felt to be a woman for the rest of her life. She also noticed that May's answers didn't satisfy Eric quite so much. 

Once home, Miranda managed to grapple with the fact her parents saw her as a "geeky princess" now and her in-laws doted on her like the daughter they now never had. Nick did freak out but not as much as Miranda expected. Work was much the same, even for Nick. Their sexual appetites were still ravenous but tempered by the acknowledgment of a lifetime of new feelings. Even though Miranda took birth control, a few weeks later, she found herself feeling especially sick and out of sorts. One pregnancy test later, then three more incredulous tests after that (and then official word from her doctor), they were having a baby. 

May made a point to bring up a key gender-bending trope about pregnancy and not unmaking life when transformed. Miranda wasn't sure she believed that. Nick treated her like a real princess all through her pregnancy and, despite a long series of names which came from folklore, Elven script, and random books, they opted to name their first daughter, Melodie, so there would always be a "Lodi" in the world.