Chapter 57
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When I came out of the temple, there were flames everywhere. I had to use seismic vision to make sense of it. Using my usual amount of power, I was shocked. The radius didn't increase, but the detail did. I could see ants a hundred meters away. How my brain didn't melt remains a mystery to me.

To fully understand the situation, I had to use seismic vision several times. And what do we have? One was a large man with a metal arm and leg, and the other was Zuko.

Azula runs up to the prosthetic man. Obviously, she's running away. I couldn't let that happen, so I ran. The man was on another building, and Azula, being a skilled acrobat, ran to him. She even managed to jump to the other building on her own, under fire from the entire team. Except she forgot me.

Impulse and I shot ahead of Azula. But I forgot that my magic was of a higher quality, so I shot myself too hard and crashed through the wall, flying inside. Luckily, I had time to react and wrap myself in armor to minimize the damage. Of course, it didn't save me from broken ribs, but it could have been worse.

After recovering from the fall, I shook myself off and, given my past experience, ran after Azula. She didn't run far, so I jumped up to her, kicked her legs up, and while she was falling I threw a few punches, I didn't block her nerves, but she wasn't a fighter for a few seconds. They were enough for me to make a quality chop out of her. She's not a fighter for the next twenty-four hours.

Taking her in my arms and ignoring her hissing, I sent a pulse and jumped back to the building I'd come from. I almost made it to the Avatar, but I'm not too lazy to run an extra floor. And the team was well entrenched.

«What's up?» I said, running up to their hiding place, «Hey, Zuko. Do you need any help?»

«Very much!» shouted Soka after a particularly powerful blast, «Preferably fast!»

«Okay», I nodded to Azula, «Keep an eye on her, she can't move yet.»

This guy's ability is entertaining. How it works, I have no idea. Doesn't matter though. This technique has one major weakness. When the fire charge is flying, it only takes a small pebble in its path to cause an explosion. That's what I did. A pulse and a huge rock hit the man. Another and a smaller pebble, about the size of a fingernail, followed.

The man blew up the big one, but missed the small one. And it hit him right in the forehead. Good thing I could control it, at least a little. The effect was instantaneous. When I tried to shoot again, the man's head exploded, and the rest of his body burned to charcoal.

«Done», I said, smiling and giving a thumbs up, «So what happened while I was gone?»

Nothing much had changed. Azula try to escape. Zuko changed his mind and decided to join the Avatar's team. Everything else is the same. We hadn't decided whether to leave or not, so we stayed here for the night. I ate and looked after Azula. Leaving her like this is dangerous for everyone, including me. Zuko wanted to talk, but I put it off until tomorrow.

Aang was right. Now that my chakras were open, I could control my internal qi energy. Just controlling it wouldn't accomplish much. But I had ideas on how to make it work.

It took me about two hours to connect our minds. To learn how to separate my memories from hers, another half hour, and then I got down to business. The thing is, everyone has complexes. Some deny them, some fight them, and some accept them and live peacefully with them in a kind of symbiosis.

But what is more important is their quantity. The fewer they are, the more adequate a person is. Azula had hundreds of them. And I had to Korrect each one. It was very tedious work, but when you can consciously enter another's mind, it's not very difficult to speed up time there.

I don't know how long it took. But I was able to get rid of almost all of her complexes. There's only thirty or forty of them left. Compared to what she had, she should be almost normal now. But her mind can't take it, so she needs an anchor. And that's what I've become for her. I've done all this just to be her anchor. When this is over, I can easily change not only her memories, but also her affections. And then it wouldn't be long before I could give her direct orders.

With a sense of accomplishment, I stepped out of her mind and was knocked out by a massive flash of pain. I didn't even realize that I had fallen into darkness.

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