Chapter 59
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I caught up with them near a building. They couldn't get inside.

«Hello everyone!» I called to them as I ran up. I didn't dare use earth magic, too many traps. «What's going on? What are you up to?»

«Oh, hi!» Aang waved at me. Zuko just nodded, «We're fine», and waved towards the door, «Here, we can't open it.»

Gathering a drop of strength. Pulse down. And the whole building appeared before me, in every detail. Hmm, clever mechanism. Light powered? No, more like expansion, heat.

«There, see that pillar?» I pointed to the pillar opposite the gate, «There's a crystal on top. We need to shine it directly at the crystal on top of the gate», I pointed to the right one, «Any ideas?»

«Yes», Zuko found a sunbeam and used his sword to aim it at the crystal above the door.

A few seconds later, the door opened. Inside were statues of men in various poses. They looked very much like the poses of some MA. After walking around them all and memorizing the poses, I decided to do it again. I raised my arms and stood on my left foot. As I did this, a tile went down under my foot. When I stood normally, it went back to normal.

 Aang noticed it too, and when I looked over at him, we understood each other without words. Standing in front of the first statue, we started at the same time. First stance. A smooth transition and we are in the second stance. A smooth transition and we're in the third. Fourth and fifth. Transition and sixth, Aang and I met as we made a circle around the hall.

Nothing happened for a few seconds and then a pedestal with a large golden egg appeared in the middle of the room. We went over to it and began to examine it.

«This is definitely a trap», I said, remembering the movies of the past.

«No», Aang said confidently, «Here, look.»

And picked it up. I, on the other hand, made a hand-face gesture. What for? And as if my expectations had been fulfilled, the room shook and the doors closed. At the same time, some kind of slime came out of the cracks. A mud because neither earth magic nor water magic could control it. The mud began to flow from the walls, so there was no way to jump to them.

The floor was also inaccessible to earth magic. Looking up, I saw a metal grate. A second to think and the plan was ready.

«Climb up!» I yelled and jumped first.

Aang followed right behind me, and Zuko was right behind him. Moments after reaching the top, I hit the grate. It was well cleared, but not completely, so I had it under control. A few kicks and the grate bent enough for me to get through.

Aang dove in right behind me. But Zuko didn't fit. I had to make hole wider. But it wasn't long before the savages started coming at us. Honestly, real savages. True, they were calm and did not rush to attack us.

«Who are you, strangers?» the fattest of them asked.

«I am an Avatar», Aang said proudly, sticking out his chest, «And we have come to learn more about fire magic.»

«An Avatar, you say?» they looked at each other, «And who are they to you?»

«They are my friends», Aang nodded. Although I sensed that he was lying. Yes, and understandably so.

«Okay», he said after a moment of thought, «But only two can be trained at a time. And it's dangerous.»

«Will you wait a while?» he asked her, struck by a sudden idea.

«Only if it's not too long», said the fattest one, looking at each other again.

«I'll be right back», and hurried back to the camp.

If it's just the two of us, then Azula is the only possible candidate. It took me about five minutes to get to the camp and I saw an interesting scene. Everything was torn up and the «Everything» was on fire. Girls were not far away. They were actively exchanging fire, and although Azula was clearly in the lead, Toph «Did not fall in the mud» and fought back well enough.

I didn't have much time, so I jumped to the center, sent a few pulses, and twisted them both.

«Stop fighting, now is not the time», I pulled them up and freed Toph, «Toph, go find Soku. If there are any injuries, bring him to me. I'll treat him.»

Toph ran to where the camp was. Is this where Katara is when you need her? Okay, no time for her now.

«How did you sleep?» I asked calmly, as if the fight hadn't just happened.

«Fine, until that kid came in», Azula snorted.

«I have suggest» I asked. «There is a way to improve your magic. Interested?» I don't even need to check her pulse to know she's interested.

«What's the catch?» she asked with interest, «Losing your powers afterwards? Sacrificing an infant? Death during the augmentation?»

«The last one», I scratched the back of my head «You can die there», I paused «Are you in?»

«We'll deal with it on the spot», she nodded. I released her «And you believed me?» she asked in surprise.

«Let's go. We'll talk about the rest later. Time is limited.»

There was no more talking and we ran. Still the same five minutes, and we had already caught everyone in the distance. Catching up to them wasn't a problem, but calming Zuko and Aang, quietly and especially without words, was much harder. But I managed.

During our journey, I told Azula everything that had happened to us. And she was very amused by the sight of a barefoot Zuko. That's how I found out that she called him Zuzu. It was so funny that I started to understand Azula.

All in all, I liked Azula as a conversationalist. Maybe it appeals to the anchor in me to talk to her, but those are still my feelings. It's just that when they're related to Azula, they're amplified.

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