Chapter 62 (POV Team Avatar)
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POV Team Avatar

«What happened?» Katara asked excitedly as Aang and Zuko walked in. While their faces were animated at first, they tensed at Katara's intonation.

«What are you talking about?» asked Aang seriously.

«Yoko brought an unconscious Azula and locked herself in the tent», she nodded at them, «I wasn't there at the time, but Toph said she was badly hurt.»

«We don't know», Zuko lowered his head and clenched his fists, «Everything was fine at first. We got to the cliff and started the fire», Zuko looked away, «Yoko volunteered to go first so as not to endanger Aang. Everything was fine until the end. Until he collapsed and started crying. We wanted to help them, but the Sun Warriors wouldn't let us.»

«Coming down from the top is a very important part of the tradition», Aang told the fattest warrior, «We couldn't help him.»

«In the end, he was somehow helped by Azula», Zuko closed his eyes, remembering the moment, «As you know, she has a blue flame. It's much hotter than my yellow one», he shrugged from the picture, «We don't know how or why, but a column of red flame shot up from her. And it was even hotter than Azula's blue.»

«But he's healthy, so why didn't he react to anything?» she asked, confused, unable to bear the pause.

«I don't know», Aang shook his head, «But he came down with Azula in his arms, who had black stumps instead of arms.»

«She deserves it.», Katara said. She really didn't like that psychotic bitch.

«You know, Katara», Aang said, putting a hand on Zuko's shoulder, for he was only holding himself back by sheer force of will, «Whatever she did before, she's still Zuko's sister. And whatever you think of her, she saved Yoko», he looked at her judiciously, «And he's the one who gave you your mother back. He was the one who gave us the scrolls about water and earth magic. He was Toph's teacher. It was because of him that we had no casualties, and it was only because he distracted the fire people that we were able to escape unnoticed», Aang exclaimed expressively, «He even risked his life during this training so that we would have a better chance. In the process of saving him, Azula was injured. That doesn't undo her past crimes, but at least she deserves some compassion.»

Katara's eyes filled with tears as she listened to Aang. How can Aang not understand? Yes, on the one hand, he's right. But one act on her part can't undo everything she's done. Reach out your hand, and she'll bite it all the way to your elbow.

After listening to him, she turned and walked towards the sea. Tears choked her. Why didn't he understand her? She was evil and had proven it more than once. She's the reason Aang can't enter the Avatar state right now. And he's protecting her! Zuko is also good. He could have said something. But he didn't! He didn't say a word.

Aang looked at Katara, wondering what he had done wrong. But Toph came up to them and pulled him out of his thoughts.

«How is he?» he asked Toph, taking in her features.

«He's fine», she nodded, «But Azula's arms are almost gone», Zuko gritted his teeth.

«I see», the Avatar said sullenly and took a seat near the fire. Soka was there as well.

«You know», Soka said surprised, «On my travels, I've interacted with many people. I've heard many stories. But then, during the attack, he showed the unimaginable. He practically destroyed the entire palace single-handedly. Then, during the attack, I wondered where such a powerful mage was hiding. It wasn't until recently that I was able to find out who he was and what he was doing», interested, Toph, Zuko and Aang turned to listen «Do you remember Bumi talking about the magic monster?» everyone nodded except Zuko «And do you remember the head of Dai Li talking about Ares, the leader of the Fifteenth Squad?» everyone nodded and Zuko's eyes widened at the guess

«On Kyoshi Island, we heard that their leader was almost forty. At the North Pole, Katara spoke of a genius in water magic and healing. And in the Earth Realm, there were tales of a blood demon. But does anyone remember Hama? She said she had a son. It is for him that she is avenging», Soka stirred the fire and everyone stepped forward with impatience, «Aang, blood magic is the pinnacle of the water magic school?» Aang nodded «Toph, metal magic is also the pinnacle?» she nodded slowly «Then I guess I was right. Yoka is indeed almost forty. He is most likely the son of Hama and she was the master of the Water School.

He is the one who is the genius from the North Pole in water magic. It's just that he's found a way to not age. He is the one who turned the greatest victory of the Fire Warriors into the bloodiest. He is the leader of the Fifteenth Squad.

It was his seven-man squad that completely stopped the Fire Nation's advance. He is the one who saved the entire island of Kyoshi. And finally, he almost completely destroyed the entire Fire Nation infrastructure, protected all the palace assassins, and took Azula hostage.

He did so much for the victory that no other nation had done. And he was alone.»

Everyone sat there as if they had been hit over the head with a flour sack. They wanted to know about Yoko's past, but they weren't ready. Only Aang had something to add.

«We shouldn't have sent Hama to prison», everyone paled, including Zuko.

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