Chapter 61
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I felt good. I felt good because I didn't feel any pain. But I remembered where I was, so I had to gather my will in my fist, open my eyes, and slowly stand up. It didn't work the first time, but I managed it. Looking around, I saw Azula. She didn't look well. But when I saw her hands, I was stunned.

They were charcoal, with almost no fingers. It wasn't hard to guess who had helped me. So I picked her up in my arms and went downstairs. I wanted to be told all about it, but when I saw Azula's condition, I abruptly stopped asking questions.

«If the fire goes out, do the Dragon Dance», I looked at Aang, «If it doesn't, do the Dragon Dance anyway. You'll be fine.»

And I walked past them towards the camp. It was hard to walk, but I walked. After collecting some water from the air, I healed myself and as I walked, I began to treat Azula. As it turned out, she was hurt much worse than she looked. After all, she was the one who redirected my magic.

But she did it roughly, nearly burning her hands and charring her qi channels. The channels were the main problem. I only knew how to treat them in theory, since I had no practice. But I did.

Every channel, every chakra, every knot is connected to something. It can be anything, but if one is damaged, they suffer together. Treat them together. The whole problem was that the channels took much longer to heal. And the body tended to resemble energy, so the damage had to be constantly healed.

When he returned to the camp, I asked Toph to get some buckets of water and Soku to get some food. I set up a tent on the ground, brought Azula inside, and began to treat her.

First of all, the pain. It is the main cause of mental fatigue, which must be restored first. Next, to remove the dead spots. These were only on the hands. But there were a lot of them. The fingers were almost gone, and there was only a third of the flesh left on the palms. Of course, I won't be able to restore them all at once, at least not for a month, if I don't want to ruin her body. Right now, I need to let the body know that I need to rebuild it. To do that, at least a little bit, I need to make a model.

A skeleton, for starters. Each bone is unique in its structure. But there are some areas that are not even different from person to person. That's what I reconstructed by taking material from her other bones. It took me a few hours to grow the base to which everything will be attached.

Next, the skin. Man's primary defense. Growing it was no problem. I just did what I did with the skeleton. The flesh was more of a challenge. The interweaving of brown and white muscle is unique to each person, so there is also a small percentage of pink fibers.

I just copied the amount from my own. Except their volume was minimal, making his arms look more like a skeleton. Tendons, layers of fat, nerves, vessels, joints.

It was all intertwined in a damn complicated way. But I went more along the lines of my palm, restoring only the bare minimum. All this was done to convince the organism that it had hands and that they should be restored. For thirty hours I agonized, but I succeeded.

The organism accepted the limbs and began to maintain and restore them. It was a victory, after which I took some food and sleeping bags, after which I fed the unconscious Azula and ate myself, wrapped Azula in one sleeping bag and lay down in the second. And fallen to sleep immediately.

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