Chapter 56
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«What are you doing?» asked Katara, coming up to me and wiping her eyes with her fist.

And I've been busy. We've been in this temple for three days now. Since no one wanted to mess with Azula, I had to get her mobility back. I arranged handcuffs for her hands and feet, but I still blocked her magic. I didn't take into account her temper. Every morning she'd sneak up on me and try to kill me. And it wouldn't have been just me. But no!

This morning, she sawed a wooden beam and knocked it over on me. It would have been fine if it was just me, but Katara and Toph were asleep behind me, so I freaked out, put the beam back in place, tied Azula up, and started implementing an old idea in her. Namely.

«Try to erase her memory with magic», I said, fully focused on the process.

«You won't succeed», Aang said, standing up as well.

«Why is that?» I was surprised enough to even stop my futile attempts.

«Your mind chakra is closed, and you can't do anything without it», he shrugged.

«Can you elaborate?» I asked with interest, blocking Azula's nerves so she wouldn't get in the way, «What are these chakras and how do I open them?»

«Well, I had a guru teach me the right way to be an Avatar. He's the one who helped me open my chakras», he said with a smile, scratching the back of his head. My actions were obvious.

«Will you teach me?» I asked enthusiastically.

«I'm not sure I can, and you have to open all seven at the same time. And you're not an Avatar», he muttered.

«Tell me how to do it all and just let me try. That's all I ask», I said enthusiastically.

«Okay, but just once», I nodded with a smile, «Let's go. We need a quiet place. And this», he scratched the back of his head again, «This is going to take a long time.»

«No problem», I said.

I took Azula under my arm and pinned her to the wall so she wouldn't run away and threaten the others. And in case I wasn't around, I asked Toph to feed her.

«That's it, I'm ready», I said with a smile.

«Eh. Let's go then», he waved his hand.

We walked into the temple. There seemed to be several locked doors. We opened one and went inside. It turned out to be a huge spherical room with a small platform in the middle. We went there. Aang sat in the lotus position and I did the same.

«What do you know about chakras?»

«Nothing», I said.

«Eh. Then listen.

The chakras are intangible centers of power and consciousness located inside the human body that connect the mind and body. There are seven in all, and each has a close connection to a person's emotions and can be opened or closed depending on one's mood or state. Seven chakras are located along the vertical axis of the human body, but in different organs. When all of them are open, qi, or life energy, flows freely through the body.

The first chakra is the earth chakra. It is located at the base of the spine and is responsible for survival. It is blocked by fear. Let go of your fear and you will open the first chakra.

The second chakra is the water chakra. It is located in the sacrum and is responsible for joy. It's blocked by guilt. Release the guilt and you'll open the second chakra.

The third chakra is the fire chakra. It is located in the abdomen and is responsible for willpower. It's blocked by shame. Overcome that and you will open the third chakra.

The fourth chakra is the air chakra. It is located in the heart and is responsible for love. It is blocked by grief. Overcome it and you will open the fourth chakra.

The fifth chakra is the sound chakra. It is located in the throat and is responsible for truth. It is blocked by lies. Accept it and you will open the fifth chakra.

The sixth chakra is the light chakra. It is located in the center of the forehead and is responsible for illumination. It is blocked by illusions. Find the truth and you will open the sixth chakra.

The seventh chakra is the chakra of mind. It is located at the top of the head and is responsible for cosmic energy. It's blocked by a sense of earthly attachment. Let it go and you will open the seventh chakra.

You have to open them all at once. If you don't open one, you can't go to the next one. And if you can't open the last one, all the previous ones will close. If you like, try opening them now. If you have any questions, speak up. I'll answer them.»

«Thank you», I made a ceremonial gesture of gratitude. It was a fist to the palm, at eye level, and a slight bow.

«Then I'm gone», he waved his hand and left.

I did not throw or try. The thing was, as he talked about the locations of these chakras, I began to feel them clearly. I had never noticed them before, but as soon as he told me about them, they became like in the palm of my hand. And I could feel what Aang said.

Although it was more of a realization that those chakras of mine were blocked. I just knew it. What the cumulative effect was, I didn't know, but it was worth thinking about. This whole muteness is very similar to the muteness of the Hindus, my former world. Only in this world it's gone from hocus-pocus to hard truth.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm not limited in my attempts. But I should prepare for it. It is most likely for the right emotional state or to be emotionally influenced.

As I realized a little later, you can't prepare for it, you just have to do it. And all this emotional stuff is there to understand whether your chakra is cleared or not. But understanding it doesn't lead to the desired effect. But it gives you an understanding of when a chakra is cleared and you can move on to the next one.

After a quick snack, I got down to business. The first chakra was the earth chakra. It was huge. Not an ocean or a sea, but something big enough to inspire awe. I can't put into words what it's like to clear it, but as I realized a little later, it doesn't matter how big it is, it's the process itself that matters. And even though it was huge, I cleaned it quickly. Aang's words helped.

I let go of my fear, what I was afraid of, and I cleared my chakra. It was a very pleasant feeling. Such mental clarity.

The earth was followed by water. Although it was smaller, it was deeper. It was not a problem at all.

Fire followed the water. Interestingly, it was clearly not less than water, and its depth was amazing in some places, but unfortunately I was weak in it. Just behind the fire there was some air. It was only a little more than the thickness of the channel itself. It was a pitiful sight, but there was nothing I could do about it. It wasn't hard to clear it.

 Then there was the sound. I often told the truth, so that was not a problem. Next came the light. That's where I got stuck, and that's where I got stuck. There was nothing I could do to break through that veil. The main reason was that I still wasn't sure if it was a dream or reality. As much as I'd banged on that wall, nothing had helped, but an accident did. A small pebble fell on my head and gave me a headache.

It was this pain that helped me make up my mind to get through the barrier. Remembering Aang's instructions, I did not get distracted, but continued the purification.

The seventh was the mind chakra. This chakra was the easiest. I didn't have any attachments, so I tuned in quickly and cleared it in a flash. And came out of meditation.

To see the whole temple vibrating and threatening to collapse. I don't know how long I sat like that, but I was hungry. Apparently, the idea of not being distracted hadn't been the best idea.

I stood up and breathed in the air. Yes, the feeling was worth it. It's an indescribable feeling. Even though I was hungry, my body felt amazingly light and I had a lot of energy.

The temple continued to shake and I went to see what was going on.

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