I slept well. And waking up with a beautiful girl lying on top of me is doubly pleasant. But I have to get up. And wake Azula to eat. Because after my treatment she was very thin and pale.
I was in a good mood, so I decided to make a joke. As I stood up, I took a lock of her hair and tickled her nose. She wrinkled her nose and sneezed. Of course, she was wide awake. And looking at me like that, not good.
«Time to get up», I said with a smile, «You need to eat more now. To regenerate your arms», after saying that, she looked at them. And even though they were thin and weak, they were there. And then she looked at me in a strange way. It was the first time I'd ever seen that look, «Thanks for helping», she nodded at me, «Can you walk?»
«Sure», she replied hoarsely.
Apparently not only hungry, but thirsty as well. I gave her my hand. After some hesitation, she was still cautious, but gave me her palm. Well, at least a little, but I had earned her trust. Gently I lifted her up and we walked towards the exit. Impulse. And the wall came down. And the sun hits us in the eye. Dawn.
The sound of the wall coming down woke Toph immediately.
«Yoko?» she asked. Only my name had a startling effect. Everyone woke up immediately. And I wouldn't say that Toph was loud.
«Who else would be?» I asked rhetorically, «Do you have anything to eat»
«Yeah, here», Soka said dully, pointing to the cauldron next to him. What's that for? I looked at Azula. And noticed that I was still holding her hand. It looks different from the outside, but I don't think anyone noticed that her legs were shaking. Without thinking, I pulled Azula towards me and took her, stepping back towards the fire. There were benches and a table.
«Can you eat by yourself?» I asked her as we sat down and I poured us some food. She glanced over at the group of people watching us and nodded, «Okay.»
From there we ate in silence. Her body was at its limit and needed to rest. We finished the cauldron we had in about fifteen minutes. And it was almost full, and should have been for all of us. Yes. But even though we ate it all, I felt like I wanted more. And so did Azula. Except our bellies are already round from how much we ate. But that's a solvable problem.
Sitting in the lotus position, I collected some water and concentrated. Go through the meridians and focus on the stomach. It doesn't need to be treated, no. Just make it work faster and more efficiently. We can only digest up to ten percent of what we eat. But I can get it up to 40. And my stomach can digest food more quickly.
Half an hour and my stomach is empty. When I opened my eyes, I noticed that Azula was sitting next to me, looking at me. Hmmm, this way her recovery will be faster.
«Lie on your back», I said. She raised an eyebrow in surprise, «I figured out how to make you heal faster.»
After that she lay down without question. It took me an hour to work on her. It wasn't enough to just increase her efficiency, it was also necessary to repair the damage more actively. Yes, if you give your body a break, you can heal it in a week and a half to two weeks. So that's good news. Just don't do it all the time. You can wear out your body and you'll have big problems in your old age. I think three times a day is enough.
«That's it, you can get up», I stepped back and kneaded my arms, «Now I'll do this for two weeks, three times a day. You should be fully recovered by then.»
«At least that's the good news», she snorted.
«And you know what the bad news is?» I decided to tell her anyway. But she looked me straight in the eyes. «Magic is off limits for the next month, unless you want to lose it altogether. As is physical activity.»
«Is that all, or is there anything else I should expect?» she asked, somehow even indifferent.
«That's all for now», I said, «You should lie down. Do you want me to take you back?»
«No», he said, getting up and going into the tent. Yes, business.
I looked at the empty kettle. Eh. We ate everything and the boys are getting up. We need to cook something. I took it and went to the bank. I washed it and got some water. I concentrated and caught a big fish. We'll have soup tonight. There I cut the fish and took out all the bones and entrails. The water is from the sea, so there's no need for salt. I came back and put it on the fire. It was almost out, so I put some wood on it.
I was too lazy to wait for it to get hot, so I inhaled and sent a jet of flame into the fire. It was lucky that I was sitting with my back to the boys. The jet of flame was three meters wide, so the fire burned in an instant, the entire mass of the pot vaporized, and from me to the sea there was a cloud of red-hot earth.
I looked at my hands. They were fine, but my hair was burned. I touched my face. No eyebrows, no eyelashes, no hair. The clothes were burned too. I scratched the bald back of my head, wrapped the basin in dirt, took out a red cauldron. I turned it this way and that. Now there were no earth impurities in it. They too had evaporated. I scratched the back of my head again and turned to everyone. They froze and looked at me with wide eyes.
«I think I'm having trouble controlling fire,» and to demonstrate, I wanted to light a flame on my finger, and it turned out to be a three meter long jet of red flame, «Hmmm.»
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