Chapter Fourteen: An Interesting Gift And A Shock Announcement
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Choice’s eyes sprang open. She looked around her and noticed that she was at the bottom of the lake. All around her she could see the golden rays of the sun infiltrating the water. She hurriedly placed her hand all over her body to ascertain that she had returned to it. Ha, I’m back in my body. Damn, Choice when did you become so reckless. You usually check things frequently. I’ve got to be more careful, I’ve been more careless since I survived death.

Choice shook her head for a few seconds to center herself. As she was about to swim up to the surface, she noticed the corpse of her would be killer. The purplish blue, bloated corpse laid at the bottom of the lake. It was already beginning to decompose, its flesh dropping from the bones.

Choice grimaced and wrinkled her brow in disgust. Although she could not smell anything, she was certain that if she brought it out, it would stink up the entire place. She glared at the corpse. Why are you so annoying even in death? You just keep on ruining my enjoyment whenever I’m near water. The lake was deeper than expected so it wasn’t noticeable from the top but the body was going to pollute and corrupt the lake sooner or later. It was already doing so, the blood had already stained the bottom of the lake black. Choice curled her upper lip. Ugh, this is the worst. You’re already dead why do you have to still make things horrible for the living. She was going to have to take care of it.

So engrossed was Choice in her disgust and thoughts that she didn’t realise that she was subconsciously controlling the water. It was a shock when she returned from her thoughts to see the corpse floating just a few metres away from her. She moved back in revulsion. My previous plan was to come back and see if I could get something else from his clothes but I’m not touching that. I have to remove it from this wa- wait a minute, I controlled the water without being calm. That’s new...I can control the water without having to fucking to change my bloody mood! This is amazing. If it’s because of going to that zone, it’s almost worth it. I have to be certain though. I can’t be happy for nothing.

To test this theory she tentatively moved the corpse further away from her all the while being nervously excited. The  water did not move as smoothly or quickly as when she controlled it while in a tranquil mood but a few minutes later, the corpse had been moved from its previous location. Choice laughed in glee. She’d done it. She’d been able to use her ability without having to clear her mind. It hadn’t been exactly nonchalant but it had been more natural.

Choice still had no idea of how much mana she’d used in that action but she could still sense a connection between herself and the water so she assumed that she still had some mana to use. Wow, I wasn’t even in that zone for long but I got such a huge benefit. She moved her consciousness in the path she had previously taken but stopped herself almost immediately. I think I’m satisfied for now, I’ll try and reach my mind and that zone later. I shouldn’t be too greedy or careless. Patience is always the right answer.

Choice made a face again at the corpse, she stretched her palm out and used the other arm to move out of the water. As she ascended up the lake, the corpse floated up just behind her. Choice stepped out of the lake and shivered for a brief moment as the breeze fell on her nude body. She shook her hair out of her eyes and raised the outstretched palm. Out from the water came the remains of her adversary!

Suspended above the lake in a huge bubble, the corpse looked utterly revolting but it was not the only rising. Choice used the water to gather the pieces of flesh that had previously fallen off the bones as well as the black and putrid blood infecting the lake. This took around an hour but finally Choice believed she had gathered every bit of his corpse. If I am forced to defend myself in this way again in the future, I’m definitely not dumping their body in a lake or in any body of water I plan to continue using. Choice moved the body away from over the lake.

While she’d been gathering all his ghastly fleshy particles, she’d been keeping her eye on her connection to the element. It may not be as precise as what mages had and it meant she had to focus on two things at once but it had been surprisingly effective in letting her know if she still had more mana remaining. She’d already learnt that as long as she tried to control water in a slow, leisurely manner her connection would be more stable than if she tried to rush the water to her bidding. Regardless, an hour seemed to be her limit in controlling the liquid as she could feel the connection begin to fluctuate. She had to be fast.

Choice had gathered the body but she felt unsure of what she should do next. She didn’t want to repeat what she had done with Jon and his companion’s dead body. She did not want to bury the body anywhere near the lake, not now that she’d found out that she had a deeper connection with it than she had thought. Even if she wanted to bury it, Choice doubted that her connection and mana would last long enough to dig a hole. She looked at the rapidly decomposing and stinking body- yes she could now smell it- and thought of how much easier it would be if the process went a lot faster. It would be unrecognisable in that state.

Wait, what if I made it go faster. When I fought Jon, he was able to crumple the knife with the force of water. What if I did something similar. This man is already breaking into pieces so if I exert just a little force, I’ll be able to divide his body into many pieces- stars he stinks- it be easier to bury if I just had to bury a few different body pieces instead of digging a big hole. Besides, I’ve done something similar when I separated the impurities after fighting him.

Still although she had an idea of how to take care of the body, her ability to control the elements was beginning to falter. She’d almost dropped the assassin’s body a few times. What to do? Choice came to the decision that she didn’t have time to go slow and steady, she had to do this quickly before her power failed her and so she sighed before closing her eyes.

When she opened her dark eyes a moment later, all trace of irritation and annoyance had disappeared from her face, she looked absolutely serene. Choice eyed the body and without grimacing or making any reaction to the putrid sight or scent divided the body with water. There was a marked difference as the water did its task with speed and more precision.

Choice looked at the smaller bubbles now floating in front of her and without a change of expression commanded some more water to dig a few holes in the ground in the forest surrounding the lake. Blinking furiously, she dumped the body parts in the open holes without much finesse and then used the water to cover the holes with muddy soil.

Choice took in a breath and did not move for a few seconds. Seconds later, she dropped to the ground in fatigue clutching at her head. Seriously, when will I perform some magic without bleeding or having a horrible headache. I guess I shouldn’t be performing such huge acts of magic yet. Choice massaged her forehead lamenting that she had to resort to using her magic in an emotionless manner. She really didn’t like using magic in that state of mind and she liked it even less after she had slipped into that impassive way of thinking when she was defending herself from Jon. Yes, that had been her most impressive display of magic to date but she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was a crutch and one that harmed her in some way.

Eventually, the headache subsided although her connection with the element still remained faint. I think I’m going to permanently leave a part of my consciousness focusing on my connection with water. It seems that it’s the best way to measure my ability with water. It could even be a good way to train my control of water. If I’m able to flawlessly control water with half of my consciousness, it would be a marvellous sight when I use all of it.

Choice looked up the sun silently paying witness to her actions. It’s morning already. I guess I have to head up to the palace. I need that list from my mother.

Choice stretched her hands over her head before walking over to where she had dropped her clothes the night before. She scowled at the corset, then proceeded to put it on.

Choice carded her thick black hair as she walked down the hall to her side of the palace. Ah, this love of water really wreaks havoc on my hair. I guess I’ll be breaking another comb.

She came closer to her room and just as she was about to take a step over the door, she paused. Choice looked into the unlit room and took a few steps back. She cursed internally that her connection with water hadn’t returned as she had sensed something inside the room. It’s never good to be powerless in an ambush. Choice looked around her for something she could use as a weapon.

“Are you going to come in or not,” a voice asked and Choice inhaled in relief. She wasn’t ready to have another fight, she didn’t have magic to spare and was basically powerless without it. I’m going to have to learn to fight without magic one of these days. But when to find the time?

“Of course mother, I will enter now.” Choice entered her room but not without first lighting the lantern at the side of the room. Finishing that, she turned to give her parent a quizzical look. She had no idea why her mother would be lounging on her bed in darkness.

“Took you long enough,” Sera commented.

“I am sorry, I did not expect you to be in my room. In the darkness. Usually, you call me to your section of the palace.”

“I wanted to surprise my daughter. What mother doesn’t want to see an obedient child?” An obedient child? “But to my surprise, my dear daughter wasn’t in her room. Even though I’ve been waiting for you for three hours, you hadn’t returned. It makes me wonder what you are doing?”


“You didn’t leave the palace to meet with a man, did you?”

“No mother. That would be improper and undignified,” Choice responded with indignation, “I simply slept in a different side of the palace today. I had no idea that you were coming or else I would have waited for you. I am surprised that you would think I would ever do something so beneath me.”

“Okay,” Sera casually said and raised her hand. “If you say so I’ll believe you.” She got down from the bed muttering to herself, “It was just a tease, can’t believe you took it so seriously. You’re really not like me at all.”

Choice heard the comment but decided not to respond to it. There was a reason her mother was in her room this morning and she didn’t want to get distracted. She simply looked at her mother expectantly.

“No need to look so eager. I know you want to get on with this task as soon as possible. But remember, you’ve got to do this on the down low. I don’t want rumours of this going back to your father. Officially, fights for the throne are supposed to be handled by the heirs to the throne.”

“Of course mother,” Choice said, nodding obediently, “I would never try to draw father’s attention to what we are doing.” Sera looked at her daughter or a few moments then smiled. She picked up a purse that had been on the bed and after rifling for a while brought out a slightly thick pile of papers bound with a red ribbon. She looked at Choice suspiciously for a second before handing it over to her.

“This is a bit bigger than a list.”

“I decided to make your job easier. Inside are a few observations about each person. You’ll still need to compile and arrange the information but it’s something so don’t let anyone else see that list.”

“Not even Rachel?”

“Rachel? Not her.” Choice smiled at her mother and then curtseyed to her. Sera shook her head at this display and walked to the door. “By the way,” She said when she had reached the doorway, “Don’t depend on Rachel for anything that isn’t...physical. People like her are truly useless in using their heads. We just need them to use their bodies appropriately. Do you understand?”

Choice rose up from her curtseyed and bobbed her head.

“Don’t try to be too smart either,” Sera warned, “Just do what I tell you to do. Don’t try anything else.”

“Yes mother. I will be very obedient”

“I hope you find the enlightenment you need on this pilgrimage. Perhaps this will lead to you being more amiable regarding a marriage.”

“Mother!” Choice said sharply.

“I know, I know. We’ll talk when you return.” Sera walked out of the room and Choice heard the scuffling of her maids footsteps with hers. She glared at the doorway where her mother had stood keeping a firm grip on the list she had just received. Choice slammed her door closed then collapsed on her bed.

Choice was stopped clock as she lay on her bed unmoving, suddenly in a flurry of motion, she threw one of her blades to a wall. She sneered at her mother’s suggestion that she would listen to her when she returned. I’d rather die than follow other people’s plans for me again. Anything I do from now on will be for myself. Choice walked to the wall and pulled the blade. She looked at it to check the edge and was surprised when she saw no nicks or scratches. It was as sharp as when it stabbed and slashed her body.

Choice touched her neck and remembered that her mother had handed a list which contained ‘information’. Choice dropped into a cross-legged position on the floor and loosened the ribbon keeping the papers close together. Choice picked up one of the the papers in an attempt to read it when there was a knock on the door.

“Your Highness, a letter just came for you. Would you like me to go pick it up for you?” Choice whipped her head to look at the door and immediately started packing the pages of paper just in case Rachel decided to come in. She could be very brazen.

“Do not worry about that Rachel,” She called, “I’ll go pick it up myself.”

“Are you going now. If you aren’t, I think it’ll be faster if I just go pick it up and bring it to you.”

“I’ll go now,” Choice said and opened the door. She subtly patted the pocket where she had kept her mother’s list. “So you don’t need to worry.”

“Well, as long as you are satisfied.”

“I am.” Choice closed her door behind and started walking towards the letter room before noticing that Rachel was walking with her. She turned and looked at her irritatingly. “What are you doing?”

“I’m escorting you to the room.”

“Do you think I’ll be in danger here? In the palace. This is the safest place in this kingdom.” Well she had been attacked in the palace but Choice wasn’t going to tell her that.

“Well, one can never be too careful.”

“So you believe that you are stronger than the guards in the palace. Even the secret ones. I don’t whether to call that arrogance or idiocy.”

“Your highness, I’m just…”

“Trying to keep me safe, I know. But it does feel more like you’re watching me or monitoring me. I’m not certain if you know this,” Choice said sardonically, “But my mother is no longer your master. She gave you to me which means I am the person in charge of your salary and also your discipline. I can dismiss you at any time. Don’t think that just because I don’t want to disappoint my mother that you are in anyway important to either of us. I guess what I am trying to say, Rachel, is behave yourself or I will ensure that you do.”

“Yes your highness.” Rachel responded sadly, “I was just trying to keep you safe though.”

“Is that so? Well then thank you but in the palace I don’t need a guard - I have so many of those - I need a maid. We’ll talk more about this protecting me when I go on my pilgrimage. Don’t follow me.” Finishing what she wanted to say, Choice walked away from Rachel but listened intently with her ears to know if she had followed her.

When she heard no footsteps walking behind her, Choice smiled to herself. She wasn’t stupid enough to think that would be enough to stop Rachel from spying on her but it should give her pause. Anything that happened in the future at least she could tell herself that she had warned her. Choice did not notice but as she walked away, Rachel dropped her hurt expression and glared at her. Just stay like that, Rachel thought, When the time comes, you’ll regret this.

There were two letters. One from Rita and one from someone else but both came from the Internationale. Rita’s letter was short. Just asking for an update and giving her information. Apparently they were looking for a very important kid that had gone missing, a Jon Strucker (Choice chuckled at this part of the letter). The Internationale was being more strict on people going in and out of the school. So letters to and from the school might take longer.

Also, her brother had gotten a dramatic increase in his ability to control his magic in the last few days. This was interesting to her. When she’d taken the conch her brother was stronger than expected but not to the extent that it could be considered a dramatic increase. Rita also slyly inquired about the army situation.

Choice grabbed a piece of paper, some ink and a quill before composing a short letter telling Rita that she was still working on the army thing and that she was not going to be in the palace for a few months. Choice hesitated for a moment before tearing off a little piece of her dress and putting it in the envelope. Sympathetic magic was the best way for people who were uncertain of their locations to remain in contact. Using body parts like her hair or her fingernails would have created a stronger connection but Choice did not trust anyone with parts of her body not to talk about Rita who until recently was her nemesis.

Even using her cloth was too risky but at least it would only be usable once. At least that’s what the book she got from Perry said. Regretfully, Choice could not use sympathetic magic. After her water magic, it was the type of magic she liked the most. She could be thousands of miles away and still affect someone, wasn’t that the best type of magic. Still Rita was surrounded by magic users. Someone would be able to help her with this.

Choice handed her letter to the room attendant and asked for the second letter. To her surprise, instead of a piece of paper, what she received was a box.

“It came attached to a falcon,” the attendant said at her questioning look, “We’ve checked the box. It’s safe, it only had the letter in it.” Choice took the box and looked closely at it. To her surprise the box was covered with runes and unrecognisable glyphs.

“This is a magic device.”

“Yes, that’s what our tools indicated,” the attendant responded.

“And it came with a falcon?” At her assent, Choice chuckled, “Well this is a novelty. How I wish there was a way to capture and replay interesting images like this.” Choice took the letter out of the box and looked closely at the envelope. It was a plain brown envelope but it had an intricate yet unfamiliar wax seal. Choice turned the letter around in and uncertain manner and saw that It was addressed to Choice Annabelle Legume. It was definitely for her. Choice broke the seal and brought out thick brown sheets of paper from the envelope.

The letter read:

Dear Choice,

Don’t be worried. I’m not a stranger. This is Lee Quan. You know, the librarian you met at Internationale that helped with reading a letter. That Lee Quan. I know we agreed to continue talking but you didn’t really tell me how to contact you. So I sent a letter to the Legume Palace. Hopefully this letter has reached you.

Um, don’t be surprised by the box. It’s just a letter box. This way we can talk wherever and you can also use it when you need to.

At this Choice stopped reading the letter in shock. By letter box, he probably meant one of those boxes that allowed almost instantaneous communication between two people with the same type of box. It could be used to communicate with other people but there would be some delay.

Only one organisation made them in the entire southwest subcontinent. There were only two branches, one in Borei and the other in Fevrier. It was extraordinarily expensive but money itself wasn’t enough, you also needed extraordinary influence to get them as only thirty pairs were created every year. This present had gone beyond that of a friendship gift and yet here it was being given nonchalantly to her

Choice eyed the box suspiciously but with a bit of awe. Boreins were definitely as affluent as described. Choice continued reading the letter.

Don’t be creeped out. It’s an old box. We have boxes like this everywhere in my house so it’s not like I went out of my way. I usually send boxes to people I want to speak with but are far away. So don’t worry and just use the box comfortably.

This had the opposite effect. The Quan family was that rich?! Also, did this mean he considered her a friend? Choice knew that she had never seen him as a friend. He was a good person who had helped her and who might help her in the future. Shit, I’m going to have to adjust how I address him in the future since we are apparently friends.But still this dude makes friends easily. He probably has barely any at his school.

Choice looked at the pigeon that was already on its way to deliver her letter. Damn it if I’d known that I was going to receive such a nice present, I wouldn’t have torn one of my nice clothes. Choice took a minute to adjust then smiled. Well, it was always good to receive nice things. She was going to use it well.

She continued reading the letter.

Anyway, I just wanted to ask how you felt. You didn’t look so good after reading that- after doing that activity (I know you don’t want anyone to know about that). I just hope you feel better.

To cheer you up, I’ve included a painting done by yours truly of the library. I saw how you looked at it when you first saw it so I’m giving you a copy of it so you can look at it whenever you want. I’ve charmed it to be animated and I’ve even added some wind magic so you can feel the breeze. I hope you like it.

Choice put down the page and looked at the other piece of paper in the envelope. Just as he said, there was a painting on it. Choice unfolded the paper and stared in stunned amazement at the image of the library. She’d only been able to look at it for a few moments in reality but the artist had been able to render it beautifully on paper. Choice felt a little calming breeze and thought she scented flowers.

She looked at this painting for a few seconds before she broke into a blinding smile without artifice or cunning. To her, this present was more important than the expensive letterbox she had just received. It was in this moment that she started considering as Lee as an actual friend.

Choice put the letter in her pocket and handed the box to a maid. She asked them to put it in her room and she decided to go look for something that she could put the painting in so that she could display it wherever she went.

All the good frames were in the administrative section of the palace which was considered to be her father’s domain. It’s okay. Father won’t mind. It’s not like there’s an official decree preventing me from going to that side of the palace. It’s just that we know not to go there. As Choice thought about which of the secretaries she was going to ask for help, she walked past the council chambers which had its door open.

“Has anything changed, Tomas.” She heard her father said and continued walking on. It was probably another one of her father’s affairs. She really didn’t care what her parents did in bed.

“No, I’m afraid not, Your Majesty. The catastrophe is still due to happen. We still can’t tell who’s going to cause it but it’s someone related to the Royal Family.” What! Catastrophe! Related to the Royal Family! What the fuck is going on here. Choice paused and silently walked to the slightly ajar door. She wanted to know what in the heavens was happening.  “You have to be prepared, my King.” Tomas continued. “Be prepared for a sky breaking war. Who’s there!” Tomas said this sharply and Choice immediately froze. She silently glided backwards and focused her hearing so as to know whenever someone started to move.

“I didn’t hear anything,” Her father said after a few moments of silence, “But I think it’s best to continue this in a more private location.”

“Of course, Your Majesty. I’m ready whenever you need me.” Choice heard footsteps and peeked out of the place she was to see a man with black hair and brown eyes with a square face walk out of the council chambers. She waited until he had walked away for a bit before approaching the chamber door.

She looked at her father surprisingly before approaching him with happiness. “Father, I did not expect to see you here. Sorry if I am not supposed to be here. I was just wandering around and then I realised I had never come to this section of the palace before. So I came here to sate my curiosity. I would never want to be a disturbance so I will take my leave but it was an honour to meet with you this fine day.” Choice sank into a flawless curtsey after this speech and then turned around to leave. She walked slowly in the hopes that her father would call her to wait.

“It’s okay. You can stay. There’s no rule preventing you from just coming to this section but you should be careful where you go. Some places are off limits.”

“Thank you so much, father for your advice. I will definitely follow it,” She gushed then walked quickly yet elegantly to her father with a smile on her face. “Do you mind giving me a tour. I don’t want to wander into any unknown places.”

“I don’t mind,” The King responded, “Anything for my only daughter. Let’s start from the throne room.”

“But I know where the throne room is.”

“All tours here should start at the throne room. Even if they don’t I’m still the King. What I say should go, right.”

“Of course, My King. Your word is law.” Frank scoffed at this.

“Is it now? Ah we are here.”

They had reached the throne room and Choice took this chance to not respond to her father’s last question. Anyway, it’s not like it needed a response. Her father knew and she knew that the King’s authority in Legume had been slowly stripped away over the years. This will change when I ascend.

Choice looked at the throne at the other side of the room. It was still a blinding gold but she still liked looking at it and fantasising when it would belong to her and she could make it whatever she liked. She was going to melt that fucker and erect a diamond throne in its place.

“Ah by the way father. I forgot to ask but when I was walking towards the council chambers, I saw a curious looking man coming out from the room and I was surprised at his appearance. Pardon my impertinence but even though I know that all of your secretaries are chosen for their intelligence they also all a similar attribute of being…”

“Being good looking?”

“Ah well, I wasn’t going to be that blunt but yes something like that.”

“Well. He must be a very good secretary then.”

“Quite so. I guess I have some prejudices I must keep in check. Of course, he can be a great secretary. I just hope I did not look down on a future minister or member of cabinet.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Skill like that should be rewarded. We will always need people who can translate confusing things to us.”

“Well, he’s not there yet.” Her father raised his hand to prevent any further comment and Choice closed her mouth, smiling. At her smile, he grimaced and shifted on the throne. “You’re always smiling. I wonder what you’re happy about.”

“It is because of the care that you my father have given your daughter that I am always so happy. That is why I cannot help but smile.”

“Well at least someone is happy.” The King brought out his pipe and just as he was about to light it glanced at her. “You want to have a bit. Your mother loves this but she doesn’t have it much. You should experience the sweet taste of tobacco before you no longer can.”

“Thank you very much father but there are some habits that gentlewomen should not pick up. Enjoy yourself though.”

“Suit yourself,” Frank said and lit up the pipe. For a few minutes, there was no sound but that of Frank exhaling some smoke from the pipe. Choice’s smile remained on her face but if someone looked closely, they’d notice that it was stiff around the edges.

She was becoming increasingly annoyed at her father. He did not tell her anything she wanted to know and he didn’t fulfill the request she had asked for. Choice had no interest in spending her precious time watching her father engage in his filthy habit.

“Father, I think I am keeping you from your work. I’ll leave you be but thank you for accompanying and speaking to me.” Saying this, she curseyed again at her father and stayed there for a few seconds longer. She then started to rise from her position when she heard something shocking.

“You. You want to be King, don’t you.” She heard her father say. Choice raised her head quickly and looked at her father in shock while the rest of her body froze.

“What, why…” She stuttered. Shit, stupid Choice. I should have taken that comment coolly and then refuted it. Isn’t this the same as saying I want the throne.

At this reaction, Frank grinned and took another puff of the pipe. He moved his red hair and repeated his question.

“Don’t you want to get the throne?”